Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

In principle (only)

should parents be allowed to homeschool a child against the child's will?

Bringing in the "child's will" seems disingenous to me. It doesn't matter which side of the debate raises this point. Almost every child being schooled (home/private/public) is being schooled against his will. Honestly, how many children do you know that would choose to go to school?

Once again, someone is trying to replace my point with a different one.

If a child is entering the 9th grade, and has begun to take an interest in, say, mathematics, and wants to learn from highly trained/educated mathematics teachers, as opposed to learning from his mom,

who is admittedly 'terrible at math',

you're going to deny him that desire, maybe just because you're afraid he'll learn too much about evolution and gay rights?


If the homeschooled child has taken an interest in math at that age, then his parents have done something right, and I trust that they would continue to do so. There are many resources available for homeschooling families now.
There is nothing to stop parents from undoing what the government schools have done and give their children supplementary education.

It's not like public schools have a great record in ensuring kids have a quality education. It also doesn't stop with homeschooling, as democrats are scared of vouchers that gives the parents the power to pull their kids into private school which better serves their kids education purposes. "Choice and competition" is a bumper sticker slogan that only serves to advance the Democrats own special interests.

The Shackles of Big Government guy wants the government to give parents taxpayer money to send their children to private school.


btw, funding a private school with government money makes it a public school as far as I'm concerned.

It's really not at all difficult to comprehend NYcarbineer. Considering the parents ARE (after all) the "taxpayer" that is forced to give to the government to help support a failing public school system, they have every right to see the money they give is better spent for the sake of their OWN kids. Why should parents continue to see their money thrown away into a system that isn't working for them? If Public school continues to fail in their performance they have every right, through vouchers, to have their government tax contributions pulled in favor of a private school that will.

As we can see below, the public school system is just not working for the majority of our kids.

High school students are reading at 5th grade level, new study finds

You are what you read, and today?s kids are reading well below where they should - NY Daily News
Homeschooling is the last bastion of controlling parents who are frightened their children will think for themselves. The problem is that facts support a liberal agenda and we can't have children learning anything that doesn't have a conservative slant. They can't be exposed to races or religions, other than those of their parents. We must keep them safe from ideas their parents don't agree with.

My children had a broad public school education. Their politics, religion, and ideas don't always agree with mine and I'm OK with that. I raised them to think for themselves and to always, always question what they've been told by government and other authority figures. I'm proud of their ability to think for themselves, even if we don't always agree.
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The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.

Not the only method at all.

Ever heard of that mandatory technology called "television"?
Homeschooling is the last bastion of controlling parents who are frightened their children will think for themselves. The problem is that facts support a liberal agenda and we can't have children learning anything that doesn't have a conservative slant.

Are you aware of the secular home school movement in America? This isn't political. Liberals can find reasons to home school their children as well. Proper education is politically neutral. The issue for me is the right of all parents (liberal or conservative) to educate their kids according to their own judgement. When people like you make it political, it distorts the reality. There is no politics to 2+2 = 4 or the theory of evolution or the history of the American Revolution. It is neither liberal nor conservative that George Washington is the 1st President or the fact that the moon's circumference is 6784 miles.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.

Not the only method at all.

Ever heard of that mandatory technology called "television"?

What does that have to do with homeschooling?
I'm sure you do find it scary. You've already made it clear you fear anyone homeschooling their kids.

I have no issues with a qualified, motivated parent who is schooling their child

A parent who celebrates a two year old giving the finger is not homeschool material

So, you believe the government is going to screen these parents: How?

By asking each applicant for homeschooling "Hey, do you believe your kid should express his feelings with finger jestures?"


Most of these things these toadies believe is absurd. What could be more idiotic than the idea the homeschoolers need to be screen when government schools are full of child molesters and teachers who can't even pass basic competency tests. Concern about the child's welfare is obviously not what motivates these lemmings. If it was, they would shut down all government schools tomorrow.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

How is the state to regulate thought?

With public schools.
Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.

Not the only method at all.

Ever heard of that mandatory technology called "television"?

What does that have to do with homeschooling?

Generally it's a good idea to read the post quoted and responded to. You pick up the flow that way.

Remedial reading tip for the day: pay attention the first time and you won't need to be led by the nose.


