Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

I'm all for rightwingers home schooling their kids. Keep them as stupid as possible. Teach them "creationism" and other nonsense to hamstring them.

Means less competition for serious people.
I'm all for rightwingers home schooling their kids. Keep them as stupid as possible. Teach them "creationism" and other nonsense to hamstring them.

Means less competition for serious people.

Home schooled kids do far, far better than kids subjected to the government indoctrination centers, you witless git.
I'm all for rightwingers home schooling their kids. Keep them as stupid as possible. Teach them "creationism" and other nonsense to hamstring them.

Means less competition for serious people.

Home schooled kids do far, far better than kids subjected to the government indoctrination centers, you witless git.

why is that? you attribute it to the fact that they are homeschooled. where is your proof of that?

also, give me 2 students and 24 hr/day 365 days/year access to their entire lives and if i only have them performing at the 85th percentile i'd consider myself a failure.
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I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.
Why shouldn't parents have to serve their kids government approved lunches? Let's have the government approve home lunch menus, clothing, assigned chores, and entertainment.

What a moron.
Note the HERD mentality from the left? EVERYONE the same...they DENY the individual, which is their problem from the start. IF they recognize ALL may be born the same, NAKED, and helpless....WILL die the same... All in between is a different matter entirely. HUMANS have minds of their own...

Liberalism, Leftism, Statism is a mental disorder.

But of course.
The very nature of the left is a collectivist mindset - the HERD.

they won't survive as individuals ( at least that is what they think and being brainwashed with) and they don't even want to try.

^^ This from a robot whose every post is basically "libtards yammer yammer libtards libtards yammer yammer".

Wanna see a "collectivist mindset"? Check the mirror. You haven't had an independent thought since the trans fats thread.

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I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

"prolly?" I agree, in your case.
You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

You assume that a basic standard is not the business of the government.

He doesn't "assume" squat. The government has no business setting "standards" for parents raising their own children. Only a servile bootlicking toady would disagree.

Any government has the right to regulate a public interest when adults, including parents, intrude on it.
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Home schooling isn't anarchy. Good grief, can we dispense with the hyperbole and discuss this rationally? Home schools are currently under limited regulation by the state. Parents are required to submit some form of proof that students are being schooled and that the curriculum includes a bear minimum of the basic subject material. Students are required to take state administered tests. This new bill goes further than that (in essence, the bill wants home school parents to be certified before they are permitted to home school.) My own view is that education is not a proper function of the state (let the accusations of opposing eduction begin!). All schooling should be privatized for the same reason that all religion is privatized.
You assume that a basic standard is not the business of the government.

He doesn't "assume" squat. The government has no business setting "standards" for parents raising their own children. Only a servile bootlicking toady would disagree.

Any government has the right to regulate a public interest when adults, including parents, intrude on it.

Government has no rights whatsoever. It only has duties. How parents raise their children is none of its business. Only a totalitarian state would believe it's entitled to intrude on the parent/child relationship.

You're only proving that you're a bootlicking worshipper of totalitarianism, Fakey. You make Stalin look permissive.
Why shouldn't home schools have to meet he same standards as public schools?

You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

If all of our public schools were functioning up to proper standards, you would have far fewer home schooled children. It's ironic that some politician wants to, in essence, certify parents to teach when the real problem is with the public schools. Fix the schools that are a problem! Don't bully the home schooling parents.
Why shouldn't home schools have to meet he same standards as public schools?

You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

If all of our public schools were functioning up to proper standards, you would have far fewer home schooled children. It's ironic that some politician wants to, in essence, certify parents to teach when the real problem is with the public schools. Fix the schools that are a problem! Don't bully the home schooling parents.

I live in upstate NY where the quality of the public schools is as good as almost anywhere in the country.
Yet a good many people around here homeschool.
Why shouldn't home schools have to meet he same standards as public schools?

Why shouldn't parents have to serve their kids government approved lunches? Let's have the government approve home lunch menus, clothing, assigned chores, and entertainment.

What a moron.

Students in public schools can bring their own lunch from home you moron.
You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

You assume that a basic standard is not the business of the government.

He doesn't "assume" squat. The government has no business setting "standards" for parents raising their own children. Only a servile bootlicking toady would disagree.

So you believe there can be no such thing as an unfit parent as far as the law is concerned,

because you believe that the government has no business making such laws?

I don't like it. I don't think the State has a right to require schooling in the first place. Children belong to their parents, not the State.

However surely this issue could be brought up by someone more intelligent than a six-year-old with jelly on his face giving the finger who leads off his OP with the word "libtruds" [sic]

-- which is prolly an argument that some level of schooling should be mandatory, lest we all end up like that.

How can you believe that children should not be entitled to any protection by the government?
You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

Have them meet any standard

Should a parent who never graduated HS homeschool?
Should a drug addicted parent homeschool?

Should homeschool kids be required to demonstrate progress?

They already do have to meet standards. Home shooled kids have to take standardized tests on a regular basis. If they don't pass, they go back to the public school.

And that would be something you've made clear you would object to.
Why shouldn't home schools have to meet he same standards as public schools?

You "assume" that the "public" standards are best :)

I would assume that the average parent does not have a master's degree and teaching certification to teach

alegbra, trigonometry, geometry, pre-calculus, American history, World history, biology, earth science, chemistry, American literature, English literature, French or Spanish or Latin,


just to cite an incomplete list of the kind of courses a student takes in high school.

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