Black boy, 12, with Down Syndrome Abused by White Guard. As a "Joke."

White Syracuse school guard s joke gets black student to assume the position mom says


Brandon was accompanied on his first day at Huntington K-8 School in Eastwood by his mother, Brandiss Pearson, her husband and her father.

When they stopped in front of a hallway mural to snap pictures, a school sentry, or security guard, who is white, inserted himself. Brandon and his family are black.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on,'' Brandiss Pearson recalls the sentry saying. Then the sentry turned Brandon to face the wall and lifted Brandon's hands above his head on the wall, as if to be frisked, she said.

"And he starts laughing and says, 'Now take the picture, he's in the right position,' '' Pearson recalled.

The insinuation went over Brandon's head. He kept smiling. But his family members were stunned, Pearson said. They hurried Brandon off to his classroom to meet his teacher and say their goodbyes. Only after she got home did Pearson stop to process what had happened.

"I was shaking, just like fire-breathing mad,'' she said. ''All he saw was a little black boy who needed to assume the position.''

White people have D

Pearson is a registered nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital Heath Center. She is studying for a master's degree at Upstate University. She's on the board of directors for Home HeadQuarters...

Pearson reported the incident to Huntington's principal Tuesday afternoon. She tearfully confronted the security guard, or school sentry, Wednesday when she saw him in the hallway. He responded that he thought it was "a funny joke,'' she said.

School administrators put the sentry on leave Wednesday while they look into the incident, said Michael Henesey, coordinator of communications for the school district. Henesey declined to identify the sentry. Pearson said she did not know the sentry's full name.


Syracuse district fires white school guard for joke having black child assume the position

After reviewing video footage and taking statements, the Syracuse school district fired a white school sentry who was accused of having a 12-year-old black child "assume the position'' while his family took pictures of him on the first day of school.

District officials today said their investigation confirmed that the unnamed employee acted inappropriately.

"The poor judgment and thoughtless actions of one employee should not reflect upon the overwhelming majority of the Syracuse City School District's educators and support staff who give selflessly to our 21,000 students each and every day," the district said in a press release today...


Looks like the school system reacted very quickly to this vicious form of racism.

I just wonder how people can be so stupid as to think they can do this shit and still hold on to a job.

And you know, there is just no accounting for taste, but a number of nutbags, it would appear, need to reassess what "funny" is.

Just amazing.

Wonder how long it will take before the KKK starts collecting $$$ for the dude who was fired...

I wonder how long it'll be before you are not obsessed with race? These are individuals... Race hustler idiot

I'm not obsessed with race at all, oh impolite Jroc. I simply reported a current event. You don't like the content? Well, tough fuck for you.

Of course you are. You're pushing hatred, because you're brain washed liberal clone...You push hatred against the Tea party, hatred against police, hatred against Christians, you're pathetic. My brother is a police officer who had to shoot and kill some scum who tired to run him down with his car. I guess thankfully the guy was white, otherwise you, Al Sharpton,Jessie Jackson would be crying racial prejudice again. People like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us normal people, because you follow the liberal bullshit, blindly and happily

No, Jroc, I laugh at the Tea Party because it is full of idiots and fools who allowed and still allow themselves to be used as a pawn of the Koch brothers. The rest of your attack on my is your usual stupidity. I won't even go there.

The text of the OP speaks for itself.

ok you're liar. you've said on open board you thought the Tea Party racist, but liberals lie to cover their tracks. That's what they do, they haft to. Take another look at the Tea partys, they are not one organization, brilliant real Americans are evolved, not the blame America first crowd like yourself... Oh 3 more black kids were gunned down by other blacks in Detroit yesterday if you care. I await your highlighting of this epidemic in the black neighborhoods of Detroit and Chicago, just as i wait for Obama, Al Sharpton,Jessie Jackson and Eric Holder you liberals are all the same pathetic really.."Koch brothers" ..What a joke... You're are so easy:eusa_eh:

No. I said on the open board that SOME of the Tea Partiers are avowed racists, but not all. Pay attention and learn something for one in your life.

Must suck to be you: all that energy attacked other people whom you don't even know.

I can guarantee you you think about me a whole helluva lot more than I think about you. :thup:

So i guess that means you give a shit about dead black kids gotcha fraud:thup:

Oh, that was just plain old weird and lacking in reality on your part. The topic of this thread is not about the death of anyone at all, black, white, red, brown, yellow, olive skinned, you pick it. Weird, weird, weird.

Jroc, you are acting in a sick manner. Get help. Now. Really.
You start the racial hatred threads i point out your hypocrisy this is only one of many of your race baiting threads You continue to do your thing I'll be around

If there is racial hatred in that thread, then it is only of the white school sentry making a 12 year old black boy go into the "frisk position".

