Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

I am sorry! I really am. Nobody should have to go through life saddled with liberalism, but I guess you are just too stupid to rehabilitate.

Have a nice life. Goodbye!
You know that guy in your avatar, Marion Morrison, did not serve in WWII. Like so many Republicans, he got a deferment.

Age 34 with 4 kids. Deferment granted.
No shame in that dude.

And congrats on the 4 kids.

Not me! John Wayne.

I served 23 years active and reserve.
Confirmed bachelor?

Why would you say that?

I happen to have three wonderful children. One served a tour in the Army in Afghanistan, another worked many years as a TSA officer, and the youngest is getting her commission in the Army in 3 months. A daughter-in-law and son-in-law also served.
She can't help it...

Below is how she has her personal homestead deeded...


Very nice place in a great location I might add...
^^^ People who love what they have to say do not speak for the rest of us, therefore, if you do not want to deal with any form of negativity, keep your mouth shut until you do want to deal with any form of negativity because everyone has the right to put their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!


Don't even bother Holly, Pogo is just too much of a retard to grasp the concept that none of us are saying Natalie wasn't free to speak her mind. We are simply saying that there can be push back for doing so.
Happens all the time, just depends on whose ox is gored, and who is the one doing it.
You or I speak out, no one gives a fuck because we are not high profile, and we don't come with a microphone a stage and the media.

You and I and most get it, Pogo just doesn't have the ability to.
Maybe if you libs
What makes you believe I am a "lib" ? ? ? I have voted Republican right up to and including for GWB , twice . I spent more time and money on aiding Dr. Ron Paul's campaign in 08 than all the other political efforts I've ever done . . . I did vote for Obama , twice , but that is because GWB was such a train wreck and McCain bragged that he voted in Senate about 95% with Bush's plans . Unfortunately , Mr. 47% Mitt Romney stuck his foot in his own mouth too many times and was rightfully soundly defeated . Look , I haven't left the GOP , they left me and all the other true political conservatives . Take the GOP's continued resistance to ending the , now 76 year long war on citizens who enjoy cannabis . That don't seem very "less government / more freedom" like . Plus there are upward of 30 million of us tokers , many of us would be glad to support conservative political candidates , if they didn't have a damn war against us ;/)
^^^ People who love what they have to say do not speak for the rest of us, therefore, if you do not want to deal with any form of negativity, keep your mouth shut until you do want to deal with any form of negativity because everyone has the right to put their two cents out there.

God bless you always!!!


Don't even bother Holly, Pogo is just too much of a retard to grasp the concept that none of us are saying Natalie wasn't free to speak her mind. We are simply saying that there can be push back for doing so.
Happens all the time, just depends on whose ox is gored, and who is the one doing it.
You or I speak out, no one gives a fuck because we are not high profile, and we don't come with a microphone a stage and the media.

You and I and most get it, Pogo just doesn't have the ability to.
Exactly. Like I said earlier, if a person can't take the heat that might come up, they shouldn't be in the kitchen until they can take it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Thank you so much by the way. :) :) :)
none of us are saying Natalie wasn't free to speak her mind. We are simply saying that there can be push back for doing so.

Where the fuck do you get off dictating "push back" for what somebody else says to somebody other-else about their own state? In a whole different fucking country?

Remember how you couldn't explain your whole "comfort to the enemy" canard? This is another one of those.

See, this is why I don't bother with your dumb-shit posts. They're made of intellectual cheeze whiz.
^^^ Actually if you really didn't bother, we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place because you wouldn't continue to write to us. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Where the fuck do you get off dictating "push back" for what somebody else says to somebody other-else about their own state? In a whole different fucking country?

Remember how you couldn't explain your whole "comfort to the enemy" canard? This is another one of those.

See, this is why I don't bother with your dumb-shit posts. They're made of intellectual cheeze whiz.
Lol, as if.....

See what I mean? You can't answer this one either. You're bankrupt already.
^^^ Actually if you really didn't bother, we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place because you wouldn't continue to write to us. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


So you'd like to float all sorts of fabrications out there and never get called on 'em.

Ain't gonna happen.
Where the fuck do you get off dictating "push back" for what somebody else says to somebody other-else about their own state? In a whole different fucking country?

Remember how you couldn't explain your whole "comfort to the enemy" canard? This is another one of those.

See, this is why I don't bother with your dumb-shit posts. They're made of intellectual cheeze whiz.
Lol, as if.....

See what I mean? You can't answer this one either. You're bankrupt already.
Bankrupt? I had so many rejoinders that I couldnt choose from among them and just decided to punt instead, doofus.
^^^ Actually if you really didn't bother, we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place because you wouldn't continue to write to us. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

So you'd like to float all sorts of fabrications out there and never get called on 'em.

Ain't gonna happen.
If you or anyone else want to call me out on anything that I have to say about anything, I can't stop you. It doesn't make a difference to me if anyone does or not. When a person says anything about anything, it can go either way. People may respond in one way or another, or they may not respond at all period. I just go with the flow as it comes or doesn't come. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Maybe if you libs
What makes you believe I am a "lib" ? ? ? I have voted Republican right up to and including for GWB , twice . I spent more time and money on aiding Dr. Ron Paul's campaign in 08 than all the other political efforts I've ever done . . . I did vote for Obama , twice , but that is because GWB was such a train wreck and McCain bragged that he voted in Senate about 95% with Bush's plans . Unfortunately , Mr. 47% Mitt Romney stuck his foot in his own mouth too many times and was rightfully soundly defeated . Look , I haven't left the GOP , they left me and all the other true political conservatives . Take the GOP's continued resistance to ending the , now 76 year long war on citizens who enjoy cannabis . That don't seem very "less government / more freedom" like . Plus there are upward of 30 million of us tokers , many of us would be glad to support conservative political candidates , if they didn't have a damn war against us ;/)

Why did you claim not to be a lib and then spend the rest of your post proving that you are a lib? :lol:
You said: "a nation that scarcely notices their absence ."
I maintain that our nation pays scarce attention / respect to veterans . About Vietnam vets , they came home to famously little welcome .
Disregarding Natalie's famous one sentence rant about GWB , , , , do your like the song "Travelin Soldier" ? ? It is maybe my favorite Dixie Chick song , but then I like CCR's "Fortunate Son" too .

Anyway , all one has to do is tune into Fox news to hear daily diatribes about the President of the United States . . . as compared to Natalie's one sentence .
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^^^ Actually if you really didn't bother, we wouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place because you wouldn't continue to write to us. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

So you'd like to float all sorts of fabrications out there and never get called on 'em.

Ain't gonna happen.
If you or anyone else want to call me out on anything that I have to say about anything, I can't stop you. It doesn't make any difference to me if anyone does or not. When a person says anything about anything, it can go either way. People may respond in one way or another, or you may not get any response at all period.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


Correct, you cannot stop it. Nothing is more important than the Truth.
Learn that.

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