Bikers Roll to Soldier Funerals To Drown Out Protesters

The ClayTaurus said:
The Westboro church teaches that God is a hateful God, and not a loving God. Their view is that, in order for us to truly understand what love is, we have to be intensely hated first. :wtf:

I'm pretty sure Phelps is almost dead. One can only hope it happens soon.

Seeing the children in that first pic is depressing :(

I cant help but wonder if this whole "church" is a result of inbreeding. Shallow gene pools make for shallow thinking sometimes.
I wonder how those butt-f--k a$$holes would react if people showed up at gay people's funerals with signs like "Thank God for STDs!!!"?
KarlMarx said:
I wonder how those butt-f--k a$$holes would react if people showed up at gay people's funerals with signs like "Thank God for STDs!!!"?
They do. It's the same group of retards.
CSM said:
I cant help but wonder if this whole "church" is a result of inbreeding. Shallow gene pools make for shallow thinking sometimes.
The best part is, someone broke into their "complex" a couple years ago and actually detonated an IED. But that wasn't an IED to be thankful for. I should try and find the article about how IED's are God's way of spreading retribution, but the one that blew up inside Westboro, that one was different. It was special. It was from the devil, not God. God wasn't trying to tell them anything.

Phelps is an evil, psychotic man who's ego went unchecked for far too long, and now he's found a heard of sheep to fuck his vitriole into. Sad.
If I ever happen to come across this activity, rest assured I’ll be arrested for assualt. :mad:
I'm going to start checking their web site every day for pickets in Georgia. If there's ever one I can make it to, somebody's getting a nut shot, and I NEVER nut shot somebody unless I really mean it.

Those bikers are pretty awesome. I mean, bikers got a pretty bad rap from gangs like Hell's Angelsrson and crap, but when I had my car wreck in the middle of nowhere, the only people who stopped to help were the hardcore, leather clad bikers. They're OK in my book.
Thats one of the most terrible things I've ever heard. My God, at funerals no less. What makes we most upset is seeing the children. They've probably been brainwashed with this their entire lives.

Hobbit said:
I'm going to start checking their web site every day for pickets in Georgia. If there's ever one I can make it to, somebody's getting a nut shot, and I NEVER nut shot somebody unless I really mean it.
In some ways I'm surprised I'm saying this, but I'm completely with you on this one Hobbit
Hobbit said:
I'm going to start checking their web site every day for pickets in Georgia. If there's ever one I can make it to, somebody's getting a nut shot, and I NEVER nut shot somebody unless I really mean it.

Those bikers are pretty awesome. I mean, bikers got a pretty bad rap from gangs like Hell's Angelsrson and crap, but when I had my car wreck in the middle of nowhere, the only people who stopped to help were the hardcore, leather clad bikers. They're OK in my book.
Maybe we'll share a cell, and I know an attorney that'll spring us.
Where are the damn police? They should get rid of this vermin. Since when is it legal to picket and protest at someone's private FUNERAL? :mad:
ScreamingEagle said:
Where are the damn police? They should get rid of this vermin. Since when is it legal to picket and protest at someone's private FUNERAL? :mad:
They're picketing off church property. Phelps and his cohorts are very up on what's legal as far as protesting goes.
ScreamingEagle said:
Where are the damn police? They should get rid of this vermin. Since when is it legal to picket and protest at someone's private FUNERAL? :mad:
I just looked at their web site and they protested at the King funeral here too.
These are some sick FUCKS.

BTW...I never heard a word of it on the news, but to read their boost they were interviewed by EVERYONE. Yeah, right.
These people are insane. Who protests at a funeral? And even though their hearts seem to be in the right place, who wants a bunch of motorcycle revving at their loved one's funeral? Motorcycles are incredibly loud--so loud that you can't even hear yourself think. Who wants that?
Hagbard Celine said:
These people are insane. Who protests at a funeral? And even though their hearts seem to be in the right place, who wants a bunch of motorcycle revving at their loved one's funeral? Motorcycles are incredibly loud--so loud that you can't even hear yourself think. Who wants that?
They have the cycles off, they're blocking the protestors from view of those at the funerals, not drowning them out with motorcycle exhaust.
Hagbard Celine said:
These people are insane. Who protests at a funeral? And even though their hearts seem to be in the right place, who wants a bunch of motorcycle revving at their loved one's funeral? Motorcycles are incredibly loud--so loud that you can't even hear yourself think. Who wants that?
She did!
"We were glad that the Patriot Guard Riders were there," said Jackie Pfender, the soldier's stepmother. "This group of protesters wanted to put something negative on Jonathan's funeral. In actuality, it became a positive thing because of the support we had."

Patriot Guard members only show up at funerals if invited by family. Richard Wilbur, a retired police detective, said his Indiana Patriot Guard group came to the Pfender funeral at the family's request after protesters announced they planned to attend...
Hagbard Celine said:
These people are insane. Who protests at a funeral? And even though their hearts seem to be in the right place, who wants a bunch of motorcycle revving at their loved one's funeral? Motorcycles are incredibly loud--so loud that you can't even hear yourself think. Who wants that?

These protesters are full of hatred and evil. I feel so sorry for the families who are burying their loved ones.

But two points come to mind: Jimmy Carter engaged in a type of protest by the words he spoke at the King funeral. But that was deemed appropriate by Democrats.

And you can see right on this board that when so-called Christians go wacko, other Christians are quick to condemn the bahavior. If only the Islamists would do the same.
Abbey Normal said:
These protesters are full of hatred and evil. I feel so sorry for the families who are burying their loved ones.

But two points come to mind: Jimmy Carter engaged in a type of protest by the words he spoke at the King funeral. But that was deemed appropriate by Democrats.

And you can see right on this board that when so-called Christians go wacko, other Christians are quick to condemn the bahavior. If only the Islamists would do the same.

While both are inappropriate, I hardly think you can compare (yes, Darin, I know you can "compare" anything, so put whatever word you want there instead) the actions of Jimmy Carter to those of Westboro.
The ClayTaurus said:
While both are inappropriate, I hardly think you can compare (yes, Darin, I know you can "compare" anything, so put whatever word you want there instead) the actions of Jimmy Carter to those of Westboro.

They are both wrong, in the way that stealing and murder are very different in scale, but both are wrong. I did not suggest that they are on equal footing for obnoxiousness; of course they aren't. All of these people should be ashamed of themselves, but unfortunately they most likely never will be.
Abbey Normal said:
They are both wrong, in the way that stealing and murder are very different in scale, but both are wrong. I did not suggest that they are on equal footing for obnoxiousness; of course they aren't. All of these people should be ashamed of themselves, but unfortunately they most likely never will be.
I listened to a debate between Fred Phelps and another minister once... man, it's amazing the way some people's brains "think."
The ClayTaurus said:
I listened to a debate between Fred Phelps and another minister once... man, it's amazing the way some people's brains "think."

There must be a very "special place" in hell for people who preach hatred under the guise of religion.

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