Since you now claim that you hate racial hatred, let's see you lambaste that stupid yahoo for doing what he did.

Or do you support this kind of activity?

Really, your postings get sicker and sicker all the time. Chill out and learn to be a feeling human being again.
A Syracuse school guard? Remember when the freaking president used the Down's Syndrome "special olympics" as a joke in his stand up comedy routine during his first term? How about the time democrats made fun of Sara Palin's Down's Syndrome baby?
This had absolutely nothing to do with the topic. That the kid has DS is not the issue here.

Think the guard would have done that shit with a normally functioning Black kid?

Somehow the DS played a part.

Believe me.
In the mean time:

With all of the videos kids watch today who'd believe they haven't all yet figured out the secret to making good videos is to point the lens at the subject and hold the camera as still as possible?
Shouldn't that be "black youth?" Or "black child?"

Geez, what a racist...

Why? At 12, a young man is still a boy.

!2 year olds are still "boys". But to call a young Black male a boy requires just the right attitude.

As always, it's a matter of context. When non-whites call a 28 year old black man, it's a racial insult, because slaveowners often did this to their "property" back in the Civil War era. It was their (mistaken) was of saying to a black man that no matter how old he would become, he, because of the color of his skin, in their eyes, would never be a "real" man.

But a 12 year old male is simply a boy, regardless of race.

Smart people understand this VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND CONCEPT. Really, they do.
Shouldn't that be "black youth?" Or "black child?"

Geez, what a racist...

Why? At 12, a young man is still a boy.

!2 year olds are still "boys". But to call a young Black male a boy requires just the right attitude.

As always, it's a matter of context. When non-whites call a 28 year old black man, it's a racial insult, because slaveowners often did this to their "property" back in the Civil War era. It was their (mistaken) was of saying to a black man that no matter how old he would become, he, because of the color of his skin, in their eyes, would never be a "real" man.

But a 12 year old male is simply a boy, regardless of race.

Smart people understand this VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND CONCEPT. Really, they do.

We erect safeguards to protect ourselves against us at our worst.

I post that way.

You never know when a shum dit will happen upon a communique meant for someone else's particular frame of reference and intellect and misinterpret the eavesdropped message, making it best to assume any numbers of shum dits reading my words might try using them incorrectly and get themselves in trouble.

So, I try to make my posts safe for even them.
The color of the abused boy is irrelevant. I wish that each person who abused a disabled child for any reason, to have a child like that on their own, and they'll know just how bitchy can Karma really become
Whether the guard did it based on race or mental disadvantage, it was absolutely inappropriate. Having someone that much of a nitwit on campus around the kids is not okay, so it is just as well he was fired.
I'll see your abusive white guard and raise you one mob of ******* attacking a white guy with pumpkins in Memphis.
Could it be that this issue is so convoluted no one can really sort it out with the current rules inplace that make the common culture a thing of derision?

Girl Said She Was Beaten At Bus Stop For Acting Too White The Daily Caller
A 16-year-old high school girl in Rock Hill, S.C. told police that another high school girl taunted her on a school bus and then beat her up after she got off the bus. The assailant allegedly was angry at the victim because she was behaving “too much like a white person.”
Both the alleged attacker and the victim are black, reports The State, a Columbia, S.C. newspaper.
The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon on a bus carrying students who attend Northwestern High School.
The unidentified assault victim, 16, told investigators she exited the bus on McDow Drive, a winding street dotted with small ranch-style houses. Shortly after she got off the bus, she said, her attacker violently punched her a bunch of times, then fled the scene.
A Rock Hill police report notes that witnesses told the same basic story.
White Syracuse school guard s joke gets black student to assume the position mom says


Brandon was accompanied on his first day at Huntington K-8 School in Eastwood by his mother, Brandiss Pearson, her husband and her father.

When they stopped in front of a hallway mural to snap pictures, a school sentry, or security guard, who is white, inserted himself. Brandon and his family are black.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on,'' Brandiss Pearson recalls the sentry saying. Then the sentry turned Brandon to face the wall and lifted Brandon's hands above his head on the wall, as if to be frisked, she said.

"And he starts laughing and says, 'Now take the picture, he's in the right position,' '' Pearson recalled.

The insinuation went over Brandon's head. He kept smiling. But his family members were stunned, Pearson said. They hurried Brandon off to his classroom to meet his teacher and say their goodbyes. Only after she got home did Pearson stop to process what had happened.

"I was shaking, just like fire-breathing mad,'' she said. ''All he saw was a little black boy who needed to assume the position.''

White people have D

Pearson is a registered nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital Heath Center. She is studying for a master's degree at Upstate University. She's on the board of directors for Home HeadQuarters...

