Bill Maher's PC Nazi rant is Disapearing From the Internet

Intolerance and self-righteousness are inseparable and history is replete with progressives like Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Robespierre. When someone says we need a new world and they know how, alarm bells should be ringing with anyone who values tolerance and freedom.

Exactly right.

The left makes itself up from the low end of the IQ range and teams it up with over educated morons who know that they can hack it in the private sector so they see themselves as doing the stupid a service never realizing that they are only marginally more intelligent than their flock.
Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Lol, I am not in the same religion I was born into, I have a bachelor of science and made my career designing computer systems for customers, and got good reviews since I do listen well.

I can debate both sides of any issue and sometimes sides of issues some never realized even existed.

But I can smell a libtard Nazi like you from thousands of miles away right through my monitor, you fucking peace of shit.

Tell you what, how about you take a conservative position on gun rights, and I will debate for the liberal position, and lets see who does a better job of defending the other sides point of view?

Lets put your bullshit mouth to the test and see who can demonstrate that they have listened and given thought to both sides?

How about that, fuck face?

A Bachelors degree!!!! WOW, you must be REALLY smart. All that work at the community college really paid off.

You having a BS really fits you.

It takes more intelligence, practical approach experience and sweat to get a bachelor of science engineering degree than it takes to get a doctorate in any of the humanities.

I was a history major before switching over to comp sci. The older professors were fun to talk with and sharp as a razor, but the younger ones were ideological nitwits. I just couldn't see myself working in a profession where most of the participants had abandoned use of their brain at the point of choosing their majors.

So I went to engineering and then settled on comp sci because it is an objective profession; either your final product meets specs or it doesn't, and no amount of gossip or ideological bullshit can beat the fact the program works is on budget and meets specs.

That you dismiss such a degree says more about you than the degree, shit-for-brains.

What you think is a sign of intelligence (towing the libtard ideological story line) is known among the rest of the population as being an 'over educated fool'.

Note: you didn't take me up on my challenge to debate, which proves you are full of boastful bullshit and nothing more.
The Right just can't conceive of a Liberal host being critical of both sides. It certainly never happens on Fox or other Right sources.

That is the whole format to FOX, you stupid fool.

Of course you believe that. You can be led to believe almost anything.

Yeah because you know that Beckel isn't really a liberal, because anyone who would appear on FOX isn't really liberal, etc, just substitute any other liberal bullshit excuse you want to fit in.

Anyone that has actually watched the shows on FOX can see that they are far more even handed than any other network.
Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Lol, I am not in the same religion I was born into, I have a bachelor of science and made my career designing computer systems for customers, and got good reviews since I do listen well.

I can debate both sides of any issue and sometimes sides of issues some never realized even existed.

But I can smell a libtard Nazi like you from thousands of miles away right through my monitor, you fucking peace of shit.

Tell you what, how about you take a conservative position on gun rights, and I will debate for the liberal position, and lets see who does a better job of defending the other sides point of view?

Lets put your bullshit mouth to the test and see who can demonstrate that they have listened and given thought to both sides?

How about that, fuck face?

Just read what you write sometimes. This post is so contradictory.

There is nothing contradictory about me knowing your side of the issue better than you know my side of it.

I educate myself on every angle I can on any issue that interests me. That is why I take liberal positions on many issues involving unions, worker safety, economics, free trade, etc.

You wouldn't know that because you cant imagine why anyone wouldnt be accepting the whole libtard agenda root branch and trunk from the start as a working assumption.
That is the whole format to FOX, you stupid fool.

Of course you believe that. You can be led to believe almost anything.

Yeah because you know that Beckel isn't really a liberal, because anyone who would appear on FOX isn't really liberal, etc, just substitute any other liberal bullshit excuse you want to fit in.

Anyone that has actually watched the shows on FOX can see that they are far more even handed than any other network.

Sure they are. They are clearly full of integrity over there. They'd never even think of misrepresenting the facts.

Aren't you precious.
Of course you believe that. You can be led to believe almost anything.

Yeah because you know that Beckel isn't really a liberal, because anyone who would appear on FOX isn't really liberal, etc, just substitute any other liberal bullshit excuse you want to fit in.

Anyone that has actually watched the shows on FOX can see that they are far more even handed than any other network.

Sure they are. They are clearly full of integrity over there. They'd never even think of misrepresenting the facts.

Aren't you precious.

The epitome of a discussion with a libtard.

A reasonable person present facts and reason, and the libtard responds with sarcasm and the continued presumption of his own self-righteousness.
Yeah because you know that Beckel isn't really a liberal, because anyone who would appear on FOX isn't really liberal, etc, just substitute any other liberal bullshit excuse you want to fit in.

Anyone that has actually watched the shows on FOX can see that they are far more even handed than any other network.

Sure they are. They are clearly full of integrity over there. They'd never even think of misrepresenting the facts.

Aren't you precious.

The epitome of a discussion with a libtard.

A reasonable person present facts and reason, and the libtard responds with sarcasm and the continued presumption of his own self-righteousness.

You have not presented facts.

By the way....did you not just employ sarcasm with the Beckel comment?

What do you think is the craziest thing you have ever said on these pages? Shall we have a contest? You've said some pretty crazy things, haven't you? You are far from reasonable.
Sure they are. They are clearly full of integrity over there. They'd never even think of misrepresenting the facts.

