Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

In addition to the charitable work my brother's socially conscious homeschooled kids do, they'll also be more experienced in computer programming than most children are because of how important my brother considers programming literacy.

If there are any subjects the kids want or need and my brother and sister-in-law can't teach them, they'll arrange for the kids to have classes at a local school, perhaps a college. That's where the kids who want piano lessons go.

They also spend a lot of time at museums and doing activities with other homeschooled kids.

Homeschooled kids do much more and therefore score much better than kids in public schools do.
You are basically wasting a lot of time in public school, while when homeschooling you can do more in less time.
We did :)
In addition to the charitable work my brother's socially conscious homeschooled kids do, they'll also be more experienced in computer programming than most children are because of how important my brother considers programming literacy.

If there are any subjects the kids want or need and my brother and sister-in-law can't teach them, they'll arrange for the kids to have classes at a local school, perhaps a college. That's where the kids who want piano lessons go.

They also spend a lot of time at museums and doing activities with other homeschooled kids.

Activities with other homeschool kids.......I got it

Well, kids in school don't have the freedom which homeschooled kids have to take part in the range of activities my brother's kids do.

School kids would be welcome on weekends, but my brothers' kids are out and about in active learning situations all the time. Well, not literally all the time, but way more than kids who are confined in schools can be.
Homeschooling is the last bastion of controlling parents who are frightened their children will think for themselves. The problem is that facts support a liberal agenda and we can't have children learning anything that doesn't have a conservative slant. They can't be exposed to races or religions, other than those of their parents. We must keep them safe from ideas their parents don't agree with.

My children had a broad public school education. Their politics, religion, and ideas don't always agree with mine and I'm OK with that. I raised them to think for themselves and to always, always question what they've been told by government and other authority figures. I'm proud of their ability to think for themselves, even if we don't always agree.

Wow...what a jaw-droippingly stupid pile of BS!
Actually, the BS is homeschool parents are only concerned with the quality of education

They are terrified their children may interact with black, Hispanic, poor and those with different religious beliefs

Doesn't happen when you homeschool does it?

You're being dumber than usual, kid. Lay off the water pipe for a while.
Wow...what a jaw-droippingly stupid pile of BS!
Actually, the BS is homeschool parents are only concerned with the quality of education

They are terrified their children may interact with black, Hispanic, poor and those with different religious beliefs

Doesn't happen when you homeschool does it?

You're being dumber than usual, kid. Lay off the water pipe for a while.

To claim that homeschool parents are not seeking to control who their children associate with is a bunch of crap

That is what terrifies them the most about public schools. All those kids who may influence their children.

Better to be a robo-parent
Actually, the BS is homeschool parents are only concerned with the quality of education

They are terrified their children may interact with black, Hispanic, poor and those with different religious beliefs

Doesn't happen when you homeschool does it?

You're being dumber than usual, kid. Lay off the water pipe for a while.

To claim that homeschool parents are not seeking to control who their children associate with is a bunch of crap

That is what terrifies them the most about public schools. All those kids who may influence their children.

Better to be a robo-parent

How narrow-minded of you. My brothers' kids will be raised way better than that. I'm proud of what he and his wife are doing.
If the quality of education through public schools speaks of those regulation "standards" placed on teachers, it would appear the bar isn't set very high. If the average high school student only has a 5th grade reading level, would you want these same students coming back to public school as teachers for the next generation? Those kind of "standards" couldn't possibly be any lower for home schoolers.

The problem is not the curriculum or the standards, it is the lack of parental involvement, as you well know.

Some parents keep their kids in "home" school for a variety of reasons that has nothing to do with quality education, as you well know.

Regulation has to become more rigorous for all schooling, hmmm.


Who wants their kid to go to school with a bunch of blacks, hispanics, poor people or atheists?

What do you do if your child wants to bring one home?

It was just a matter of time. Racism is the most common tool used by liberals when they find any kind of resistance to their vision for America, it's another form of whining by the left (be sure to save them a box of Kleenex).

