Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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This is why the mental conditioning of slavery contradicts all of that. As the slave masters practiced slave breeding as their major economic source of income. The slave master's breeding of black women and teenagers (minors) for their status quo to avoid poverty.

Their babies were stolen from their arms and sold to strangers. They were robbed of an education and needed permission to marry. Black babies were the key to some peoples way out of poverty; not the lack thereof.
Historical atrocities don't always translate to modern atrocities.
This is why the mental conditioning of slavery contradicts all of that. As the slave masters practiced slave breeding as their major economic source of income. The slave master's breeding of black women and teenagers (minors) for their status quo to avoid poverty.

Their babies were stolen from their arms and sold to strangers. They were robbed of an education and needed permission to marry. Black babies were the key to some peoples way out of poverty; not the lack thereof.
Not for generations. For generations, they’ve been given priority for admissions, jobs, and promotions.

Here’s a question nobody will answer:

If past racism explains failures within the black community, how do you explain that the majority of blacks are in the working or middle class?
That was a long time ago

But thanks for explaining why black culture is so inferior even today 150 years after slavery ended

Hopefully blacks can catch up over the next 150 years
Bite your tongue. I don’t want our grandchildren‘s grandchildren still losing out on jobs and promotions to less-qualified blacks.
Bite your tongue. I don’t want our grandchildren‘s grandchildren still losing out on jobs and promotions to less-qualified blacks.
Of course not

i want them to be well educated so that they can live comfortably with the money thats left over after paying taxes to support lazy welfare bums
Of course not

i want them to be well educated so that they can live comfortably with the money thats left over after paying taxes to support lazy welfare bums
I’d give you a laughing icon, but it’s really sort of tragic.
Not for generations. For generations, they’ve been given priority for admissions, jobs, and promotions.

Here’s a question nobody will answer:

If past racism explains failures within the black community, how do you explain that the majority of blacks are in the working or middle class?
Fair question.

It's not just past racism. It's past slavery and racism.

As far as your question goes, blacks are in the working/middle class because they escaped the kits that held some of the keys to the control of the mental, psychological, and emotional slavery that was designed to perpetually enslave them.
Fair question.

It's not just past racism. It's past slavery and racism.

As far as your question goes, blacks are in the working/middle class because they escaped the kits that held some of the keys to the control of the mental, psychological, and emotional slavery that was designed to perpetually enslave them.
OK, then….what was it about these blacks - who are, after all, in the majority - that enabled them to move past “emotional slavery”?
That was a long time ago

But thanks for explaining why black culture is so inferior even today 150 years after slavery ended

Hopefully blacks can catch up over the next 150 years
Catch up to what/who?

If blacks need to "Catch up" as you say, where should they start? At theft stealing humans and enslaving them? Robbing others of there name, language, heritage, land, education, etc... Beatings, whippings, hangings, burnings, etc... Where exactly should blacks start in order to catch up.... and catch up with who?
Not for generations. For generations, they’ve been given priority for admissions, jobs, and promotions.

Here’s a question nobody will answer:

If past racism explains failures within the black community, how do you explain that the majority of blacks are in the working or middle class?
Why do blacks have 2.7 percent of the wealth in America? This is a question you don't want to honestly answer. The failure in American culturee has been white racism.
Catch up to what/who?

If blacks need to "Catch up" as you say, where should they start? At theft stealing humans and enslaving them? Robbing others of there name, language, heritage, land, education, etc... Beatings, whippings, hangings, burnings, etc... Where exactly should blacks start in order to catch up.... and catch up with who?
You are living in the past.

Blacks have not been slaves for more than 150 years

You are running out of excuses for failure
OK, then….what was it about these blacks - who are, after all, in the majority - that enabled them to move past “emotional slavery”?
It could be that someone spoke freedom, positivity, and elevation into them most of their lives.

They most likely had wind beneath their wings from the mouth of someone who transformed their thinking by speaking the growth of a higher path into them.

Keep in mind also that I said earlier that they "escaped the kits that held some of the keys that enslaved them" in various ways. Even though they may work or be middle class that residue of slavery is still there.
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You are living in the past.

Blacks have not been slaves for more than 150 years

You are running out of excuses for failure
And he’s talking about beatings and whippings as if they happened to CURRENT blacks.

Jews got over (well….moved forward from) having their parents and siblings murdered and went from abject poverty in one generation to middle-class comfort by the next. In my own father’s case, they never really got notice that his grandmother and aunt and cousins had been murdered. They just kept waiting and hoping for a letter….that never came.

I am so sick of the excuses and the blaming whitey stuff.
It could be that someone spoke freedom, positivity, and elevation into them most of their lives.

They most likely had wind beneath their wings from the mouth of someone who transformed their thinking by speaking the growth of a higher path into them.
No, it’s because they made the right choices in life and had the traits to succeed. They deserve full credit.
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No, it’s because they made the right choices in life and had the traits to succeed.
no one makes all the right choices in life.

everyone has some qualities and characteristics = traits,
yet not everyone succeeds
no one makes all the right choices in life.

everyone has some qualities and characteristics = traits,
yet not everyone succeeds
The people who tend to succeed look for opportunities, have the discipline, motivation, and ability to turn them into something, finish schooling and prepare for a career or trade, obey the law, and not have children out-of-wedlock.

The people who fail to succeed tend to do opposite.
They do, not saying whites, white trash don't. But from observation, the mob mentality of crime doesn't seem to come from caucasians. Maybe, what happens in the trailer park stays in the trailer park? YMMV.

And there are reasons for that far extend beyond the systemic racism troupe. There is nothing today that a black man/woman can't do that a white man/woman can do. There is nothing forcing anyone into criminal activity. Nothing. There are options and choices that allow anyone, of any race, to lift themselves out of poverty.

The problem, is cultural and removing the cultural influence. And that also goes for white poverty too.

Well, you and your "This is what I see" and not your "this is the research I've done" say it's all about black people.... well done, you've just made up something that proves you're right. I mean, who'd have thunked it?
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