Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

Well it the far left wants the government to come into your home and regulate what you can do or say.

Here's another question you can dodge:

What percent of our state and school district governments are controlled by the far left?

Give us a ballpark figure.

All of them.....You forget where teachers get their education. in Universities. Bastions of liberalism.
Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”
The bill has my complete approval. We currently have all the brain dead shit eating red neck scum bags we need. Why manufacture more?

The bill has my complete approval. We currently have all the brain dead shit eating red neck scum bags we need. Why manufacture more?
You do realize that a post such as this may earn you a time out, did you not, Rook?
I'm equating teachers to teachers.

A public education - or the equivalent - is a child's right and obligation.

A public education at the level of standards set by the federal, state, and school district levels of government is a child's right.

The federal, state, and the school district governments have the right to set the standards.

A parent who wishes to become a teacher therefore should only be allowed to do so if they are qualified to provide the above,

which is the right of their child to receive.

Compulsory education laws apply as much as anything else.

No, you're not. You are comparing a parent, who has a vested interest in their child's education, to a paid teacher who may or may not give a fuck.

Why are you so afraid of home schooling? Are you a teacher?

Why are you accusing me of being afraid of homeschooling? Are you an asshole?

He did not make an accusation...He asked a question. Answer it.
let's say a man owns a dairy farm and is the father of a bight child. say the child can get a minimum of schooling, say a couple hours a day, work the farm the rest of the time, and still barely pass state exams, or go to a public school, receive a good education, graduate and be exposed to more than just milking cows, and have a brighter future, but that would mean the parent would need to hire an extra farm hand.

where's the interest of the parent lie then?

homeschoolers should be investigated, thoroughly, to make sure they are competent to teach and that they are doing their best to give their children a complete and adequate education.

There are already laws in existence to ensure parents who wish to home school are qualified to do so..
This bill has nothing to do with education. It is a ploy to discourage parents from home schooling.
involved parents are their child's best teachers....hands down....

I was about to agree with you. But I had to mull it over in my head for a bit because something in my gut didn't feel quite right. Then I realized something. What you're saying here is similar to the kinds of things that many people say to those who choose to live child free. The "When you have a child of your own you'll love them so much you'll just find a way to be a good parent" kind of stuff.

The key element here is something that I think I'm going to call the "competence by parenting" fallacy. The highly romantic, but entirely illogical, idea that being a parent makes a person somehow magical in what they can do, or be competent at doing. The obvious evidence is that there are a great many people who are in fact very bad parents. Not necessarily absent or negligent, or anything like that. But they do a very bad job at raising their children into healthy and productive adults.

Abusive parents tend to be very involved in their child's lives. So being is generally necessary in order to commit abuse. On the other hand, there are many parents (and I think it's becoming more and more common nowadays) who are ultimately bad parents because they are too loving and never set boundaries for their children, and never teach them to be self reliant.

Anyway, my point is that any parent is only capable of being a "good" teacher for their children (most importantly, in non academic areas) inasmuch as the parent is already competent of being a good teacher and positive role model in the first place.

teachers may provide good information that one may retain....partially.....but compared to everything a parent teaches a child it is quite minor....which is why most homeschooled children beat the pants off their government schooled counterparts...

I think that the reasons why home schooled children tend to have better academic performance is due to the fact that home schooled children naturally have more individualized attention. There are drawbacks to home schooling also. Home schooled children tend to develop many poor social skills, for example.

The assumption that home schooled kids are social misfits or to put in in your words, have poor social skills is a notion furthered by the anti home school left.
A child does not develop socially inferior by virtue of home schooling.
Proposing legislation based on a false assumption is not good government.
'Worst ever' home schooling bill withdrawn in Ohio «

After coming under fire for what many were calling the “worst ever” home schooling bill, an Ohio state senator has decided to withdraw a controversial bill that would have required background checks for parents who decided to home-school their children.

