Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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The white culture created the racism in this country.
As our resident troll on the race forum, even you know that is a goofy statement.

Racism and prejudice have been in every corner of the world for thousands of years. It was certainly not created in America.
As our resident troll on the race forum, even you know that is a goofy statement.

Racism and prejudice have been in every corner of the world for thousands of years. It was certainly not created in America.
Yes, and you’ve hit on another issue. The anti-white racists who are clamoring to have dedicated “Black History” classes will certainly omit that slavery was common throughout the world and that America was one of the first countries to abolish it. It wouldn’t fit their agenda to get white kids to feel guilty and for all kids to hate America.
I blame the sluts as much as the dudes. Why is a woman sleeping around with men who haven’t demonstrated that they will be responsible fathers, and why aren’t they using birth control?
I think they sleep around because no man is in the house, giving them love and respect and teaching them self-worth. The first guy that comes along blows in their ear, tells them they are beautiful and wonderful, and BANG...literally.
I think they sleep around because no man is in the house, giving them love and respect and teaching them self-worth. The first guy that comes along blows in their ear, tells them they are beautiful and wonderful, and BANG...literally.
Huh? I had no man in the house and didn’t sleep around.
White racists have a lot of opinions about black people. They always have. And they have always been wrong. For years, black religious leaders, intellectuals, businesspeople, politicians, and activists have tried in the kindest way possible to explain to whites what the problem is and where it starts. There have been whites who have actively studied racism who have also spoken in the hopes that if the racists refuse to listen to blacks, they will at least listen to them. Instead, the same idiots who get to talk the loudest among a specific part of society refuse to listen and have pushed the same old, stupid, bird-brained racist garbage.

There are some whites, regardless of party or ideology, who refuse to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race-based problems without looking at race to solve them. Common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism will be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to that exclusion.

We’ve heard all the so-called “politically incorrect” comments telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and similar bs. All of this is incorrect. Let us genuinely step out of the box. It is time to get honest about leaving the so-called plantation. Other blacks have tried to be polite and politically correct about this. I won’t be. The root cause of the problemsblacks face today is white racism.

Yes, that’s what I said. I am not waiting for whites to give me anything. I do not have some so-called victim mentality whereby I blame whites for my failings. If I have failed at things, I failed on my own. It is time some whites stopped the juvenile name-calling and tightened up. The reality of racism is not about failing. It is about denial—the denial of opportunity.The failure lies in those who have chosen to fall for what white race pimps have told them. White racism IS the root cause; it is the fundamental reason for the occurrence of problems in the black community.

According to every definition, personal or individual responsibility is the idea that human beings create their own life experiences by their choices. I say this because it is apparent that today, some whites do not seem to understand what it means. The racist subculture is part of a 400-year pattern of behavior that has been consistent, and it is based on a beliefin superiority. Our problems are primarily due to choices whites in power have made. Whites chose to deny blacks equal rights by various Americanlaws for nearly 200 years, and some still choose to reject complete equality today. Those who like to preach to people about taking personal responsibility should consider these inconvenient truths.
Black folks keep voting for these bullshitters. It’s a mental illness.

They literally leave a path of destruction in their wake. Then they turn around and blame white people for the destruction.
The root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism. Again, you will ask, “Why?” Because there is proven or observable evidence that shows this to be true. We know blacks were denied constitutional rights such as citizenship, habeas corpus, unreasonable search, seizure, and freedom itself, which deprived blacks of every opportunity we were supposed to be granted by law. The suburbs were built with guaranteed government loans given primarily to whites. We know that black communities were redlined, making loans for blacks trying to buy homes in those neighborhoods risks banks refused to take. We know that federal housing policy created the slums and ghettos.

City zoning policy created black communities divided by freeways and close to industries spewing poisonous waste. We know that government policy consistently underfunds schools in the black community. In the 21st century, we know that a process called retail redlining exists whereby retail businesses refuse to go into black communities. Today, political donors from outside the black community have undue influence relative to city policies, and that influence has negatively impacted black communities.

Books such as “Color of Law,” “White Rage,” “American Apartheid,”“The New Jim Crow,” “A Colony In A Nation,” or “Racism without Racists,” provide examples of the great pains the American governmenttook to establish and maintain a system based on white racial supremacy as well as modern racist attitudes. They detail the toll such policies have inflicted upon blacks and all other people of color in America. Countless studies document the adverse effects of purposefully designed racially exclusionary American public policy on black communities. Despite the findings, anyone concluding the cause is white racism will get a person ridiculed by some members of the white community. In addition, one must battle people of color who have been shamed into adopting right-wing opinions about some kind of imaginary victim mentality.

“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
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