Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

It's not like public schools have a great record in ensuring kids have a quality education. It also doesn't stop with homeschooling, as democrats are scared of vouchers that gives the parents the power to pull their kids into private school which better serves their kids education purposes. "Choice and competition" is a bumper sticker slogan that only serves to advance the Democrats own special interests.

The Shackles of Big Government guy wants the government to give parents taxpayer money to send their children to private school.


btw, funding a private school with government money makes it a public school as far as I'm concerned.

That's because you're a bootlicking turd.

What a great argument. I'm like, so convinced. My head swims.

Next time I want a bad idea shot down I'll bring it straight to you to create a thread about it. It'll be buried like nuclear waste in short order and home for supper. :rofl:
I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

How can you believe that children should not be entitled to any protection by the government?

Apparently you have confused manditory public education with protection by the government.

When was the last time homeschoolers were attacked by a gunman?

How were public school students killed and maimed while in classrooms they were forced to be in "protected?"

When have homeschoolers ever been bullied, ridiculed, teased or suffered under some sadistic teacher?
There is a reason why the far left is against home schooling and charter schools and that is because they can not control the content that the students study. It scares the far left to death to think that these people may actually develop a sense of thinking independence and see the far left what they truly are.

No I don't think that's even remotely close. But it does demonstrate the effects of mass indoctrination, this time not by the institution of school but by that of media.

Robotic thought is robotic thought, and it's equally useless regardless which institution foments it. And television, stop looking around the room; you're one of the main offenders.

Yes, that is the reason, Pogo. Instilling robotic thought or destroying the ability to think period is the whole point of government schools. Parents don't teach their children to be obedient little automatons who think just like everyone else. Government schools do that.
The Shackles of Big Government guy wants the government to give parents taxpayer money to send their children to private school.


btw, funding a private school with government money makes it a public school as far as I'm concerned.

That's because you're a bootlicking turd.

What a great argument. I'm like, so convinced. My head swims.

Next time I want a bad idea shot down I'll bring it straight to you to create a thread about it. It'll be buried like nuclear waste in short order and home for supper. :rofl:

My argument was as equally convincing as yours, and I managed it in a lot fewer words. Your belief that you have convinced anyone of anything is truly comical
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ROFL! What an idiot. The whole point of government schools is instilling the hive mentality.

Let me give you an example

What if finger boy wanted to homeschool his kids?

Scary isn't it? :eek:

I'm sure you do find it scary. You've already made it clear you fear anyone homeschooling their kids.

I have no issues with a qualified, motivated parent who is schooling their child

A parent who celebrates a two year old giving the finger is not homeschool material
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There is a reason why the far left is against home schooling and charter schools and that is because they can not control the content that the students study. It scares the far left to death to think that these people may actually develop a sense of thinking independence and see the far left what they truly are.

No I don't think that's even remotely close. But it does demonstrate the effects of mass indoctrination, this time not by the institution of school but by that of media.

Robotic thought is robotic thought, and it's equally useless regardless which institution foments it. And television, stop looking around the room; you're one of the main offenders.

Yes, that is the reason, Pogo. Instilling robotic thought or destroying the ability to think period is the whole point of government schools. Parents don't teach their children to be obedient little automatons who think just like everyone else. Government schools do that.

Is that who instilled your obedient little automaton script of "yammer yammer bootlicking turds yammer yammer libtard fascists yammer yammer moron idiot"?
The gummint school did that, did it?

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The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.
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The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.

Fail logic on your premise. Of course a hive (a home) can have one school bee.

And don't try to ignore critical thinking principles as the basis for learning.

If any school does that, good, whether private, public, or home.

And if not, shut it down and exile the parents/teachers to coastal Alabama to make their living on the beaches.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Robotic hive thought can only be achieved when the children are herded together in public schools. Hives don't work with only one worker bee.

Fail logic on your premise. Of course a hive (a home) can have one school bee.

And don't try to ignore critical thinking principles as the basis for learning.

If any school does that, good, whether private, public, or home.

And if not, shut it down and exile the parents/teachers to coastal Alabama to make their living on the beaches.

Make up your mind. Bees don't need critical thinking skills. Public schools demonstrate that all the time.
Let me give you an example

What if finger boy wanted to homeschool his kids?

Scary isn't it? :eek:

I'm sure you do find it scary. You've already made it clear you fear anyone homeschooling their kids.

I have no issues with a qualified, motivated parent who is schooling their child

A parent who celebrates a two year old giving the finger is not homeschool material

So, you believe the government is going to screen these parents: How?

By asking each applicant for homeschooling "Hey, do you believe your kid should express his feelings with finger jestures?"

The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

How is the state to regulate thought?
Bottom line:

Silly regulations like the proposed bill will not slow the rise of Home Schooling. Parents will simply fill out a silly form and send it back to some mouth breathing government bureaucrat to file somewhere. BFD.

The only people that are opposed to Home Schooling are teacher's unions and the Democrat politicians who are lined up at the trough of the NEA.

Don't worry leftist thugs- If you like your failing public schools you can keep your failing public schools. Period. :thup:

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