Sen. Capri Cafaro, D-Hubbard, announced her decision to pull Senate Bill 248, also known as Teddy’s Law, late Thursday.

“SB 248 was never meant to be a policy debate about educating children in the home. It was meant to address weaknesses in the law pertaining to child protection. Unfortunately, the true intent of the bill to curtail child abuse has been eclipsed by the issue of home schooling.”

The proposed law was intended to honor Theodore “Teddy” Foltz-Tedesco, who was tortured and murdered by his mother’s boyfriend earlier this year. His mother had withdrawn Teddy from school, saying she was going to home-school him after teachers initiated an investigation into his potential abuse. Both adults were convicted of charges relating to his death and are serving time in prison.

The language in the bill would have required all parents who home-school to undergo a social services investigation, including interviews and background checks, to determine if home schooling would be permitted. If parents didn’t pass the investigation, an ‘intervention’ would be recommended before further consideration of their request to home-school.

“After consultation with Teddy’s family, we have collectively decided the best course of action is for me to withdraw SB 248, and instead pursue a more comprehensive approach to address the current challenges in the state’s social service and criminal justice system,” Cafaro said.


which should have been the main point from the start.


As I previously stated, this stupid bill had zero chance of passing.
Time to end my participation in this thread.
I think every state should have some regulations on home schooling as well as having help available to parents who choose to take that path. We recognize that having an educated population benefits everyone. This is why we have broad tax bases to support public schools, truancy laws, graduation requirements, and teacher qualification. And for that reason there should be requirements for home schooling.

At a minimum, anyone that home schools should be required to meet some educational requirements, cover the same basic subjects taught in public schools, keep records of student attendance and progress, and have the student tested yearly. If the student is doing poorly in a home schooling environment, then the state should require that student attend public or private schools.

We all have an interest in the education of the young. We should have minimum standards. If we don't, then we just as well repeal truancy laws and make education optional.

As far as I know, every state already regulates home schooling has already established certain curriculum requirements. But that's not the issue in question here. This is about whether it is acceptable for the state government to investigate parents before they are allowed to home school, as a way to prevent abusive parents being discovered as they escalate their abusive and neglectful behaviors.
I don't necessarily agree with this bill because I haven't seen the details but I do believe states should at least verify that whoever is teaching the kids has some minimum level of qualification and are aware of state requirements. If that constitutes and investigation, then I agree with it. Since this is being reported by a right wing organization, the "The Arizona Conservative", I have doubts about the bias of the reporting.
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Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

Following that reasoning, we should all hand our kids over to a state agency just as soon as they're born,

and then file an application with the state (complete with agreements to undergo background checks, along with whatever various other anal probes the state might require) in order to get custody of our kids...

Don't give him any ideas!
Maine has some of the best HOME SCHOOLING laws and policies in America.

EVery parent has the right to homeschool their child AND can do so 100% or as needed.

Some kids are homeschooled and STILL can attend classes (as they choose) AND continue to be part of the school extracurricular activities, too.

Now that is how REAL LIBERALISM works in education, kiddies.
Of course parents have the right to home school as long as they meet the state certifications.

No, the public school system is not subject to the far left. The folks who say that are those who want to make public school into garage-housed bible vacation schools.
Maine has some of the best HOME SCHOOLING laws and policies in America.

EVery parent has the right to homeschool their child AND can do so 100% or as needed.

Some kids are homeschooled and STILL can attend classes (as they choose) AND continue to be part of the school extracurricular activities, too.

Now that is how REAL LIBERALISM works in education, kiddies.

That's how it was in Lawrence, KS when I was raising my boys. The school district was very supportive of homeschoolers. Many of the public school teachers even homeschooled, ironically.
Of course parents have the right to home school as long as they meet the state certifications.

In other words, they don't have the right to home-school. The instinct to lick boot polish is strong in you, Fakey.

No, the public school system is not subject to the far left. The folks who say that are those who want to make public school into garage-housed bible vacation schools.

Everyone with a brain says it, Fakey.

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