Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

I would assume that the average parent does not have a master's degree and teaching certification to teach

alegbra, trigonometry, geometry, pre-calculus, American history, World history, biology, earth science, chemistry, American literature, English literature, French or Spanish or Latin,


just to cite an incomplete list of the kind of courses a student takes in high school.

My uncle could teach HS-level (and probably college-level) physics, trig, and geometry. He taught me algebra, after a truly-worthless teacher failed to do so.

He did not finish seventh grade and is almost entirely self-educated.

My uncle never finished high school either. He worked on a loading dock his whole life. He did not know shit about physics, trig or geometry

I would not want him to homeschool

On the other hand, a degree from Self-taught Uncle University might be at least as valuable as one from Regent University, or Bob Jones.
There is nothing to stop parents from undoing what the government schools have done and give their children supplementary education.

It's not like public schools have a great record in ensuring kids have a quality education. It also doesn't stop with homeschooling, as democrats are scared of vouchers that gives the parents the power to pull their kids into private school which better serves their kids education purposes. "Choice and competition" is a bumper sticker slogan that only serves to advance the Democrats own special interests.

The Shackles of Big Government guy wants the government to give parents taxpayer money to send their children to private school.


btw, funding a private school with government money makes it a public school as far as I'm concerned.
He doesn't "assume" squat. The government has no business setting "standards" for parents raising their own children. Only a servile bootlicking toady would disagree.

Any government has the right to regulate a public interest when adults, including parents, intrude on it.

Says the self proclaimed "mainstream republican".

Too funny.

Only you look funny about this. We the People, through our leges, regulate the public interest. It is the foundation of republican government.
I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

"prolly?" I agree, in your case.

That's kinda what I mean - you're not smart enough to pick up why I do that. Or "kinda". But that's prolly not something that can be taught anyway.

Not to mention that...
He doesn't "assume" squat. The government has no business setting "standards" for parents raising their own children. Only a servile bootlicking toady would disagree.

Any government has the right to regulate a public interest when adults, including parents, intrude on it.

Government has no rights whatsoever. It only has duties. How parents raise their children is none of its business. Only a totalitarian state would believe it's entitled to intrude on the parent/child relationship.

You're only proving that you're a bootlicking worshipper of totalitarianism, Fakey. You make Stalin look permissive.

-- you have a talent for making a case that just simultaneously buries it. If you think an argument like that is going to win anyone over, you just prolly can't be edumacated.

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I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

How can you believe that children should not be entitled to any protection by the government?

"protection"? :confused:
In principle (only)

should parents be allowed to homeschool a child against the child's will?

Bringing in the "child's will" seems disingenous to me. It doesn't matter which side of the debate raises this point. Almost every child being schooled (home/private/public) is being schooled against his will. Honestly, how many children do you know that would choose to go to school?

Rare is the child who would choose to be cooped up in an institution, if he exists at all. But a desire to learn is a natural born trait if the structure doesn't completely squelch it.

Frankly the whole certification/degree bit is overvalued. I'm sure I had teachers who lacked some of that, and on the other hand had others that were full of book learning who just couldn't teach. I think teaching is more an art form, at least 50% a psychological ability to get the student interested. Once that inspiration is kicked in a student will seek out the material willingly and need only be professionally guided.

Personally I detested every single day of school, literally from the first day of first grade to high school graduation. It was hell. Because it was forced and standardized and homogenized to turn out drones from identical molds whose ability to think creatively was all but destroyed. So I draw a deep distinction between schooling in terms of learning and schooling in terms of an institution. The latter's more like a prison.
There is nothing to stop parents from undoing what the government schools have done and give their children supplementary education.

It's not like public schools have a great record in ensuring kids have a quality education. It also doesn't stop with homeschooling, as democrats are scared of vouchers that gives the parents the power to pull their kids into private school which better serves their kids education purposes. "Choice and competition" is a bumper sticker slogan that only serves to advance the Democrats own special interests.

The Shackles of Big Government guy wants the government to give parents taxpayer money to send their children to private school.


btw, funding a private school with government money makes it a public school as far as I'm concerned.

Yes the far left hates choice.
I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

How can you believe that children should not be entitled to any protection by the government?

"protection"? :confused:

Yes junior......evolution is just a leftist theory
The Gubmint is our worst enemy
God hates Fags

Sounds like A work to me
I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

How can you believe that children should not be entitled to any protection by the government?

Apparently you have confused manditory public education with protection by the government.

When was the last time homeschoolers were attacked by a gunman?

How were public school students killed and maimed while in classrooms they were forced to be in "protected?"
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There is a reason why the far left is against home schooling and charter schools and that is because they can not control the content that the students study. It scares the far left to death to think that these people may actually develop a sense of thinking independence and see the far left what they truly are.

No I don't think that's even remotely close. But it does demonstrate the effects of mass indoctrination, this time not by the institution of school but by that of media.

Robotic thought is robotic thought, and it's equally useless regardless which institution foments it. And television, stop looking around the room; you're one of the main offenders.
Sounds as if you do not want your kids to hear any opinions other than your own.

I certainly don't want them brainwashed and brutalized in some government indoctrination center.

What makes think you have the right to ram you opinions into my kids?

OMG - I hope you don't have kids. In fact, I hope you don't have dog. Both deserve a 'parent' with some self control and not an angry (mad, within both definitions), bigoted and self righteous jerk like you.

:)imagines Finger-boy popping out littler finger-boys: ) :ack-1:
"Children having children"... :rolleyes:
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Any government has the right to regulate a public interest when adults, including parents, intrude on it.

Says the self proclaimed "mainstream republican".

Too funny.

Who are the mainstream republicans who don't believe the government has any right to regulate education?

I doubt any of them believe government has any legitimate authority to regulate home schooling, especially determining whether you can homeschool your kids or not.
Home schooling is fine as long as the parents are not total idiots. Idiots, especially ideologically motivated idiots, attempting to give their children a quality education that will prepare them for the real world is like feeding them thin gruel instead of nourishing food and is rightfully called neglect.

Yeah and unfortunately that applies to a lot of moron robots who are already themselves idoctrinated by something.

I think we put too much emphasis on that though, as if once a child is exposed to X, it's all over. Young persons are adaptable enough, if they're given room to intellectually breathe, to figure it out and separate the wheat from the chaff. I'm sure we can all think of things we were taught as young'uns that we eventually figured out was a complete crock of shinola. Just teach them how to think and give 'em room.
Personally I detested every single day of school, literally from the first day of first grade to high school graduation. It was hell. Because it was forced and standardized and homogenized to turn out drones from identical molds whose ability to think creatively was all but destroyed.

Yes, it shows. You're a perfect example.

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