Bill Nye reveals the science behind warm winter weather

bill Nye. is he even a Scientist? has a degree in climate? the weather?
or only a class as a snake oil salesman? for crying out loud. of ALL PEOPLE they could choose to sell that scam. Obama is bad enough
Former childrens' show host Bill Nye............he's a you!...........:lol:
This freaking Federal Government and all those elected asses in it. really do believe the people they Represent is stupid. Bill NYE they pick to sell their BS on you about "GloBULL warming" AKA climate change. they didn't pick Gruber for nothing folks.

let's see steph

In the early 2000s, Nye assisted in the development of a small sundial that was included in the Mars Exploration Rover missions.] Known as MarsDial, it included small colored panels to provide a basis for color calibration in addition to helping keep track of time From 2005 to 2010, Nye was the vice president of The Planetary Society, an organization that advocates space science research and the exploration of other planets, particularly Mars. He became the organization's second Executive Director in September 2010 when Louis Friedman stepped down.

versus a trailer dwelling gob'ment cheese eater without an education
This freaking Federal Government and all those elected asses in it. really do believe the people they Represent is stupid. Bill NYE they pick to sell their BS on you about "GloBULL warming" AKA climate change. they didn't pick Gruber for nothing folks.

Every time I see the Gruber videos, it reminds me to NOT believe ANYTHING our government tells us until we research it ourselves.

All the left and establishment Republicans are, are mouthpieces for Washington DC over reach and status quo. Despising both establishment Republicans and far left libbies should be a requirement for being an American constitutionalist.
Bill nye for president 2016!

A compilation found on Reddit of jerks in this world. This one focused on your hopeful candidate.
(I guess I am tired of him ridiculing and mocking those who don't fall in lockstep with his evolution demands. The guy is a tragedy.)


He came to my University on two separate occasions (I hear he is coming again) and he was so fickle and rude, both times! I told him he was my hero, and that I'd love his autograph and he just yelled "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND PEOPLE, NO AUTOGRAPHS!"

He then started going off on how he asked for (a certain brand of water, I don't know, maybe Smart Water?) water 5 minutes ago and that they brought him the wrong one.

It sounds dumb, but he was serious about it. It really put me off, and I no longer admire nor respect him. He's a jerk.


Bill Nye The Science Asshole

My dad worked at the Hilltop Alehouse in Seattle WA, which was frequently visited by Bill Nye. The waiters all called him "Bill Nye the Science Asshole" Apparently he would come in, get hammered, and try to bang chicks by pulling the "I'm famous, lets make love" card. I keep hearing nothing but similar stories about him :/


Flips His Shit About "no Autographs"

I had to share this one. When my twin brother was in third grade his class went on a field trip to see the Hubble telescope. Who should happen to be there, completely by chance and actually in the middle of serious research, but Bill Nye the freaking Science Guy.

Before any kid says anything about the minor celebrity, Mr. Nye flips his shit about "no autograph" and how he shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit while he's working. Let me repeat: no kid had approached him or asked for any autographs. The class had to leave early.


I'm probably late to the game and no one is going to notice, But Bill Nye Screamed at a friend of mine at a Ralph Nader rally. Pretty surreal. He was all riled up about the upcoming Bush v. Gore election and was totally losing his mind about it. Like pro wrestler style.


Some teachers at school met Bill Nye. Well I was in the room at the time and got to meet him too. He was really boring and sort of an asshole.


People on reddit always get mad about this, but I have heard from multiple friends that Bill Nye is a huge fucking asshole.


Bill Nye (until he found out what reddit was saying about him and started to clean up his public act. Read some older encounters with him, dude was just brutal to people!)


BILL NYE! Spoke at my college a couple years back. Seemed totally burnout, arrogant, and annoyed. Seemed like the kind of guy that would drink the pain away every night and seriously contemplate suicide.


Bill Nye the Science Guy is a total dick in real life. He was on the phone in Pike Place market and I waved to him and said "Bill Nye!" and he flipped me off.


Bill Nye was very dismissive to me as a kid, he was a family friend back in the day. I will always remember how big of a jerk he was to me.


Bill Nye the Science guy. My dad met him, he's a complete asshole


Bill Nye. My friend lives about half an hour away from him, and on Halloween he went to Nye's house. That motherfucker was an absolute dick to all of the children in front of him. He also gave out an apple. Fuck Bill.