Pearson reported the incident to Huntington's principal Tuesday afternoon. She tearfully confronted the security guard, or school sentry, Wednesday when she saw him in the hallway. He responded that he thought it was "a funny joke,'' she said.

School administrators put the sentry on leave Wednesday while they look into the incident, said Michael Henesey, coordinator of communications for the school district. Henesey declined to identify the sentry. Pearson said she did not know the sentry's full name.


Syracuse district fires white school guard for joke having black child assume the position

After reviewing video footage and taking statements, the Syracuse school district fired a white school sentry who was accused of having a 12-year-old black child "assume the position'' while his family took pictures of him on the first day of school.

District officials today said their investigation confirmed that the unnamed employee acted inappropriately.

"The poor judgment and thoughtless actions of one employee should not reflect upon the overwhelming majority of the Syracuse City School District's educators and support staff who give selflessly to our 21,000 students each and every day," the district said in a press release today...


Looks like the school system reacted very quickly to this vicious form of racism.

I just wonder how people can be so stupid as to think they can do this shit and still hold on to a job.

And you know, there is just no accounting for taste, but a number of nutbags, it would appear, need to reassess what "funny" is.

Just amazing.

Wonder how long it will take before the KKK starts collecting $$$ for the dude who was fired...

I wonder how long it'll be before you are not obsessed with race? These are individuals... Race hustler idiot

I'm not obsessed with race at all, oh impolite Jroc. I simply reported a current event. You don't like the content? Well, tough fuck for you.

Of course you are. You're pushing hatred, because you're brain washed liberal clone...You push hatred against the Tea party, hatred against police, hatred against Christians, you're pathetic. My brother is a police officer who had to shoot and kill some scum who tired to run him down with his car. I guess thankfully the guy was white, otherwise you, Al Sharpton,Jessie Jackson would be crying racial prejudice again. People like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us normal people, because you follow the liberal bullshit, blindly and happily

No, Jroc, I laugh at the Tea Party because it is full of idiots and fools who allowed and still allow themselves to be used as a pawn of the Koch brothers. The rest of your attack on my is your usual stupidity. I won't even go there.

The text of the OP speaks for itself.

ok you're liar. you've said on open board you thought the Tea Party racist, but liberals lie to cover their tracks. That's what they do, they haft to. Take another look at the Tea partys, they are not one organization, brilliant real Americans are evolved, not the blame America first crowd like yourself... Oh 3 more black kids were gunned down by other blacks in Detroit yesterday if you care. I await your highlighting of this epidemic in the black neighborhoods of Detroit and Chicago, just as i wait for Obama, Al Sharpton,Jessie Jackson and Eric Holder you liberals are all the same pathetic really.."Koch brothers" ..What a joke... You're are so easy:eusa_eh:

No. I said on the open board that SOME of the Tea Partiers are avowed racists, but not all. Pay attention and learn something for one in your life.

Must suck to be you: all that energy attacked other people whom you don't even know.

I can guarantee you you think about me a whole helluva lot more than I think about you. :thup:

So i guess that means you give a shit about dead black kids gotcha fraud:thup:

Oh, that was just plain old weird and lacking in reality on your part. The topic of this thread is not about the death of anyone at all, black, white, red, brown, yellow, olive skinned, you pick it. Weird, weird, weird.

Jroc, you are acting in a sick manner. Get help. Now. Really.
You start the racial hatred threads i point out your hypocrisy this is only one of many of your race baiting threads You continue to do your thing I'll be around

If there is racial hatred in that thread, then it is only of the white school sentry making a 12 year old black boy go into the "frisk position".

Since you now claim that you hate racial hatred, let's see you lambaste that stupid yahoo for doing what he did.

Or do you support this kind of activity?

Really, your postings get sicker and sicker all the time. Chill out and learn to be a feeling human being again.
I call um as I see them race baiter. From the Ferguson thing, to the white man with a gun who didn't get shot because you in your mind he was white. On and on with you. Your pathetic attempt at obfuscation not withstanding.
So the appropriate people acted swiftly and you still created this thread as if there was some outrage or cover up?

Wtf is wrong with you fucking morons? You're not much better than the racists among us. All of you have a common goal.

So the appropriate people acted swiftly and you still created this thread as if there was some outrage or cover up?

Wtf is wrong with you fucking morons? You're not much better than the racists among us. All of you have a common goal.


That is the goal of Identity Politics and that ideology now reigns in our top schools and legal circles.
Poor kid. Kids with Down Syndrome don't understand that you are poking fun of them, they will laugh if you laugh at them. Its sad. This white bastard might have thought he was being funny, but the kid didn't deserve to be treated like that.
People of all races mock retards. WHITE has nothing to do with it twit

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