Bikers Roll to Soldier Funerals To Drown Out Protesters

Mr. P said:
Limburger cheese on the manifold was always a nice touch, :) but now ya can’t get to the hood release. :cry:

you a-hole...are you my brother...he did that to me...had a hot date and it was my turn to use the 57 vet we bought was that a horrible and embarrassing date! I owe ya Mr.P...check your exhaust before your next road
Mr. P said:
Here's a REAL good one! Pull the coil wire about 1/2" out of the distributor (it's not noticable), that sucker will NEVER start, until someone pushes it back in, and it takes hours (sometimes) to finally figure it out and check all wires. So they have to tow it to the repair shop! :dev3:

Again, we must get under the hood. :cry:

Even if you got under the hood, most new cars have a crank trigger and a coil pack. Or one coil per cylinder. However, if you can locate the lead coming from the crank trigger, unplug that. Same effect as pulling the coil wire out half way... :thup:

Here's another one, find the fuel rail, since all new cars must be fuel injected. On the fuel rail somewhere there's a "Schreader Valve", like the valve stem on a tire, and it's used to check fuel pressure, relieve pressure, inject cleaner, whatever. Anyway, screw out the core just like a tire, and when they go to start their car, fuel will shoot all over under the hood. Lovely aye?

Or how about the old nail behind the tire trick? Or... most new cars have a fuel filter mounted somewhere just underneath the car either on the subframe or frame, usually easy to reach, and more likely than not the fuel line will have some type of quick disconnect that's easily disconnected with your bare hands. Disconnect that, and they'll have just enough gas left in the fuel line to get out into traffic before their car dies. Ha fucking ha! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

So... when do we start? :dance:
Pale Rider said:
Even if you got under the hood, most new cars have a crank trigger and a coil pack. Or one coil per cylinder. However, if you can locate the lead coming from the crank trigger, unplug that. Same effect as pulling the coil wire out half way... :thup:

Here's another one, find the fuel rail, since all new cars must be fuel injected. On the fuel rail somewhere there's a "Schreader Valve", like the valve stem on a tire, and it's used to check fuel pressure, relieve pressure, inject cleaner, whatever. Anyway, screw out the core just like a tire, and when they go to start their car, fuel will shoot all over under the hood. Lovely aye?

Or how about the old nail behind the tire trick? Or... most new cars have a fuel filter mounted somewhere just underneath the car either on the subframe or frame, usually easy to reach, and more likely than not the fuel line will have some type of quick disconnect that's easily disconnected with your bare hands. Disconnect that, and they'll have just enough gas left in the fuel line to get out into traffic before their car dies. Ha fucking ha! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

So... when do we start? :dance:

All true, but ya know what? Us older guys still have that ole time knowledge to
figure out the new stuff, fuel injection, coil pack etc..

I’ll start when these idiots come back around my area.

Oh, we haven’t even mentioned the radiator fluid yet, or the oil pan plug. :D
Mr. P said:
All true, but ya know what? Us older guys still have that ole time knowledge to
figure out the new stuff, fuel injection, coil pack etc..

I’ll start when these idiots come back around my area.

Oh, we haven’t even mentioned the radiator fluid yet, or the oil pan plug. :D

"Us older guys"... yeeeaaaahh, I guess I fit into that catagory being fifty. I wouldn't turn back the clock for anything though. I'm glad I've had as many years as I've had living in days past. They were better times.

Can you imagine what would have happened to these idiots had they showed up somewhere holding signs like they have during WWII Mr. P? Shit. A vigilante mob would have taken care of the problem on the spot.

But getting back to disabling vehicles, pretty much everything is operated by an ECM, (electronic control module), and you can see a lot of wires by just looking underneath a car. Hell, the transmission is pretty much controlled electrically. But don't worry about "unplugging" anything. That can take to much time. Just use a nice heavy set of side cutters and cut whatever wires and houses you can see, and that would be substantial. Huge repair bill too.

Sounds better evertime I hear it.

I've already gotten a news letter from the "PGR", and it seems that sometime in July they're having a national ride in and meeting in Texas. Would love to go, but getting time off in July in the motorcycle business is pretty hard to do, being in the hieght of the riding season. Maybe I could use an aunt or uncle died story... :D
Lots of links and good news!

Good news Monday

1. Phelps Acts French.

Todd G. sends the info that Fred Phelps and his "followers" didn't show up to Rickey Jones' funeral today.

Protesters skip Kokomo soldier's funeral
Associated Press
March 6, 2006

KOKOMO, Ind. — A barrier of citizens and police ringed a funeral service today for a soldier killed in Iraq in anticiaption for protesters who never came.
Gov. Mitch Daniels signed a bill into law Thursday that makes disorderly conduct within 500 feet of a funeral a felony. He said before the funeral that he hoped the legislation will help keep protesters at bay.

"I hope," he said. "In honesty, what will make a difference, is when the news media stops taking pictures of hate-filled people."...

