Bigger Failure, Bush or Trump

Who was the bigger failure?

  • Bush

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Trump

    Votes: 25 75.8%

  • Total voters

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
As I have pointed out, RWer belongs to his local Democratic Club and gets jobs by posting his bullshit.


But you have to realize that I am being critical of everyone on this thread. I have not seen a valid argument of any kind in the seven pages I (knowingly) wasted my time reading.

The same arguments will take place four years from now.

Who is setting up Joe Biden's report card so that at the end of four years, he can be evaluated. Did he do what he said he was going to do. Just what did he say ?

It will all be forgotten in the daily slop of fingerpointing and manufactured failures that have been present for 20 years.
GWB's view on Iraq was based his need to finish what his Dad started.

Cheney should have known better

He knew better as Sec Defense under Bush 41
All Cheney cared about was his stocks.
I've never been sure. I disliked him back in the 80s
The Bushes and Cheney go way back and are all scumbags.
too broad a brush, my friend. Jim Baker would not have approved the invasion, and Brent Snowcroft sure didn't. I never trusted cheney because he's a cheap crook. He was "Halliburton's Rep." But he bought into the Wolfowitz Kristol bs, and he wasn't there in HW's admin. Something changed him.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
As I have pointed out, RWer belongs to his local Democratic Club and gets jobs by posting his bullshit.
They can’t afford me

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
Still waiting for a substantive post on your part.

So far, all I see is you dropping turds.
Have any insight on either Bush or Trump?

I can see why you can’t hack it on this board. You are a legend in your own mind.
Orange Man Bad!
81 million voters can’t be wrong

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
As I have pointed out, RWer belongs to his local Democratic Club and gets jobs by posting his bullshit.
They can’t afford me
You live in the Upstate White Trash Region; they can afford you.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
Still waiting for a substantive post on your part.

So far, all I see is you dropping turds.
Have any insight on either Bush or Trump?

I can see why you can’t hack it on this board. You are a legend in your own mind.
Orange Man Bad!
81 million voters can’t be wrong
74 million voters can’t be wrong.

How many of the 81 million are overt High School dropouts, murderers, drug dealers and rapists?
10 million or so?

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
Still waiting for a substantive post on your part.

So far, all I see is you dropping turds.
Have any insight on either Bush or Trump?

I can see why you can’t hack it on this board. You are a legend in your own mind.

I think we all know that there isn't a single substantive post on this entire thread.

But, of course, you'll show me one and take the time to explain it.

For now, you seem to be in Saul Alinsky mode........

As has already been pointed out, there is no agreed upon criteria for making this kind of judgement. You have added nothing to that. So you simply post opinions based on what you want to be some kind of accepted criteria.....or is my don't even think about that.

Meaningful as it would be, you (and most others) seem bent on offering opinions only.

No real work goes into any of this.

Even the OP cites Robert Reich. Most people are going to know Reich is not an objective author of any kind.

I am sorry it upsets you that I point all this out. I can only surmise that your comment about being a legend is a projection on your part.
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.
there is no such animal as free trade with china

Its a mercantilist nation that tightly controls and carefully manages its economy

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks

Making empty claims seems to be your forte'.
Still waiting for a substantive post on your part.

So far, all I see is you dropping turds.
Have any insight on either Bush or Trump?

I can see why you can’t hack it on this board. You are a legend in your own mind.

I think we all know that there isn't a single substantive post on this entire thread.

But, of course, you'll show me one and take the time to explain it.

For now, you seem to be in Saul Alinsky mode........

As has already been pointed out, there is no agreed upon criteria for making this kind of judgement. You have added nothing to that. So you simply post opinions based on what you want to be some kind of accepted criteria.....or is my don't even think about that.

Meaningful as it would be, you (and most others) seem bent on offering opinions only.

No real work goes into any of this.

Even the OP cites Robert Reich. Most people are going to know Reich is not an objective author of any kind.

I am sorry it upsets you that I point all this out. I can only surmise that your comment about being a legend is a projection on your part.
RWer never posts anything meaningful.
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.

Still taking the "I'm Black" sweatshirt at face value it seems.

But, then again, you provided so many examples of what you've referenced.

Neither Bush nor Trump were fiscal conservatives. Bush proved that time and time again. The congress that went along with him wasn't conservative either.

As evidenced by the deficits they seemed willing to tolerate.

There was nothing that demanded they run up those kinds of numbers. Nothing.
Your view of Conservatives is an obvious fantasy
Nobody qualifies as a Conservative in your view.

In my view, they are all hypocrites willing to look the other way while “Their man” trampled on their so called values
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.
there is no such animal as free trade with china

Its a mercantilist nation that tightly controls and carefully manages its economy
tell that to the farmers. That's the rub. but neither the globalists or Trump solved the problem
I think we all know that there isn't a single substantive post on this entire thread.
I’ve read your posts
You bring nothing

At least the posters on this thread are addressing the topic.
You seem to be a legend in your own mind. Hardy worth responding to.
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.

Still taking the "I'm Black" sweatshirt at face value it seems.

But, then again, you provided so many examples of what you've referenced.

Neither Bush nor Trump were fiscal conservatives. Bush proved that time and time again. The congress that went along with him wasn't conservative either.

As evidenced by the deficits they seemed willing to tolerate.