Note: I read your post more closely and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

If the public school system was competent enough to instill kids with the proper tools necessary to qualify for advanced education and a higher paying career, there would be no reason for parents to entertain the thought of home schooling.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

If the public school system was competent enough to instill kids with the proper tools necessary to qualify for advanced education and a higher paying career, there would be no reason for parents to entertain the thought of home schooling.

Which does not excuse home schooling from being regulated, any more than public and private schools.

All children have to be prepared rigorously for the modern world, which requires critical thinking skills.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

How is the state to regulate thought?

With public schools.

bripat is anarchist is the only explanation needed here.
If you blame the schools for your kids struggles then quit work and home school. Blame the school. Blame the school. Excuses excuses. You can supplement the curriculum. You can have them work for 4 hours per night on extra work you provide. I could care less about homeschooled or not homeschooled. Make a choice and we'll all survive. My kids had a top rate education from underpaid teachers in a public school. Case closed
Not the only method at all.

Ever heard of that mandatory technology called "television"?

What does that have to do with homeschooling?

Generally it's a good idea to read the post quoted and responded to. You pick up the flow that way.

Remedial reading tip for the day: pay attention the first time and you won't need to be led by the nose.


You failed to answer the question. Perhaps you didn't read the post quoted. Again, what did that have to do with homeschooling?

Note: I read your post more closely and revised my response, not that I give a flying fuck.

How much time did you spend looking that up?
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Homeschooling is the last bastion of controlling parents who are frightened their children will think for themselves. The problem is that facts support a liberal agenda and we can't have children learning anything that doesn't have a conservative slant. They can't be exposed to races or religions, other than those of their parents. We must keep them safe from ideas their parents don't agree with.

My children had a broad public school education. Their politics, religion, and ideas don't always agree with mine and I'm OK with that. I raised them to think for themselves and to always, always question what they've been told by government and other authority figures. I'm proud of their ability to think for themselves, even if we don't always agree.

It is worse than that. They are frightened of their child going to the same school as a child in a lower socioeconomic class, race or religion. Gotta be careful who your kids associate with
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The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

If the public school system was competent enough to instill kids with the proper tools necessary to qualify for advanced education and a higher paying career, there would be no reason for parents to entertain the thought of home schooling.

Which does not excuse home schooling from being regulated, any more than public and private schools.

All children have to be prepared rigorously for the modern world, which requires critical thinking skills.

If the quality of education through public schools speaks of those regulation "standards" placed on teachers, it would appear the bar isn't set very high. If the average high school student only has a 5th grade reading level, would you want these same students coming back to public school as teachers for the next generation? Those kind of "standards" couldn't possibly be any lower for home schoolers.
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If the public school system was competent enough to instill kids with the proper tools necessary to qualify for advanced education and a higher paying career, there would be no reason for parents to entertain the thought of home schooling.

Which does not excuse home schooling from being regulated, any more than public and private schools.

All children have to be prepared rigorously for the modern world, which requires critical thinking skills.

If the quality of education through public schools speaks of those regulation "standards" placed on teachers, it would appear the bar isn't set very high. If the average high school student only has a 5th grade reading level, would you want these same students coming back to public school as teachers for the next generation? Those kind of "standards" couldn't possibly be any lower for home schoolers.

The problem is not the curriculum or the standards, it is the lack of parental involvement, as you well know.

Some parents keep their kids in "home" school for a variety of reasons that has nothing to do with quality education, as you well know.

Regulation has to become more rigorous for all schooling, hmmm.
Which does not excuse home schooling from being regulated, any more than public and private schools.

All children have to be prepared rigorously for the modern world, which requires critical thinking skills.

If the quality of education through public schools speaks of those regulation "standards" placed on teachers, it would appear the bar isn't set very high. If the average high school student only has a 5th grade reading level, would you want these same students coming back to public school as teachers for the next generation? Those kind of "standards" couldn't possibly be any lower for home schoolers.

The problem is not the curriculum or the standards, it is the lack of parental involvement, as you well know.

Some parents keep their kids in "home" school for a variety of reasons that has nothing to do with quality education, as you well know.

Regulation has to become more rigorous for all schooling, hmmm.


Who wants their kid to go to school with a bunch of blacks, hispanics, poor people or atheists?

What do you do if your child wants to bring one home?

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