Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool


Poor example. These kids were designated as problems, and were required to take medications. Their parents did not make them take them, and ignored them while they were amassing a small arsenal.

Did counseling stop a mass killing or not?

If the parents did their jobs, it would have.

But you suggest little johny needs meds or that he needs behavior counselling, and the sue you over their special little snowflake's self-esteem faster than you can blink.
ROFL! So "being certified" doesn't mean getting a teaching certificate?

You're a hoot, Fakey.

When did that happen? I must have missed it.

Infantile babble.

Son, you are an avowed anarchists, which means you babble to the rest of us when you write. Tis what tis.

You realize, of course, that your post is a classic example of the ad hominem. fallacy.

Truth in fact is not ad hom. Defining an abortionist or an anarchist is truth in speech.
Poor example. These kids were designated as problems, and were required to take medications. Their parents did not make them take them, and ignored them while they were amassing a small arsenal.

Did counseling stop a mass killing or not?

If the parents did their jobs, it would have.

But you suggest little johny needs meds or that he needs behavior counselling, and the sue you over their special little snowflake's self-esteem faster than you can blink.

But you claimed that counselors in public schools would prevent mass killings. Now you're putting the onus on parents.

So what is your argument against home schooling again?
Son, you are an avowed anarchists, which means you babble to the rest of us when you write. Tis what tis.

You realize, of course, that your post is a classic example of the ad hominem. fallacy.

Truth in fact is not ad hom. Defining an abortionist or an anarchist is truth in speech.

It is a fallacy when it has no bearing on the argument but is only intended to be an insult.

Only Fakey would attempt to claim an ad hominem fallacy is valid logic
You realize, of course, that your post is a classic example of the ad hominem. fallacy.

Truth in fact is not ad hom. Defining an abortionist or an anarchist is truth in speech.

It is a fallacy when it has no bearing on the argument but is only intended to be an insult.

Only Fakey would attempt to claim an ad hominem fallacy is valid logic

You whine because you think that you, the master insulter, have been insulted?


You are an anarchist, you admitted it, thus your philosophy lacks merit, in my opinion, and obviously can never work in our society, our culture, our law. Let's move on.
Truth in fact is not ad hom. Defining an abortionist or an anarchist is truth in speech.

It is a fallacy when it has no bearing on the argument but is only intended to be an insult.

Only Fakey would attempt to claim an ad hominem fallacy is valid logic

You whine because you think that you, the master insulter, have been insulted?


No, you fucking moron, I pointed out that insulting me doesn't make your claim correct. It's a logical fallacy.

Now slither back under your rock.

You are an anarchist, you admitted it, thus your philosophy lacks merit, in my opinion, and obviously can never work in our society, our culture, our law. Let's move on.

An you're a fucking commie, Fakey. However, neither claim proves or disproves my argument.
Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

One does not need to go through a background check as a prerequisite of parenthood.
This is just an attempt to thwart parents who want to home school.
The possibility exists that teacher's unions are behind this.
Two things teacher's union managements as well as rank and file cannot stand are home schooling and Charter Schools. Why?.....Both cut down on the number of union teaching jobs required.
schoolteachers in ny undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

one does not need to go through a background check as a prerequisite of parenthood.
This is just an attempt to thwart parents who want to home school.
The possibility exists that teacher's unions are behind this.
Two things teacher's union managements as well as rank and file cannot stand are home schooling and charter schools. Why?.....both cut down on the number of union teaching jobs required.

Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”​

Seems reasonable to me, why would any responsible parent object?

This is nothing more than social engineering Mc Carthyism..
Did you read what that guy said?
He furthers the notion that ONLY a public school education is "enriching"...So why is he not going after established private schools with such fervor?
Ya know what? This is a bullshit smokescreen attempt by Cafaro to curry favor with teacher's unions. This bill has NO CHANCE of passing...
Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

Following that reasoning, we should all hand our kids over to a state agency just as soon as they're born,

and then file an application with the state (complete with agreements to undergo background checks, along with whatever various other anal probes the state might require) in order to get custody of our kids...
Schoolteachers in NY undergo background checks before they are hired. Why should a parent who wants to be a schoolteacher get preferential treatment?

Following that reasoning, we should all hand our kids over to a state agency just as soon as they're born,

and then file an application with the state (complete with agreements to undergo background checks, along with whatever various other anal probes the state might require) in order to get custody of our kids...

If we aren't responsible enough to determine whether we can school them properly, then how are we responsible enough to feed then, cloth them or discipline them?
So how many of you who oppose this are also for more strict standards for teachers in public schools?

Your attempt to equate teachers to parents is laughable..... I am guessing you have no children?

I'm equating teachers to teachers.

A public education - or the equivalent - is a child's right and obligation.

A public education at the level of standards set by the federal, state, and school district levels of government is a child's right.

The federal, state, and the school district governments have the right to set the standards.

A parent who wishes to become a teacher therefore should only be allowed to do so if they are qualified to provide the above,

which is the right of their child to receive.

Compulsory education laws apply as much as anything else.

Public education is NOT an obligation. If that were true, private schools and home schooling would be illegal.
As a matter of fact, private schools and home schoolers set much HIGHER standards for students than state minimum requirements.
BTW..The federal government does not set curriculum standards. States have that authority. Local school boards in home rule states frequently have their own standards which are higher than state standards.
In NC all home schooling parents and guardians must meet state standards to become eligible to home school.
Tell me something...Why are you people so enamored with public schools to the point where you have only negative things to say about private schools, home schools, charter schools and school vouchers?

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