It's reassuring to know that truths about the environment depend on a likeable personality.
It's not just weather changes but long term changes in climate

Bill Nye breaks down why a White Christmas just won’t happen for much of the country this year, and what climate change means for politics and global security

Bill Nye reveals the science behind warm winter weather

Two nidgets not explaining anything actually. If you had WATCHED it. His 1st words were EL NINO (which is the real reason) and then he tosses in the token "climate change" card.. But he didn't explain how a Global avg increase of only 0.6deg in your lifetime actually "MAKES the colds colder and warms warmer" -- now did he? Half the interview was lecturing about politics --- not science..

I know what the real "theory" of that is -- and it sucks.. Or at least that actual data on Rossby Wave variations (roughtly jet stream distributions) is a lot less dramatic than the horror stories that have manufactured for it.

Ask yourself -- how much does a thunderstorm care about 0.6 warming if the SURFACE and the AIR ALOFT are both warmed by that amount. MORE energy in the system -- means nothing to weather. If it DID --- folk in tropics would be dying from violent weather every day.. Weather works off differentials in temperature, pressure,, moisture, ect ----- NOT absolute changes in any one of those.. .
Bill nye for president 2016!

A compilation found on Reddit of jerks in this world. This one focused on your hopeful candidate.
(I guess I am tired of him ridiculing and mocking those who don't fall in lockstep with his evolution demands. The guy is a tragedy.)


He came to my University on two separate occasions (I hear he is coming again) and he was so fickle and rude, both times! I told him he was my hero, and that I'd love his autograph and he just yelled "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REMIND PEOPLE, NO AUTOGRAPHS!"

He then started going off on how he asked for (a certain brand of water, I don't know, maybe Smart Water?) water 5 minutes ago and that they brought him the wrong one.

It sounds dumb, but he was serious about it. It really put me off, and I no longer admire nor respect him. He's a jerk.


Bill Nye The Science Asshole

My dad worked at the Hilltop Alehouse in Seattle WA, which was frequently visited by Bill Nye. The waiters all called him "Bill Nye the Science Asshole" Apparently he would come in, get hammered, and try to bang chicks by pulling the "I'm famous, lets make love" card. I keep hearing nothing but similar stories about him :/


Flips His Shit About "no Autographs"

I had to share this one. When my twin brother was in third grade his class went on a field trip to see the Hubble telescope. Who should happen to be there, completely by chance and actually in the middle of serious research, but Bill Nye the freaking Science Guy.

Before any kid says anything about the minor celebrity, Mr. Nye flips his shit about "no autograph" and how he shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit while he's working. Let me repeat: no kid had approached him or asked for any autographs. The class had to leave early.


I'm probably late to the game and no one is going to notice, But Bill Nye Screamed at a friend of mine at a Ralph Nader rally. Pretty surreal. He was all riled up about the upcoming Bush v. Gore election and was totally losing his mind about it. Like pro wrestler style.


Some teachers at school met Bill Nye. Well I was in the room at the time and got to meet him too. He was really boring and sort of an asshole.


People on reddit always get mad about this, but I have heard from multiple friends that Bill Nye is a huge fucking asshole.


Bill Nye (until he found out what reddit was saying about him and started to clean up his public act. Read some older encounters with him, dude was just brutal to people!)


BILL NYE! Spoke at my college a couple years back. Seemed totally burnout, arrogant, and annoyed. Seemed like the kind of guy that would drink the pain away every night and seriously contemplate suicide.


Bill Nye the Science Guy is a total dick in real life. He was on the phone in Pike Place market and I waved to him and said "Bill Nye!" and he flipped me off.


Bill Nye was very dismissive to me as a kid, he was a family friend back in the day. I will always remember how big of a jerk he was to me.


Bill Nye the Science guy. My dad met him, he's a complete asshole


Bill Nye. My friend lives about half an hour away from him, and on Halloween he went to Nye's house. That motherfucker was an absolute dick to all of the children in front of him. He also gave out an apple. Fuck Bill.

Anything backing up your stories? You know, like newpaper articles, reputable papers, not the Weekly Globe, WUWT, or Briebart.

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