There was nothing that demanded they run up those kinds of numbers. Nothing.
Your view of Conservatives is an obvious fantasy
Nobody qualifies as a Conservative in your view.

In my view, they are all hypocrites willing to look the other way while “Their man” trampled on their so called values
YOur post actually supports what RW said!
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.

Still taking the "I'm Black" sweatshirt at face value it seems.

But, then again, you provided so many examples of what you've referenced.

Neither Bush nor Trump were fiscal conservatives. Bush proved that time and time again. The congress that went along with him wasn't conservative either.

As evidenced by the deficits they seemed willing to tolerate.

There was nothing that demanded they run up those kinds of numbers. Nothing.
Your view of Conservatives is an obvious fantasy
Nobody qualifies as a Conservative in your view.

In my view, they are all hypocrites willing to look the other way while “Their man” trampled on their so called values

More unqualified claims with a conclusion that starts out "in my view"....and is, in no way, supported by your first two silly statements.
I think we all know that there isn't a single substantive post on this entire thread.
I’ve read your posts
You bring nothing

At least the posters on this thread are addressing the topic.
You seem to be a legend in your own mind. Hardy worth responding to.

More projection on your part.

I get that you don't like being told you are contributing to mass stupidity.

And feel free to not respond. It's your right.

I like that you respond. It only further proves my point.

BTW: There is no topic. It is a manufactured fallacy.

Obama gave the nation eight years of stable leadership without the crisis and drama we got out of Bush and Trump.

That is why America turned to Biden

What Obama did during his time in office is not as easily summed up as this.

And to say we had no drama with Obama (and this, of course, assumes I even know what you are referencing since you don't provide it yourself) is untrue.

And your final statement (conclusion) in now way follows or is provable based on your first.

But, then again, most good conclusions are the result of thoughtful arguments that are logically solid.

You have neither. have yet to make a valid argument in this thread

You need to raise your game

I think the more general statement is that there has not one valid argument made in this thread.

I already pointed out the fallacies in yours.

Of course, all you did was reach a argument at all (invalid or otherwise).
Still waiting for you to bring something valid to the table.
Either a valid point or rebuttal.

So far, you are shooting blanks
I been shooting blanks for almost 40 years. Be thankful
Bush was a conservative ? Which you didn't like. Can you please tell me how a conservative (a true conservative) takes a near zero deficit and explodes it into a massive deficit

Ron Reagan is a Conservative icon.
He tripled the deficit.

Point is.....Conservatives only care about deficits when Democrats are running them

And once again, it seems you need it explained to you.

If Bush wears a sweatshirt that say's "I'm Black", you know that isn't true based on what you see.

Bush (or Reagan) can wear a sweatshirt that says I am fiscally conservative....and you know it isn't true based on what you see.

But, you somehow think you can redefine conservatives.

Point say only that which fits your failed arguments.

You are a prime example, as evidenced by your many intellectually lacking posts, of the kind of thoughtless poster that roams this forum.
Conservatives don‘t seem to be consistent in their values.

They oppose deficits, unless a Conservative President runs them up
They support free trade, unless a Conservative President slaps on tariffs
They support the Constitution, unless it relates to free speech or Civil Rights
They support States Rights, unless a state opposes their point of view.

Still taking the "I'm Black" sweatshirt at face value it seems.

But, then again, you provided so many examples of what you've referenced.

Neither Bush nor Trump were fiscal conservatives. Bush proved that time and time again. The congress that went along with him wasn't conservative either.

As evidenced by the deficits they seemed willing to tolerate.

There was nothing that demanded they run up those kinds of numbers. Nothing.
Your view of Conservatives is an obvious fantasy
Nobody qualifies as a Conservative in your view.

In my view, they are all hypocrites willing to look the other way while “Their man” trampled on their so called values
YOur post actually supports what RW said!

Please make the connection for me.

While there is no agreed upon definition of conservative, fiscal responsibility is pretty much a commonly accepted component of almost any defintion.

Do they exist. You bet they do. Rightwinger just needs to preserve his boogeyman.
GWB, one of the worst presidents in US history. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected stimulus and left with a total financial meltdown and a massive gov deficit shortfall. Add in 2 failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the failed Katrina respionse and you have a typical GOP presidency... total failure.

Trump, one of the most insane presidents in US history. The Trump Covid "plan"/response will go down as the biggest blunder in the entire history of America... What a feat. On top of that Trump has bankrupted the US government leaving us with crippling deficits and an economy reliant on multi-trillion dollar aid packages.

Which president is the bigger failure, it is a very hard question to answer. I am leaning Bush, but they are both so bad...

Although neither of these men were good presidents there is major difference between them.
GWB had a strong sense of morality and empathy but lacked the management and diplomatic skills needed so he trusted others who simple provided bad advice which he followed. Trump on the other hand, is totally lacking in empathy or morality and unlike GWB, trusted no one. He ran his administration exactly the way he ran the the Trump Organization making decisions that he believed served his own interests, not that of the nation. In short, he's sociopath and conman.

I wonder how different the Bush administration would have been w/out Cheney.
Just as bad...the Bushes are elitists who don't give a shit about anybody but themselves.
Trump isn't an elitist? What rock you living under?
Just because he was the first person in the US since prior to Reagan to put his ass on the line for US citizens as opposed to India and China?
Stick your Liberal crap where it belongs.
He failed miserably. His tariffs hurt our manufacturing, and we still buy a whole lot from China.

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