Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument based on just providing the facts.

Honestly, shakles, it no surprise that no one is buying your silliness.

I knew Texas families who home schooled their children to keep them away from blacks.

Yeah, how about that? Some Louisianans as well.

Home schools are regulated, always will be. End of story.

Take your race crap elsewhere.

Jake, I'm not the one that resorted to racism as valid argument against home schooling after I have clearly shown the public school system has failed. Believing you know someone and proving it with facts are two completely different things. Come back to me when you have more reliable facts to back up your argument, something that includes a link for once.
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Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life
Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”​

home schooling is a scary thing. a home schooled kid won't get the liberal brainwashing a publicly schooled kid will
Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument based on just providing the facts.

Honestly, shakles, it no surprise that no one is buying your silliness.

I knew Texas families who home schooled their children to keep them away from blacks.

Yeah, how about that? Some Louisianans as well.

Home schools are regulated, always will be. End of story.

Take your race crap elsewhere.

Jake, I'm not the one that resorted to racism as valid argument against home schooling after I have clearly shown the public school system has failed. Believing you know someone and proving it with facts are two completely different things. Come back to me when you have more reliable facts to back up your argument, something that includes a link for once.
Hummmm ..... "I have clearly shown the public school system has failed." Each year milllions of students graduate from high schools. Many with honors or even high honors. After graduation hundreds of thousands go on to college or the university. Sometimes they go to the best schools in the nation. Schools like MIT, Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, Stanford, Michigan State, and on, and on, and on. Other hundreds of thousands go on to community colleges or schools teaching special skills. This is where we get our mechanics, nurses, and assorted other professions. Still others apprentice as plumbers, electricians, and carpenders. No, our schools are not failing but like many things in America they can be improved. The truth of this is in the fact that the the vast majority of high school graduates move on to become productive citizens.
Oh, and one other fact you may not be aware of, the graduation rate for high school students has hit a 40 year high. This rate does not take into acccount the thousands of students who then continue their eduacations to earn GED's. The schools must be doing something right.
Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”

home schooling is a scary thing. a home schooled kid won't get the liberal brainwashing a publicly schooled kid will
We hear this crap over and over and there is no proof provided to make your point. Oh, and by the way, isn't this statement also true: A public schooled kid won't get the right wing brain washing that a home schooled kid will. Isn't that what home schooling is about?

"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing."

karl rove
Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life
Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.

Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life
Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.
Well said, Flopper. Well said!!!!
The majority of the far right who home school are installing robotic hive thought in their little schoolers.

I don't care if you teach Creationism or ID as long as your student can also competently and objectively discuss Darwin and evolution, able to make the argument for it.

Same way with the Civil War, for example.

If home schooling is not instilling critical thinking principles along with parental propaganda, then a case for state regulation has certainly been made.

Prove it piss ant.

Of wait, you can't.

And that is what state regulation will determine, not you, vermin. :lol:

The World according to Fakey.

Fakey has spoken!
Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument based on just providing the facts.

Honestly, shakles, it no surprise that no one is buying your silliness.

I knew Texas families who home schooled their children to keep them away from blacks.

Yeah, how about that? Some Louisianans as well.

Home schools are regulated, always will be. End of story.

Take your race crap elsewhere.

Yeah, we know. You posted your story earlier.

Hey, Fakey, do you know how much credibility your personal anecdotes have? They have less credibility than that official communist propaganda you posted to the forum.
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Deny it....go ahead

Nobody is buying it

Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life

Every parent controls who his children associate with. And frankly, I don't want my kids exposed to everything. I certainly don't want them exposed to inner city gangs. A lot of the kids in the schools I went to were criminals.
All schooling that receives some form of state certification can be regulated by the state.

Anarchists' feelings should be taken into account then dismissed.

Home schooling is already regulated by the state. What these weasels want to do is make you get government permission to home school. So long as you aren't abusing them, government has no authority to tell you how to raise your children.

You silly anarchist: if you are home schooling, that will be regulated by the state. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don't abuse your children and you don't have anything to worry about.

Yes, we've already seen the world according to Fakey. Now go back to your games so the adults can talk.
Honestly, is it any surprise when Rightwinger can no longer defend public schools he has to try and push the race phobia crap. Even though he can't provide proof for any of it, he's hoping at least SOMEONE might be sympathetic enough to buy into it. I can't begin to count the number of times racism is brought in when the left no longer feels they can win an argument on just facts alone.


Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life

Every parent controls who his children associate with. And frankly, I don't want my kids exposed to everything. I certainly don't want them exposed to inner city gangs. A lot of the kids in the schools I went to were criminals.

Me too

And I used the values my parents taught me to decide which kids I should hang out with and which ones I should stay away from. My parents did not supervise me 24 hours a day, I was free to associate with who I wanted to in public school. I was also free to hang out with friends after school
Home schooling is already regulated by the state. What these weasels want to do is make you get government permission to home school. So long as you aren't abusing them, government has no authority to tell you how to raise your children.

You silly anarchist: if you are home schooling, that will be regulated by the state. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don't abuse your children and you don't have anything to worry about.

Yes, we've already seen the world according to Fakey. Now go back to your games so the adults can talk.

You are an anarchist, so no one cares what you think, my friend. Home schools are state regulated. Some states need to do more.

Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life
Hummmm...... If this is so, why is it necessary to pull the child out of the public school system? Couldn't they allow their sons and daughters to attend school and then take a couple of hours to supplement their educations at home? Why does it have to be either 'home schooling' or 'public schooling?' Educatiors have long maintained that children learn best when their parents are involved with their child's education.
Because in most families there isn't enough time. In 59% of the families both parents work. For a family with 3 kids, typically there's soccer, basketball, dental appointments, orthodontist, doctor appointments, boy scouts, cub scout, girl scouts, etc... Even elementary school kids have homework nearly every school night. There just is not enough time. Between school, work, extra curricular actives, and homework, most parents are lucky if they spend 10 mins a day with each child.

That makes no sense whatsoever. If a parent doesn't have the time to "supplement" their children's learning at school, they sure as hell don't have time to home school their children.
My nonhomeschooled niece just made a post on facebook which illustrates a major difference between her and the homeschooled nephews and nieces.

It's her first day of break. And she is already bored. She doesn't know what to do with herself if she's not on the school's schedule.

The homeschooled kids' days aren't defined by what someone else tells them to do. They have much more autonomy and the Monday before Christmas is no more likely to make them say "what do we do now" than any other Monday in the year. For them learning and finding interesting things to do are everyday experiences for them, experiences they drive with the help of creative parents who model how to live a fulfilling life.

My nonhomeschooling brother and sister-in-law are great. And their kids are great and I'm sure they will have successes in life. But school is something to get through before their life can start, and when they get through it, they'll have a void. They've internalized a concept of themselves as someone who is supposed to be sitting in a particular room on Monday morning. But not the personal achievement, not in the same way a homeschooler can. They haven't had the opportunities to explore their own interests the way homeschooled kids can. They've learned how to sit in chairs and wait in lines and not make too much noise between school bells.
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Libtruds have always hated home schooling because they can't stand the idea that not every child is subjected to government brainwashing. This is just one of the numerous attempts they have made to quash homeschooling and force all children into the government indoctrination mills.

Bill Would Require State Approval to Homeschool | The Arizona Conservative

Ohio State Senator Capri Cafaro (D-Hubbard) has introduced legislation to boost state regulation of homeschooling. Senate Bill 248 would require that parents be investigated and approved before being allowed to homeschool their children.

“The very fact that parents would want to deny their children the enriching experience of a public school education raises a ‘red flag,’” Cafaro declared. “It makes one wonder what other risks of neglect or abuse might be present in the home environment. Rather than supinely wait for tragedies to occur it is incumbent upon the government to intercede ahead of time.”

Cafaro hypothesized that “overt signs of excessive religious fervor, gun ownership, or the presence of books and magazines that denigrate progressive values and undermine loyalty to and faith in the efforts of the government to better people’s lives would demonstrate an anti-social environment that is unfit for children.”

The Senator acknowledged that “there are likely too many anti-social home environments for us to take the most appropriate remedy of removing the afflicted children. We should at least insist that the children attend public schools as a way of counterbalancing these pernicious influences on their education and development.”

home schooling is a scary thing. a home schooled kid won't get the liberal brainwashing a publicly schooled kid will
We hear this crap over and over and there is no proof provided to make your point. Oh, and by the way, isn't this statement also true: A public schooled kid won't get the right wing brain washing that a home schooled kid will. Isn't that what home schooling is about?

All teaching includes some brainwashing. The question is, who should do the brainwashing? The idea that government is more qualified to instill the right ideas in your child than you are is fundamentally a totalitarian notion.
You silly anarchist: if you are home schooling, that will be regulated by the state. No ifs, ands, or buts. Don't abuse your children and you don't have anything to worry about.

Yes, we've already seen the world according to Fakey. Now go back to your games so the adults can talk.

You are an anarchist, so no one cares what you think, my friend. Home schools are state regulated. Some states need to do more.

The Stalinist dispenser of communist propaganda has spoken!
My nonhomeschooled niece just made a post on facebook which illustrates a major difference between her and the homeschooled nephews and nieces.

It's her first day of break. And she is already bored. She doesn't know what to do with herself if she's not on the school's schedule.

The homeschooled kids' days aren't defined by what someone else tells them to do. They have much more autonomy and the Monday before Christmas is no more likely to make them say "what do we do now" than any other Monday in the year. For them learning and finding interesting things to do are everyday experiences for them, experiences they drive with the help of creative parents who model how to live a fulfilling life.

My nonhomeschooling brother and sister-in-law are great. And their kids are great and I'm sure they will have successes in life. But school is something to get through before their life can start, and when they get through it, they'll have a void. They've internalized a concept of themselves as someone who is supposed to be sitting in a particular room on Monday morning. But not the personal achievement, not in the same way a homeschooler can. They haven't had the opportunities to explore their own interests the way homeschooled kids can. They've learned how to sit in chairs and wait in lines and not make too much noise between school bells.

Sounds like your homeschooling relatives have it down right.

I have known some home schooled kids who were bored out of their mind.

I have known so many children that loved public schooling.

You have shown just how important the nature of parental involvement in public or private or home schooling.

Why of course not

Why I'm sure each and every one of those homeschool kids hangs out with any public school kid he wants after school let's out. Black kids, Hispanics, poor kids, atheists....even liberals

Because home school parents want their children exposed to kids from all walks of life

Every parent controls who his children associate with. And frankly, I don't want my kids exposed to everything. I certainly don't want them exposed to inner city gangs. A lot of the kids in the schools I went to were criminals.

Me too

And I used the values my parents taught me to decide which kids I should hang out with and which ones I should stay away from. My parents did not supervise me 24 hours a day, I was free to associate with who I wanted to in public school. I was also free to hang out with friends after school

So you're saying that you wouldn't mind having your kids rub elbows all day with other kids who are doing and selling drugs?

Yeah, right.

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