Bill Clinton, Epstein: The Truth is Out

Just-unsealed court documents from a civil lawsuit against deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, contain damning quotes about former President Bill Clinton and a revealing one about current President Donald Trump.

Four years ago, one of Epstein’s alleged sex slaves, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, sued Maxwell, accusing her of having recruited her to work as Epstein’s masseuse when she was only 15. On Thursday documents from the suit were unsealed, and quotes from the document appear to suggest the former president has some explaining to do.
View the full document below, or pull up page 22 for the Clinton-related questions:

BJ's Pull quote

Conversely, the documents unsealed Thursday reportedly contain some telling nuggets about the current president and his apparent abundance of real character.
The documents … contain denials that Trump and some other world leaders were involved in untoward behavior. In a 2016 deposition Giuffre said that Trump ‘didn’t partake in any sex with us … and never flirted with me,’” The Guardian reported.
Trump used to be friends with Epstein, up until he banned him from Mar-a-Lago after the now-deceased pedophile propositioned a teenage girl.
But according to reports, Clinton remained with Epstein until the end.
If this is true, Clinton needs to go down.
I would bet that he has gone down many times, and that may be a problem for him.
And? Yeah, I'm anti-religion period I don't care what flavor it is- jews are no better than christians who are no better than islamist- period.
But you went to the trouble to specifically bring up Jeffery Epstein's religion.
Be a proud bigot if you are going to be an anti Semite. Have the courage of your Jew hating convictions.
But you went to the trouble to specifically bring up Jeffery Epstein's religion.
Be a proud bigot if you are going to be an anti Semite. Have the courage of your Jew hating convictions.

Not to mention that few American Jews actually follow Judaism as a religion to begin with as the term "Jewish" denotes an ethnicity more than it does a religion, here.

Most people do not realize that Judaism does not proselytize like Christianity or indulge in forced conversion like Islam, and so is passed on through lineage. A few people here and there do convert to Judaism, but not in numbers great enough to undermine the notion of ethnicity.
Democrats wont say a fucking word about this., It never happened as far as they are concerned.
I am a Democrat and I say again, if this is true, Clinton needs to go down hard. Will Republicans say the same for any Republicans if the same is found to be true of them?
I appreciate your integrity.

I am not a Republican...more of a libertarian, but let me join you.

If a Republican was involved, he/she should go down.

If a Libertarian was involved, he/she should go down.

If a Green Party person was involved, he/she should go down.

If a Catholic Priest was involved....
Just-unsealed court documents from a civil lawsuit against deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, contain damning quotes about former President Bill Clinton and a revealing one about current President Donald Trump.

Four years ago, one of Epstein’s alleged sex slaves, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, sued Maxwell, accusing her of having recruited her to work as Epstein’s masseuse when she was only 15. On Thursday documents from the suit were unsealed, and quotes from the document appear to suggest the former president has some explaining to do.
View the full document below, or pull up page 22 for the Clinton-related questions:

BJ's Pull quote

Conversely, the documents unsealed Thursday reportedly contain some telling nuggets about the current president and his apparent abundance of real character.
The documents … contain denials that Trump and some other world leaders were involved in untoward behavior. In a 2016 deposition Giuffre said that Trump ‘didn’t partake in any sex with us … and never flirted with me,’” The Guardian reported.
Trump used to be friends with Epstein, up until he banned him from Mar-a-Lago after the now-deceased pedophile propositioned a teenage girl.
But according to reports, Clinton remained with Epstein until the end.
If this is true, Clinton needs to go down.

I hope it isn't true, America doesn't need a scandal like this, however whoever is involved with this, whether Clinton, Trump or anyone else, the death penalty should be applied.
Just-unsealed court documents from a civil lawsuit against deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, contain damning quotes about former President Bill Clinton and a revealing one about current President Donald Trump.

Four years ago, one of Epstein’s alleged sex slaves, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, sued Maxwell, accusing her of having recruited her to work as Epstein’s masseuse when she was only 15. On Thursday documents from the suit were unsealed, and quotes from the document appear to suggest the former president has some explaining to do.
View the full document below, or pull up page 22 for the Clinton-related questions:

BJ's Pull quote

Conversely, the documents unsealed Thursday reportedly contain some telling nuggets about the current president and his apparent abundance of real character.
The documents … contain denials that Trump and some other world leaders were involved in untoward behavior. In a 2016 deposition Giuffre said that Trump ‘didn’t partake in any sex with us … and never flirted with me,’” The Guardian reported.
Trump used to be friends with Epstein, up until he banned him from Mar-a-Lago after the now-deceased pedophile propositioned a teenage girl.
But according to reports, Clinton remained with Epstein until the end.
If this is true, Clinton needs to go down.

I hope it isn't true, America doesn't need a scandal like this, however whoever is involved with this, whether Clinton, Trump or anyone else, the death penalty should be applied.

I laugh
Not true?
I laugh
I have made clear in other threads that if there Is evidence of illegal activity against Clinton he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I am sure that Billie Jean would agree that if Ghislaine has information on the Trump/Epstein connection he would want to get to the truth of it all and if illegal activity is found that Trump be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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This stuff is pretty disgusting. Normal people would be in prison

This story has been buried by the powers that be.
It doesn't matter anyway cuz everyone knows Bill Clinton likes orgies with underage girls.
Something written some time ago. Ironis and suspicious, yes?

View attachment 369393
He's right, kids are having sex with each other way before they turn 18. So if a kid that just turned 18 has sex with a 17 or 16 year old, it's rape. The statutory rape age reminds me of the sodomy laws that are still on many states books, although not enforced.
Something written some time ago. Ironis and suspicious, yes?

View attachment 369393
He's right, kids are having sex with each other way before they turn 18. So if a kid that just turned 18 has sex with a 17 or 16 year old, it's rape. The statutory rape age reminds me of the sodomy laws that are still on many states books, although not enforced.

In the United States, many states have adopted close-in-age exemptions. These laws, known as "Romeo and Juliet laws" provide that a person can legally have consensual sex with a minor provided that he or she is not more than a given number of years older, generally four years or less.

Age of consent reform - Wikipedia

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