Big Win For Lake

Qdog. You'd do better to respond to the post than to rewrite it according to what suits your convoluted mind. I hope you're not getting paid for your weak performance.
That was the point I made in the post that YOU replied to.

Care to try again? Do you think Kari Lake is going to be declared the winner?
Hopefully the next court ruling will put the real governor in the state Capitol building.
Lake *claims* to have enough bogus signatures on "absentee" ballots to exceed the margin of "victory", and subsequently get all of Maricopa thrown out over the mathematical impossibility to determine a winner.
Lake *claims* to have enough bogus signatures on "absentee" ballots to exceed the margin of "victory", and subsequently get all of Maricopa thrown out over the mathematical impossibility to determine a winner.
I wonder how many of your fellow retards are going to believe that.
I wonder how many of your fellow retards are going to believe that.

I wonder why you hate democracy?

Apparently, you are really repulsed by true democracy.
You, know, that annoying thingy where people can object to political agendas and miscarriages of justice, even if they could be wrong, but especially if they are right but facing oppression?

You want them face a firing squad if they protest (unarmed) at the Capital OR if they use the proper steps in the Justice System.

Just burns your diaper doesn't it?
What's that you say? "Just shut up and Goose step as ordered!" ?
Yeah, and Heil Hitler to you too.
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I wonder why you hate democracy?
I don’t. The person who won should be declared the winner.

Apparently, you are really repulsed by true democracy.
You, know, that annoying thingy where people can object to political agendas and miscarriages of justice, even if they could be wrong, but especially if they are right but facing oppression?
You can object to anything and I can object to whatever you object to. Isn’t it great?

You want them face a firing squad if they protest (unarmed) at the Capital OR if they use the proper steps in the Justice System.
Did I say anything about them facing a firing squad? How about you try backing that up you lying sack of shit?

Just burns your diaper doesn't it?
What's that you say? "Just shut up and Goose step as ordered!" ?
Yeah, and Heil Hitler to you too.
This probably sounded better in your head. You probably should have thought this out more thoroughly before making this emotional rant based on a ridiculous lie like an overly dramatic crybaby whining about…something.

Kari Lake gets big win from Arizona Supreme Court!​

She will now be able to conduct signature verification on ballots. Thousands of ballots were approved in violation of legal requirements. Kari is a real fighter!

She fucking lost the fucking election. Get the fuck over it.
That's not a near total loss. She has a chance to prove her allegation. Why are you against that? The Republican 'establishment wing' is not to be trusted.

Arizona Court Declines Most of Kari Lake's Appeal Over Governor's Race.

PHOENIX — The Arizona Supreme Court has declined to hear most of Republican Kari Lake’s appeal in a challenge of her defeat in the governor’s race, but revived a claim that was dismissed by a trial court.

In an order Wednesday, the state’s highest court said a lower-court had erroneously dismissed Lake’s claim challenging the application of signature verification procedures on early ballots in Maricopa County. The court sent the claim back to a trial court to consider.

Not really a win at all. One allegation that is now being sent back to the lower court for reconsideration. Should that court agree the original decision, Lake is dead the water. This does not anything unless or until such a time as the lower court makes it decision.

The court will be loath to reconsider as well. Lake did not provide any real evidence at all, just second and third hand hearsay.
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What is NOT being discussed is that Lake will have to pay for this out her own pocket. One allegation. Just one. She fucking lost the fucking election.
So what?

Unless Lake is going to do some sucker punching for bucks to raise money to do the count she will have to pay for it out of her own pocket, this could a very costly and in the end very vain attempt to prove nothing.

The results of the election will still stand. She fucking lost the fucking election. There is no real guarantee the lower court will rule in her favor. Right now she spinning her wheels This not a sign of forward movement for her. She has not really won a damn thing. Katie Hobbs will still be governor and Lake will come off a bitchy ass whiner.
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She must be nearly over the target because dems are demanding she be arrested. Maybe they can get Fat Al Bragg on that one too.

When did Democrats demand she be arrested.

On what basis is the demand being made

When was this demand made and what are the names of Democrats who made this demand and where was this demand made. Post your fucking proof.
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The "Real" Governor (Katie Hobbs) is already in the Capitol. The results of the election will not be overturned.
Hobbs is just another globalist fraud elected by ballet harvesting operations funded by America's enemies.

Most Hobbs voters don't know they voted.

51% of Arizona say they voted for Lake while only 43% say they voted for Hobbs.

Kari Lake gets big win from Arizona Supreme Court!​

She will now be able to conduct signature verification on ballots. Thousands of ballots were approved in violation of legal requirements. Kari is a real fighter!

This is so much fun to watch....

Lake *claims* to have enough bogus signatures on "absentee" ballots to exceed the margin of "victory", and subsequently get all of Maricopa thrown out over the mathematical impossibility to determine a winner.

Lake claims a lot of things.

So, when did Az add signatures to ballots? I have never lived in a state where I had to sign the ballot.
This is so much fun to watch....

Americans faith in elections is gone.

Democrats think democracy is made up of 2 giant vote harvesting operations competing with each other to see who can gather and fill out the most ballets.

No need to campaign or care what voters think or want in Democrat democracy.

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