Bill Cosby charged

And Bill Clinton still walks free. Damn Shame.

At least I didn't spend decades laughing at Bill Clinton's standup.

Truth is, the rumors were always out there. I lived in California for more than thirty years, knew a few folks in the industry and I had heard the stories before. None of this was particularly shocking to me.

YOUR link did work.

A 12 year statute of limitations? Wow.

I don't know that it's a shame. The prior DA's decision was not binding on the new DA. But there is something odd and off-putting about the State having the information for about a decade before deciding to press the charges.

Bill Cosby violated some serious taboos. He has to be punished.

Such as not blaming white people for black problems.

This will be a good lesson to other successful blacks.

No matter who rich and powerful you think you are, you are still black and need to toe the line, or you will be punished.

^ Jim, apparently, overlooks the presumption of innocence.

Only the court of law must presume innocence, not the public.

That is true.

BUt the woman went to a man's house and took a pill he gave her.

Did she think it was a multivitamin? Maybe a Fish oil tablet?

YOUR link did work.

A 12 year statute of limitations? Wow.

I don't know that it's a shame. The prior DA's decision was not binding on the new DA. But there is something odd and off-putting about the State having the information for about a decade before deciding to press the charges.

Bill Cosby violated some serious taboos. He has to be punished.

Such as not blaming white people for black problems.

This will be a good lesson to other successful blacks.

No matter who rich and powerful you think you are, you are still black and need to toe the line, or you will be punished.

Actually, he is alleged to have violated some women (not some taboos).

By not criminally charging him, were the prosecutors being misogynistic?

YOUR link did work.

A 12 year statute of limitations? Wow.

I don't know that it's a shame. The prior DA's decision was not binding on the new DA. But there is something odd and off-putting about the State having the information for about a decade before deciding to press the charges.

Bill Cosby violated some serious taboos. He has to be punished.

Such as not blaming white people for black problems.

This will be a good lesson to other successful blacks.

No matter who rich and powerful you think you are, you are still black and need to toe the line, or you will be punished.

Actually, he is alleged to have violated some women (not some taboos).

By not criminally charging him, were the prosecutors being misogynistic?

Those "accusations" are decades old. Why are they being brought up now?

By not charging him, the prosecutors were being reasonable. The women took the drugs knowingly in a social setting. THe drugs were NOT slipped into their drinks.

^ Jim, apparently, overlooks the presumption of innocence.

Only the court of law must presume innocence, not the public.

Partly true. I say, despite the acquittal, that OJ Simpson was a murderer.

On the other hand, in support of my expression of that belief, I can point to actual evidence as well as the civil judgment against OJ.

By contrast, although there are a big number of alleged victims, there is actually very little evidence against Cosby that he "raped" anybody, ever. He may have, I wouldn't know. But he still does have the presumption of innocence and thus it is incorrect to already refer to him AS "the rapist."

She knowing took the pills? SHe waited a year to go to the police?

If they get a conviction it will ONLY be because the jury pool has been tainted.

Like with Cosbys rape pills? Or his actual semen?

Fuck Cosby.

You ever have sex with a woman who had been drinking?

The case is a joke. There is no way to legitimately get a conviction.
A former Temple University employee told police the comedian drugged and violated her at his home near Philadelphia in 2004.

So the incident happened at HIS home. That tells me whatever happened was consensual.

Another no-evidence shakedown from the feminists. It's a "he said, she said" case which means plenty of reasonable doubt and he should NOT have been charged.

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