Real thanks should go to the Patriot Guard Riders and others who went to the funeral to protect the Jones family. As one retired Sergeant Major told me recently, a finer group of vets and non-vets would be tough to find...

Andi has more on other efforts to protect the respect of a military funeral courtesy of the PGR.

2. Academics Get Schooled.

The Supreme Court of the United States of America (unamimously) tells a bunch of whiney elitist academics to allow military recruiters on campus.

Now, some law schools are offering to lead protests against military recruiters on campus. Of course, the military needs lawyers, but not that many lawyers.

..."We're disappointed with the legal outcome of the case ... but this unanimous opinion is a call to arms to the law school administrations across the country," says Chai Feldblum, a law professor at Georgetown University and a board member of FAIR. The organization hopes "to see every single law school helping students to organize protests" against military recruiters on campus, "because the Supreme Court has told us that the way to exercise our First Amendment beliefs is by speaking out more."...

Of course, getting rid of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy would be one way to see if that would change the attitude of certain academia towards the military. I doubt it.

3. Cindy Sheehan will need a new bathroom facility.

While Cindy Sheehan decided that protesting at hospitals where our wounded reside is a bad idea, she is still going to be protesting at military facilities in Germany. Apparently, Cindy decided that she won't need to use restrooms during her visit...

Soldiers' Angels Germany wants to spread the word of a counter-protest to Support Our Troops. If you know of people in Germany who would be interested is showing support for our troops and our friendship with Germany, send them this link to David's Medienkritik -

The Support the Troops rally is being organized by a German citizen. THANKS, Stefan!
Mr. P said:
Limburger cheese on the manifold was always a nice touch, :) but now ya can’t get to the hood release. :cry:
true, but you can still get to the air vent intake at the base of the windshield. That's a bitch to clean, if you can even get to it at all. Got one of my ex-boyfriends (long time ago) with a VERY rotten egg that had somehow been missed at the Easter hunt earlier that year. It sat in the crook of a tree all hot-humid-summer long... I'm so bad. :D

Then there's the ball bearings in the hubcap or lug cover.

My personal favorite, but only works on vehicles with an actual driveshaft. Ya know those plastic zip ties? Get the largest one(s) you can find. Hardware stores carry super-mondo ones, but if you can't find those, just string a few smaller ones together, and zip one around the drive shaft. Sit back and laugh yourself silly watching them get in and out of the vehicle trying to figure out what the noise is. The faster they go, the worse it sounds! -this joke is complements of my uncle Kyle, prankmaster of Northern MN....
Mr. P said:
Here's a REAL good one! Pull the coil wire about 1/2" out of the distributor (it's not noticable), that sucker will NEVER start, until someone pushes it back in, and it takes hours (sometimes) to finally figure it out and check all wires. So they have to tow it to the repair shop! :dev3:

Again, we must get under the hood. :cry:

That reminds me of the time I pulled the rotor out of a jerks distributor cap. As we were all leaving a party he threw one last insult towards me as he sat in his car, he then started cranking that thing over and I had to bite a hole in my cheek to keep from busting out laughing. I don't know if he ever figured it out.

My friend and I took it upon ourselves to make this guy's life a living hell. We made long distance calls across the country to Sears and stayed on the phone racking up the minutes. We loosened the crankcase drain plug on his car, just enough to where it came off halfway across a bridge 30 miles from the nearest town.
fuzzykitten99 said:
true, but you can still get to the air vent intake at the base of the windshield. That's a bitch to clean, if you can even get to it at all. Got one of my ex-boyfriends (long time ago) with a VERY rotten egg that had somehow been missed at the Easter hunt earlier that year. It sat in the crook of a tree all hot-humid-summer long... I'm so bad. :D

A great variation to that one is cat piss in the air intake. Take a few of the balls of piss in the scoopable litter. Put these in a jar and fill with liquid(get creative with the choice of liquid) and let it forment for a couple of months. Put a clothes pin on your nose and pour the contents of the jar into the air vent next to the windshield wipers. Try to keep it tidy so they aren't privy to where the smell is coming from. During the winter is best because they will need their heater and it will help cook the urine and pretty much destroy the car. Kinda like the Seinfeld B.O. episode, they won't be able to give the car away. :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
"I hope," he said. "In honesty, what will make a difference, is when the news media stops taking pictures of hate-filled people."...

Wow a politician who gets it.
sitarro said:
Way to go Pale, kick ass! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Patriot Guard Riders Mission Statement

The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security. If you share this respect, please join us.

We don’t care what you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a "hawk" or a "dove". It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is. You don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.

Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives.

1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.

2. Shield the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.

We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.


Directly above is the Patriot Guard Riders’ Mission Statement.

Please read it. If you don’t agree with it, please don’t join. If you’re looking for a group that protests, counter-protests or confronts any organization, you’re in the wrong place.

The PGR is not a protest group.

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