Bill Maher's PC Nazi rant is Disapearing From the Internet

I had it book marked in several places all of them now cant link to it.

So instead of concluding you bookmarked flaky sites, you instead conclude a vast liberal conspiracy to censor rather boring statements from Maher. And that the liberals actually control the whole internet, and can censor any of it at will.

Hence, the real point of this thread is that you're a conspiracy crank.

Al Gore did it.

He still owns the internets, right?
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I had it book marked in several places all of them now cant link to it.

But this one still does.

Watch it while you can. The good stuff starts at 2:00

Maher Tackles PC ?Nazis? on the Left: Yes, ?Liberals Can Be Obnoxious? | Mediaite

He is a liberal and thus open minded.

Actually, he can be pretty right winged about some things. I kinda like that about him - that he's open to criticize the left just as much as the right.

I also like that he has some really conservative guests on.
I've seen a couple stories on his comments on islam. He's made enough comments about islam that the left might decide to get rid of him.


He's very critical of Muslims.

That happens when you're able to actually think for yourself instead of needing Fox/Alex Jones/Limbaugh to tell you what to think.
Maher is critical of all religions.

I watched the show in question. As usual, he invites REAL AND HONEST TO GOODNESS conservatives to participate.

What he demonstrated is that liberals have all sorts of views on all sorts of issues. I think he misrepresented the case that that one dude was making somewhat.

Isn't it fun when you realize that it is possible to agree with part of what someone says....but not all?

You nutters should try it.

And.....yes.....liberals are extremely tolerant. It's one of the traits that motivates us most.
I've seen a couple stories on his comments on islam. He's made enough comments about islam that the left might decide to get rid of him.


He's very critical of Muslims.

That happens when you're able to actually think for yourself instead of needing Fox/Alex Jones/Limbaugh to tell you what to think.

You might want to take lessons from him, because you are lock step with the Democratic talking points.
He is a liberal and thus open minded.

roflmao, yeah, because saying it makes it so true.

Open minded like the people who have trashed the careers of so many people over rumor and private conversations that someone betrayed to the public media, or the open minded PC Nazis that defend everything Obama does reflexively and damn all Obama's critics as racists...yeah those open minded liberals.

Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Lol, I am not in the same religion I was born into, I have a bachelor of science and made my career designing computer systems for customers, and got good reviews since I do listen well.

I can debate both sides of any issue and sometimes sides of issues some never realized even existed.

But I can smell a libtard Nazi like you from thousands of miles away right through my monitor, you fucking peace of shit.

Tell you what, how about you take a conservative position on gun rights, and I will debate for the liberal position, and lets see who does a better job of defending the other sides point of view?

Lets put your bullshit mouth to the test and see who can demonstrate that they have listened and given thought to both sides?

How about that, fuck face?
Maher is critical of all religions.

I watched the show in question. As usual, he invites REAL AND HONEST TO GOODNESS conservatives to participate.

What he demonstrated is that liberals have all sorts of views on all sorts of issues. I think he misrepresented the case that that one dude was making somewhat.

Isn't it fun when you realize that it is possible to agree with part of what someone says....but not all?

You nutters should try it.

And.....yes.....liberals are extremely tolerant. It's one of the traits that motivates us most.

Yeah, just ask Paula Deen, Sterling, Ben Afflek, Phil Robertson, Eich formerly with the folks who produce Mozilla, etc.

They would all swear about how tolerant libtards like you really are.


The first role of any liberal today is to learn how to lie to themselves so well that they start to believe their own lies.
I had it book marked in several places all of them now cant link to it.

So instead of concluding you bookmarked flaky sites, you instead conclude a vast liberal conspiracy to censor rather boring statements from Maher. And that the liberals actually control the whole internet, and can censor any of it at will.

Hence, the real point of this thread is that you're a conspiracy crank.

They are not flakey sites, dumbass, the people that originally had the videos up on UTube made them private.

Sheesh, you are fucking stupid as hell.

Libtards only recruit the sub80 IQ spectrum these days it seems.
The point of the OP was that thus was an unusual monologue by Maher and the PC police were removing it from the entire web.
This monologue is typical.

The thing that makes this monologue different is Maher's use of the phrase 'PC Nazis' which I have seen only one other time and it is gone as well. Couldn't find that one at all.


I guess that is part and parcel of copyright law..

Yes, so I guess Maher and his owners don't mind copy right infringement on all his other shit on UTube since none of that was made private also?

Maher was funny on Politically Incorrect when he went to HBO he became hateful and angry in my view anyway which was when I stopped watching him.
Lots of Hispanics use the name Jesus, it's a very common name.

As far as liberals being tolerant? Liberals are only tolerant when people agree with them, when they don't, liberals tend to be very closed minded, hateful, bigoted and intolerant.

Another one with no room to talk.

So are you still pretending that liberals are tolerant?



A lot of us are more tolerant than conservatives, so that would be a yes.
roflmao, yeah, because saying it makes it so true.

Open minded like the people who have trashed the careers of so many people over rumor and private conversations that someone betrayed to the public media, or the open minded PC Nazis that defend everything Obama does reflexively and damn all Obama's critics as racists...yeah those open minded liberals.

Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Lol, I am not in the same religion I was born into, I have a bachelor of science and made my career designing computer systems for customers, and got good reviews since I do listen well.

I can debate both sides of any issue and sometimes sides of issues some never realized even existed.

But I can smell a libtard Nazi like you from thousands of miles away right through my monitor, you fucking peace of shit.

Tell you what, how about you take a conservative position on gun rights, and I will debate for the liberal position, and lets see who does a better job of defending the other sides point of view?

Lets put your bullshit mouth to the test and see who can demonstrate that they have listened and given thought to both sides?

How about that, fuck face?

Just read what you write sometimes. This post is so contradictory.
roflmao, yeah, because saying it makes it so true.

Open minded like the people who have trashed the careers of so many people over rumor and private conversations that someone betrayed to the public media, or the open minded PC Nazis that defend everything Obama does reflexively and damn all Obama's critics as racists...yeah those open minded liberals.

Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Lol, I am not in the same religion I was born into, I have a bachelor of science and made my career designing computer systems for customers, and got good reviews since I do listen well.

I can debate both sides of any issue and sometimes sides of issues some never realized even existed.

But I can smell a libtard Nazi like you from thousands of miles away right through my monitor, you fucking peace of shit.

Tell you what, how about you take a conservative position on gun rights, and I will debate for the liberal position, and lets see who does a better job of defending the other sides point of view?

Lets put your bullshit mouth to the test and see who can demonstrate that they have listened and given thought to both sides?

How about that, fuck face?

A Bachelors degree!!!! WOW, you must be REALLY smart. All that work at the community college really paid off.

You having a BS really fits you.
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However, Maher warned that liberal paternalism is no reason to “cut off your nose to spite your face.” He said, “For every liberal with a cause who makes you go ‘Oh, shoot me,’ there’s a conservative with a gun who will.”

The Right just can't conceive of a Liberal host being critical of both sides. It certainly never happens on Fox or other Right sources.
Intolerance and self-righteousness are inseparable and history is replete with progressives like Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Robespierre. When someone says we need a new world and they know how, alarm bells should be ringing with anyone who values tolerance and freedom.

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