Personally I could care less what color you are .... if the overall level of education is below par, the parent (as a taxpayer) has a right to use their own tax dollars (through a voucher) to enroll their kids to a better quality of education. To simply throw more money at the problem while blaming anyone else for the failures of an entire school system, only shows you Democrats will look to any excuse to keep quality and competition out of the control and reach of parents. That is, of course, unless you are a wealthy Democrat politician who prefers only the best private school for their kids. Yet they are supposed to be for the "middle class", right? Welcome to the world of politics folks.
You're being dumber than usual, kid. Lay off the water pipe for a while.

To claim that homeschool parents are not seeking to control who their children associate with is a bunch of crap

That is what terrifies them the most about public schools. All those kids who may influence their children.

Better to be a robo-parent

You aren't real bright boy.

Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it
To claim that homeschool parents are not seeking to control who their children associate with is a bunch of crap

That is what terrifies them the most about public schools. All those kids who may influence their children.

Better to be a robo-parent

You aren't real bright boy.

Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Yup we knew parents like that in East Texas and Louisiana, for sure. However, a few of them were not white. Tight little mean world at times.
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Prove it piss ant.

Of wait, you can't.

And that is what state regulation will determine, not you, vermin. :lol:
To claim that homeschool parents are not seeking to control who their children associate with is a bunch of crap

That is what terrifies them the most about public schools. All those kids who may influence their children.

Better to be a robo-parent

You aren't real bright boy.

Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument based on just providing the facts.
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Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument based on just providing the facts.

Honestly, shakles, it no surprise that no one is buying your silliness.

I knew Texas families who home schooled their children to keep them away from blacks.

Yeah, how about that? Some Louisianans as well.

Home schools are regulated, always will be. End of story.

Take your race crap elsewhere.
You aren't real bright boy.

Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Home schooling is already regulated by the state. What these weasels want to do is make you get government permission to home school. So long as you aren't abusing them, government has no authority to tell you how to raise your children.

You silly anarchist: if you are home schooling, that will be regulated by the state. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don't abuse your children and you don't have anything to worry about.
There is nothing to stop parents from undoing what the government schools have done and give their children supplementary education.
I've see both sides, public school and homeschooling. My daughter home schooled one of her 4 kids. It's really a mixed bag. Some kids do better at home other don't. In my daughter's case one of the children had rather serve emotional problems and I think she did much better at home than she would have done at school.

FYI, states have requirements for home schooling. To qualify for homeschooling in my state, you must meet the following requirements.

  • Have earned 45 quarter units of college level credit.
  • Attend a Parent Qualifying Course.
  • Work with a certificated teacher who meets with your student on the average of an hour a week.
  • Be deemed sufficiently qualified to provide home-based instruction by the superintendent of your local school district.

In addition the state specifies 11 subjects that must be taught, records of student progress must be kept, and the student must participate in annual testing. There are more requirements but these are the main ones.

IMHO, parents should certainly be able to home school their kids but they should be required to meet certain standards. Most parents that home school do so not to undue public school education or teach some wacko political agenda but rather to do a better job of teaching the public school curriculum.
Homeschooling is the last bastion of controlling parents who are frightened their children will think for themselves. The problem is that facts support a liberal agenda and we can't have children learning anything that doesn't have a conservative slant.

Are you aware of the secular home school movement in America? This isn't political. Liberals can find reasons to home school their children as well. Proper education is politically neutral. The issue for me is the right of all parents (liberal or conservative) to educate their kids according to their own judgement. When people like you make it political, it distorts the reality. There is no politics to 2+2 = 4 or the theory of evolution or the history of the American Revolution. It is neither liberal nor conservative that George Washington is the 1st President or the fact that the moon's circumference is 6784 miles.
I agree, 99% of what kids learn particularly in elementary school has nothing to do with politics and certainly isn't controversial. Occasional a teacher will state an opinion on a controversial subject and an adult hears of it and blows it out of proportion. Next thing you know, the media is demanded the resignation of the superintendent.

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