Bill Maher.....Scumbag Pedophile......Thinks Koch's Death Is A Laughing Matter

actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Stop government forced charity and watch the able body people stand up and care for themselves with the aid and instruction from PRIVATE orgs...if that is what you really prefer....
Yeah that works great dumbass, we can bring back poor houses and Potter's fields and the plague etc etc. We prefer civilization and the modern world...
The plague has begun in the biggest liberal city in the nation....LA a city run totally by dems like you....why don't you go there and give us a report....jackass...
and the only party that denies global warming..
I’m a registered independent and I take issue with the AGW alarmist extremism of the democrats.
You are a brainwashed Republican idiot with an excuse...
No, I’m a registered OTH. According to your lack of logic, independents are racist because non-whites mostly don’t register independent. That means you think people not affiliated with any party are racist! How stupid can you get?
actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Who is the "we" you speak of? Socialist blowhards and other shitbags?

Well we, the majority of Americans, prefer a nation where we keep more of the money we worked for and make decisions where it goes for ourselves.
I don't kill myself working a job I barely tolerate so some fat assed bureaucrat can
hand my money over to section eight leeches and other burdens on our society.

Try moving to Canada. Nice people...lousy system of government.
We would be Democrats. And of course we want to cut taxes on the non rich and get the rich to pay their fair share for the first time in 35 years. You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich brainwash...
and the only party that denies global warming..
I’m a registered independent and I take issue with the AGW alarmist extremism of the democrats.
You are a brainwashed Republican idiot with an excuse...
No, I’m a registered OTH. According to your lack of logic, independents are racist because non-whites mostly don’t register independent. That means you think people not affiliated with any party are racist! How stupid can you get?
If you don't vote democratic you are a brainwashed functional moron Dupe... And I did not say anything about racist, stop bringing up the race card LOL
actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Who is the "we" you speak of? Socialist blowhards and other shitbags?

Well we, the majority of Americans, prefer a nation where we keep more of the money we worked for and make decisions where it goes for ourselves.
I don't kill myself working a job I barely tolerate so some fat assed bureaucrat can
hand my money over to section eight leeches and other burdens on our society.

Try moving to Canada. Nice people...lousy system of government.
Over the hill off the hook? anyway you're the person that keeps voting for the party that stops people from having jobs with actual good benefits like every other country in the world has... If you don't vote Democrat, you are a Dupe. There are even people registered as Democrats who are dupes. The GOP and corporate propaganda machines are so strong in this country we have a heap of trouble.
The Pedophile Bill Maher

Sorry, we have become so used to you and other Trump supporters lying in your posts, and especially your thread titles, could you kindly provide a link confirming Maher is a pedophile. I searched and could only find information about him defending some specific pedophiles, like the school teacher who married and had children with one of her students. I found nothing accusing him of being a pedophile. So, are you lying or can you provide a link?
All you need do is look at the kind of girls he likes to date.
The last one looks like a 12 year old.
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We would be Democrats. And of course we want to cut taxes on the non rich and get the rich to pay their fair share for the first time in 35 years. You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot GOP rich brainwash...
Who did you say was brainwashed? The rich pay 87% of all income tax in America. 45% of Americans pay no federal income tax

Your leftist drivel is funny and predictable but not very convincing. But it works for an uninformed idiot like yourself.
David Koch is dead and the world is a better place than it was yesterday
Better still when ACLU Ruth leaves us and the court adds yet another conservative to correct the fifty year drift in course this nation has been in.

Isn't fifty years long enough to pervert and subvert the nation? Be fair.
Over the hill off the hook? anyway you're the person that keeps voting for the party that stops people from having jobs with actual good benefits like every other country in the world has... If you don't vote Democrat, you are a Dupe. There are even people registered as Democrats who are dupes. The GOP and corporate propaganda machines are so strong in this country we have a heap of trouble.
If you vote democrat you vote for the New Green Deal, the Russia collusion plot, open borders, gender dysphoria, global warming scare, an end to the Second Amendment, a coming race war and so much more.

You can keep your Venezuela. I'll keep America as is. It doesn't mean we can't make things better but we can't make things better by going down the path of destruction and idiocy under the socialist left wing.
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Coffee tastes better....... the sun is warmer and friendlier.......the air smells sweeter today

I wonder how much charity that Hollywood blowhard gives each year....
actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Yes. You dont want a society where people willingly give, your totalitarian ass prefers to take it.
We know
I wonder how much charity that Hollywood blowhard gives each year....
actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Yes. You dont want a society where people willingly give, your totalitarian ass prefers to take it.
We know
Taking was David Koch's most favorite thing in the world
I wonder how much charity that Hollywood blowhard gives each year....
actually we prefer a country where people don't have to rely on charity to survive... And of course charity always fails in times of need, it's just the way for ugly people with guilt problems to have parties and feel better about themselves...
Yes. You dont want a society where people willingly give, your totalitarian ass prefers to take it.
We know
Taking was David Koch's most favorite thing in the world
Fuck the kochs

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