Aren't you precious.

The epitome of a discussion with a libtard.

A reasonable person present facts and reason, and the libtard responds with sarcasm and the continued presumption of his own self-righteousness.

You have not presented facts.

Yes I did, that Beckel works at FOX, is a liberal and that 'Fair and Balanced' is the format at FOX for their news shows.

Apparently critical thought isn't your long suit.

By the way....did you not just employ sarcasm with the Beckel comment?

Yes, but it was not the only thing I did; I also gave facts and reason to support them.

What do you think is the craziest thing you have ever said on these pages? Shall we have a contest? You've said some pretty crazy things, haven't you? You are far from reasonable.

They only seem crazy to an ideological fuck face like you, you god damned Nazi.
The epitome of a discussion with a libtard.

A reasonable person present facts and reason, and the libtard responds with sarcasm and the continued presumption of his own self-righteousness.

You have not presented facts.

Yes I did, that Beckel works at FOX, is a liberal and that 'Fair and Balanced' is the format at FOX for their news shows.

Apparently critical thought isn't your long suit.

By the way....did you not just employ sarcasm with the Beckel comment?

Yes, but it was not the only thing I did; I also gave facts and reason to support them.

What do you think is the craziest thing you have ever said on these pages? Shall we have a contest? You've said some pretty crazy things, haven't you? You are far from reasonable.

They only seem crazy to an ideological fuck face like you, you god damned Nazi.

If I remember later on today....I will post a few of your greatest hits. Then we can discuss whether or not you are batshit crazy. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
You have not presented facts.

Yes I did, that Beckel works at FOX, is a liberal and that 'Fair and Balanced' is the format at FOX for their news shows.

Apparently critical thought isn't your long suit.

Yes, but it was not the only thing I did; I also gave facts and reason to support them.

What do you think is the craziest thing you have ever said on these pages? Shall we have a contest? You've said some pretty crazy things, haven't you? You are far from reasonable.

They only seem crazy to an ideological fuck face like you, you god damned Nazi.

If I remember later on today....I will post a few of your greatest hits. Then we can discuss whether or not you are batshit crazy. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

lol, fine, go ahead.

I am not ashamed of anything I have ever posted but a few and I doubt you would figure them out.
A piece of tv footage that is owned by a third party is increasingly difficult to find on the internet. Well that's certainly as important as you can get, better start a "current affairs" forum thread on it! Maybe it can be moved to the "pussy whining bitch who can't use google" forum when it opens.
He is a liberal and thus open minded.

roflmao, yeah, because saying it makes it so true.

Open minded like the people who have trashed the careers of so many people over rumor and private conversations that someone betrayed to the public media, or the open minded PC Nazis that defend everything Obama does reflexively and damn all Obama's critics as racists...yeah those open minded liberals.

Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Out of everyone who has posted here, who actually ever has watched his show or heard his full commentary on something? Not soundbites, but whole cloth?

I haven't missed a show of his since 1999. He's very open-minded. He has rightwing idiots on his show every Friday night, at least one. He'd have more but too many of them are scared to show up and have their real lack of knowledge and intelligence on display in a spontaneous, live REAL TIME program with someone who won't give them a pass like David Gregory and the other paid anchor whores on cable and network television.
roflmao, yeah, because saying it makes it so true.

Open minded like the people who have trashed the careers of so many people over rumor and private conversations that someone betrayed to the public media, or the open minded PC Nazis that defend everything Obama does reflexively and damn all Obama's critics as racists...yeah those open minded liberals.

Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Out of everyone who has posted here, who actually ever has watched his show or heard his full commentary on something? Not soundbites, but whole cloth?

I haven't missed a show of his since 1999. He's very open-minded. He has rightwing idiots on his show every Friday night, at least one. He'd have more but too many of them are scared to show up and have their real lack of knowledge and intelligence on display in a spontaneous, live REAL TIME program with someone who won't give them a pass like David Gregory and the other paid anchor whores on cable and network television.
Many like the poster consider this legit news rather than farcical commentary designed for the lowest common denominator of left-wing intelligence (I am aware of the non-sequitur). This is precisely why so many Americans are dumbed down.

I wonder what those here who deny the very existence of PC have to say about this.

Too funny.

A piece of tv footage that is owned by a third party is increasingly difficult to find on the internet. Well that's certainly as important as you can get, better start a "current affairs" forum thread on it! Maybe it can be moved to the "pussy whining bitch who can't use google" forum when it opens.

lol, all that text and you didn't say a damned thing relevant or of importance.
Who the fuck do you think you are going on about openmindness? Your mind is cemented shut, and even though you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you should realize it.

Out of everyone who has posted here, who actually ever has watched his show or heard his full commentary on something? Not soundbites, but whole cloth?

I haven't missed a show of his since 1999. He's very open-minded. He has rightwing idiots on his show every Friday night, at least one. He'd have more but too many of them are scared to show up and have their real lack of knowledge and intelligence on display in a spontaneous, live REAL TIME program with someone who won't give them a pass like David Gregory and the other paid anchor whores on cable and network television.
Many like the poster consider this legit news rather than farcical commentary designed for the lowest common denominator of left-wing intelligence (I am aware of the non-sequitur). This is precisely why so many Americans are dumbed down.

Bill Maher's show is real news?

Cronkite is spinning in his grave.

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