Bill Maher is a Domestic Terrorist

Elephant in the room says you fans of COVID-scare shots will "need" a booster ongoing for the rest of your lives.

Many people are moving away from Trump and if he doesn’t strongly oppose vaccine mandates that will soon pass, he will be finished.

So much for a cult.

I see a cult on the other end that can never criticize their own side and will follow anything they say. You worship the government but hate your country.

Soviet’s and Mao’s CCP we’re just like you
Rump has been pushing vaccines for a while now. Heck, he is singlehandedly taking credit for coming up with the vaccine!!!

If you haven't disowned him by now, guess what? You are never going to. And yes, that does make you part of trumptard cultists. Let me know if you are still confused.
Orange man pushed operation warp speed. I wouldn't take it then or now. He even laughed and said you'll know right away if the shot is good for you.
So, doesn't that make Rump part of DEEP STATE? Or, is that something else that you guys have a double standard on?
Even dems have limits on how far they are willing to play along with mandates.

Bill is just remembering now that you actually should have bodily autonomy.
I've got no double standard. I didn't take that snake when orange man pushed it nor will I take it now when the installed invalid is pushing it.
You only answered part of the question. One more time... So, doesn't that make Rump part of DEEP STATE?
He went along with it for the good of the country and his community. That is a good enough standard for me. I'm not looking for a comedy cheerleader, just normal Americans to get with and go along with the program, whether they like it or not, for the good of the country.
Nobody likes getting stuck with a needle, but sometimes it becomes necessary for personal and common good whether dumb asses like it or not. He realized this and complied. Enough said.
No. I don't think eminent domain is in the constitution either, but if the republicans want your property to build a casino, whether they ever do or not, you will probably comply and if they don't build anything at all, you won't get your property back. That is born out by history.
As for going along with Covid restrictions, including vaccinations, we would all be better if you did, like Mahar did. I personally don't care if you do or not. My whole family got vaccinated. It is the unvaccinated doing most of the hospital stays and dying right not. Anti-vax radio talk show hosts are dropping like flies. I don't care if you get vaccinated. I don't even know you.

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