Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?)

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

They are NOT the same; and it is highly disrespectful to past civil rights activists to compare the two.

black civil rights movement = rights based on being normal members of the human race.

homo rights = a group of sick perverts wanting rights based on their mental illness and nasty lifestyle.
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Basic human rights are basic human rights.

Being killed/discrimated against/denied housing etc becasue you are black or gay or Jewish or whatever is wrong.

Same thing. Homophobia is as bad a hating a person becuause they are black.

Its simple really.
Hatred requires obsession ... obsession requires focus and thought ... this means that those who hate gay people think about gay sex more than those who actually are gay. :lol: That's the irony of this bullshit.
Same thing. Homophobia is as bad a hating a person becuause they are black..


Being black is a natural humam condition and normal.

Being homosexual is abnormal and borders on being sub human

Thus homos are NOT eligible for certain rights that normal heterosexual humans enjoy.
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Another bullshit thread about gay people started by someone who knows less about the subject than I do about sports.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.

You have been shown evidence many ... many ... many times, you choose to ignore it, that's no one else's fucking fault but your's.

Still waiting for evidence that the black civil rights movement and gays wanting acceptance of their lifestyle are the same.
Same thing. Homophobia is as bad a hating a person becuause they are black..


Being black is a natural humam condition and normal.

Being homosexual is abnormal and borders on being sub human.

Nope, being black is a birth defect, being homosexual is natural ...

... prove me wrong.

Actually black skin was the original human skin color and Africa is the birthplace of all modern humans so your BS is refuted, an entire continent of people are not naturally born birth defects, there is no evidence that homosexual sex acts are natural.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

If we could find a way to transform intellectual dishonesty into currency we would be able to colonize Mars. Gays have endured many forms of discrimination and I've not read the thread yet so I don't want to repeat anything. But this is clearly yet a other example of homophobia creating myths and outright lies to attempt to justify their bigotry. What does the bible say about bearing false witness?
Yup, here it is: opposition to gay marriage=homophobia. Saw that one coming.

The fags will not rest until their immoral perverse lifestyle is "embraced" by the rest of us. This is the agenda. Go and suggest partnership arrangements modeled after business law, which would solve most of the issues they bring up, and they don't want any of that.

There is no point of similarlity between gays and the black struggle for civil rights. None at all.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

If we could find a way to transform intellectual dishonesty into currency we would be able to colonize Mars. Gays have endured many forms of discrimination and I've not read the thread yet so I don't want to repeat anything. But this is clearly yet a other example of homophobia creating myths and outright lies to attempt to justify their bigotry. What does the bible say about bearing false witness?

Gays have not had to endure the same struggles as blacks, simple and plain, the fag supporters are having trouble actually proving that BS comparison they keep making.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.


Nothing like someone who is impartial. What a turd.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.
So, Charlie Bass, you have no problems with homosexuals who don't have anal sex? If they only do hand-jobs and blowjobs, it's a-ok?

Because God only condemns sodomy in the Bible, right?

That means you can go suck my cock, Mr. Bass.
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I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

An interesting point, but funny given that the Bass is the one who made the comparison...
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

Damn I gotta go play the lottery!!!!

I agree with a charlie bass post :eek:
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

If we could find a way to transform intellectual dishonesty into currency we would be able to colonize Mars. Gays have endured many forms of discrimination and I've not read the thread yet so I don't want to repeat anything. But this is clearly yet a other example of homophobia creating myths and outright lies to attempt to justify their bigotry. What does the bible say about bearing false witness?

Gays have not had to endure the same struggles as blacks, simple and plain, the fag supporters are having trouble actually proving that BS comparison they keep making.

The major problem here is a double layer fallacy. The first is claiming unless gays have had the same struggles as african americans then they do not qualify as being victims of discrimination. People in wheelchairs have not faced the exact same struggles as african americans but nobody with an honest view would say that means they have not been discriminated against. Same thing with women. They have not had the exact same struggles as gays so does that mean women are not victims of discrimination?

The second layer is not understanding the comparison to african americans. It is only based on bigotry in action by judgment of physical qualities. Bigotry against a group due to skin color is no different than bigotry based on anatomy.

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