Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?)

So, Charlie Bass, you have no problems with homosexuals who don't have anal sex? If they only do hand-jobs and blowjobs, it's a-ok?

Because God only condemns sodomy in the Bible, right?

That means you can go suck my cock, Mr. Bass.

Now you're acting and talking like a butt shagging leather daddy from Frisco and you're asking for homosexual sex, immoral and worthy of hellfire and brimstone with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The major problem here is a double layer fallacy. The first is claiming unless gays have had the same struggles as african americans then they do not qualify as being victims of discrimination.

This is a strawman because no one has made that claim, what was stated was that gays movement to have their lifestyle accepted does not equate to the black civil rights movement.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

What is the framework? Members of both groups have been victims of beatings and murders for the exact same form of bigotry. It may not be as visible because a gay person can hide their orientation (and many have been forced to do so) and not as many groups were as willing to defend gay rights as they were for african americans....or at least be as vocal. Both groups have been rejected for jobs, been rejected by families, schools, social ac
tivities, churches, and virtually any other arena in our society.
Denial of black civil rights was based on irrational stereotyping and blatant bigotry.

Denial of homo rights is based on the protection of society and the safety of it's citizens.
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The major problem here is a double layer fallacy. The first is claiming unless gays have had the same struggles as african americans then they do not qualify as being victims of discrimination.

This is a strawman because no one has made that claim, what was stated was that gays movement to have their lifestyle accepted does not equate to the black civil rights movement.

The OP clearly makes comparisons of discrimination:

"The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage."

Nevermind it's a horribly dishonest comparison. How can it be a strawman when the op makes the argument based on comparing specific forms of discrimination?
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

What is the framework? Members of both groups have been victims of beatings and murders for the exact same form of bigotry.

This is a lie, blacks were discriminated against because of their African ancestry, not because of sexually deviant acts.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

What is the framework? Members of both groups have been victims of beatings and murders for the exact same form of bigotry.

This is a lie, blacks were discriminated against because of their African ancestry, not because of sexually deviant acts.

They were and still are discriminated against based on physical anatomy.....largely dark skin. Most ignorant racists didn't and still do not know what ancestry means. The same form of bigotry is discrimination based on physical qualities.
What is the framework? Members of both groups have been victims of beatings and murders for the exact same form of bigotry.

This is a lie, blacks were discriminated against because of their African ancestry, not because of sexually deviant acts.

They were and still are discriminated against based on physical anatomy.....largely dark skin. Most ignorant racists didn't and still do not know what ancestry means. The same form of bigotry is discrimination based on physical qualities.

Gay is mental and immoral and is only physical in the sense of voluntary sexually deviant acts. the two cannot be compared no matter how much you slice it.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

They are related- Those laws are only made on the basis of religious superstitions, and UNchristian intolerance. Nothing more, nothing less.
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

They are related- Those laws are only made on the basis of religious superstitions, and UNchristian intolerance. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just typing your hypothesis without any rationale or even any other support for it makes the hypothesis nothing more valuable than bullshit until you provide further support.
Gay is mental and immoral and is only physical in the sense of voluntary sexually deviant acts. the two cannot be compared no matter how much you slice it.

And involuntary servitude and being publically auctioned as a slave, VOLUNTARILY, by the slave's owners- for hundreds of years- is only different in the sense that we THINK that homosexuality is a a sexual preference, rather than being biological in nature. Besides, state sanctioned marriage is the only thing truly being debated here.. Gays are free to marry in a ceremonial wedding, whether it is accepted by the government or not is the only issue they have. If you don't want the government making decisions based on some OTHER religion, then you also have to humble yourself to not wanting the government to make decisions based on your own.

Partners Task Force - Marriage Traditions in Various Times and Cultures
This is a lie, blacks were discriminated against because of their African ancestry, not because of sexually deviant acts.

They were and still are discriminated against based on physical anatomy.....largely dark skin. Most ignorant racists didn't and still do not know what ancestry means. The same form of bigotry is discrimination based on physical qualities.

Gay is mental and immoral and is only physical in the sense of voluntary sexually deviant acts. the two cannot be compared no matter how much you slice it.

Racists view being black as immoral. Do you realize homosexuality is an orientation and not an actual physical act?
Black Civil Rights Struggle = Rights for Gays to Marry (huh?!?) | Verum Serum

Key quote:

The history of blacks in the United States begins with slavery and continues on to various forms of societal discrimination that has included: denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights, denial of equity in education, denial of access to public facilities, denial of access to businesses, denial of equal access to public transportation, etc.

Homosexuals in the United States have had to endure…society’s refusal to allow them to change the definition of marriage.

Nuff said right there, the pro-sodomite forces still have to show how the two are the same.

They are related- Those laws are only made on the basis of religious superstitions, and UNchristian intolerance. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just typing your hypothesis without any rationale or even any other support for it makes the hypothesis nothing more valuable than bullshit until you provide further support.

Homosexuals have also had to endure denial of voting rights, denial of property ownership rights (because if two gays buy property together, the gay partner that survives may end up giving his share of the property up to some relative, since they are as yet, not allowed to marry)
Blacks were not expressly denied access to public facilities- they could use them, but it was called "separate but equal", obviously a facade..
Access to businesses- Uhhh yeah- gays get turned away also. People have the right to refuse service to anyone.
They also get discriminated against as much as blacks do, for employment..

You are delusional if you dont believe these things.

Back your own damned statements up with something more than just saying "uhhhh duhh" and we can chat.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

If you notice though, that Bass is the only one that has stepped up in the debate with an "anti" position, and no one is taking the "pro" position.

Bass is trolling, plain and simple.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

If you notice though, that Bass is the only one that has stepped up in the debate with an "anti" position, and no one is taking the "pro" position.

Bass is trolling, plain and simple.

faggot you've been trolling this whole thread and started off with insults which you admit, insults don't constitute a refutation.
I feel so dirty, but the Bass has a general point; I cannot with a just mind equate Black Civil Rights movement with that of gays. There are similarities, but that is the most that I can acknowledge. It's like equating a bruised knee with a shattered knee - severity is the differential.

If you notice though, that Bass is the only one that has stepped up in the debate with an "anti" position, and no one is taking the "pro" position.

Bass is trolling, plain and simple.

faggot you've been trolling this whole thread and started off with insults which you admit, insults don't constitute a refutation.

What you said did not contradict what I said one iota.

Your post was really a non sequitur.
Faggits are a fuckin disgrace to the family and persona non grata in Sicilian families so I can understand why the blacks are fuckin pissed at those cum farting sonofabitches at co-opting their shit.
Denial of black civil rights was based on irrational stereotyping and blatant bigotry.

Denial of homo rights is based on the protection of society and the safety of it's citizens.

What damage has been caused by gays requiring social protection?

Seems to me the most damage caused by homosexuality are the reactions of the bigots. Think about it for a moment......imagine if all the whining about gays were to be suddenly stopped.....what actual damage is caused by gay people?
Denial of black civil rights was based on irrational stereotyping and blatant bigotry.

Denial of homo rights is based on the protection of society and the safety of it's citizens.

What damage has been caused by gays requiring social protection?

Seems to me the most damage caused by homosexuality are the reactions of the bigots. Think about it for a moment......imagine if all the whining about gays were to be suddenly stopped.....what actual damage is caused by gay people?

I hate the idea of faggits having sex, now how is that hurting and damaging you?

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