Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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Thomas sowell said this. I'd seen some of him and what he says and he is absolutely correct.

This, especially American, black culture does them more harm than any perceived racism or white supremacy we have. They themselves make themselves undesirable in the workplace, their low intelligence, high crime rates and so on. No one else is to blame but themselves.

Sadly white people help perpetuate this lifestyle of thug dummies.

We do things like tell them nothing is their fault and all of their problems are because of racism.

We have dei and affirmative actiom so when they grow up they are allowed into clegess and get jobs based on their skin color and not because they are qualified. We encourage their black culture and then force companies and schools to allow them in.

We let public schools lower grading standards to accommodate them instead of holding them to higher standards.

In cases like BLM we let them run around like animals looting, committing crimes and so on in the name of being black which is just an excuse for them to act like savages.

Is the high crime rate their fault?

Are black people of low intelligence?

Or is it something else?

Or is it because people are in poverty?

This one says black people have 17% poverty. Others will go up to 25%.

White people are at 8.6%.

A lot of crime is because of poverty.

As for lower intelligence, you don't actually need that many intelligent people, there are very few people who actually do anything of value in this society, something that actually changes things. Most people are just doing jobs that just get us to tomorrow.
Is the high crime rate their fault?

Are black people of low intelligence?

Or is it something else?

Or is it because people are in poverty?

This one says black people have 17% poverty. Others will go up to 25%.

White people are at 8.6%.

A lot of crime is because of poverty.

As for lower intelligence, you don't actually need that many intelligent people, there are very few people who actually do anything of value in this society, something that actually changes things. Most people are just doing jobs that just get us to tomorrow.
Poverty is no excuse for crime. It is not even an explanation. I lived with poor orientals for years and was perfectly safe.
Poverty is no excuse for crime. It is not even an explanation. I lived with poor orientals for years and was perfectly safe.

Are we looking for excuses? No.

We're looking for reasons why things happen.

Poverty is something that leads to more crime, for obvious reasons.

This is something that we can see from statistics. Some people in poverty don't commit crime, some do. We know this.

You can hide behind things like what you said, or you can see the reality.
Is the high crime rate their fault?

Are black people of low intelligence?

Or is it something else?

Or is it because people are in poverty?

This one says black people have 17% poverty. Others will go up to 25%.

White people are at 8.6%.

A lot of crime is because of poverty.

As for lower intelligence, you don't actually need that many intelligent people, there are very few people who actually do anything of value in this society, something that actually changes things. Most people are just doing jobs that just get us to tomorrow.
So why are they in poverty? Because of their high out-of-wedlock rate.
Whites have the same gang/group mentality.
No they don't, or at least, not in the same method or format. White "gang" crime is usually founded in organized crime rings. I'm purely speaking from observation, but most of the gang crime I see from the black community is unorganized lootings and beatings. I suppose, one could say inner city gangs are "Organized Crime", but I highly doubt they reach the level of 'organization' that true organized crime reaches.

As I said, observation, I don't see whites mass mobbing beatings and looting at the frequency that we see blacks. I'm sure one can go on Youtube and find some videos of whites beating another person, but I'd wager that the statistics and data would show, that blacks commit more unorganized gang/group crime than whites.
Is the high crime rate their fault?

Are black people of low intelligence?

Or is it something else?

Or is it because people are in poverty?

This one says black people have 17% poverty. Others will go up to 25%.

White people are at 8.6%.

A lot of crime is because of poverty.

As for lower intelligence, you don't actually need that many intelligent people, there are very few people who actually do anything of value in this society, something that actually changes things. Most people are just doing jobs that just get us to tomorrow.
From experience (and I know personal experience can't be validated), I have absolute, white trailer trash family. They are good people, they make terrible, terrible, choices when it comes to finances, jobs, education, procreating, sexual partners, etc. But one thing they don't do, is resort to crime. They make their bed, they lay in it. They will talk their BS about this situation, their boss did this, they got fired for some lame dumb-ass reason. But at the end of the day, they move on and take care of their day to day shit. But they don't resort to criminal activity, or at least anything that I can find searching court records lol.
Are we looking for excuses? No.

We're looking for reasons why things happen.

Poverty is something that leads to more crime, for obvious reasons.

This is something that we can see from statistics. Some people in poverty don't commit crime, some do. We know this.

You can hide behind things like what you said, or you can see the reality.
Yes, some poverty can lead to some crime.
But the narrative that we see from this is that systemic racism has created this system of poverty and that the white man is solely responsible for the current situation of the black community.
We see this narrative outside of the racial context. How many articles can we read in a month that criticize CEO pay, billionaires or the 1% and the "wage" gap and income disparity. The current narrative vilifies the successful.

How do we lift people out of poverty. Education and or training of skills that can be used to garner wages. Or we teach people how to be entrepreneurs. We teach people how our economy works, how money works, how to invest. More people are becoming millionaires in this country because of the ability to save and invest through 401k, IRAs, etc.

The rules of society are simple. Make good choices, obtain a skill that you can trade for wages, or use those skills to start your own business. Save & Invest. The capacity is there for ANYONE in this country to take themselves out of poverty and live a successful, fulfilling, and financially secure life. You just gotta make good choices.
Are we looking for excuses? No.

We're looking for reasons why things happen.

Poverty is something that leads to more crime, for obvious reasons.

This is something that we can see from statistics. Some people in poverty don't commit crime, some do. We know this.

You can hide behind things like what you said, or you can see the reality.
The high black crime rate is caused by the fact that human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the intellectual and social demands of civilization.

Social reform and social welfare spending were tried during the 1960's, when the crime rate doubled.

A criminal justice system that is effective for whites is insufficiently harsh for Negroes. Before the civil rights movement that was recognized in the United States, and especially in the South. That is why, when a black man and a white man committed the same crime the black man was usually given quite a bit more punishment. Blacks were also frequently denied Constitutional safeguards when they were arrested. Police brutality against Negro criminals was rarely regarded as a crime.
That is one of the reasons. Low intelligence is another reason.
OK…so let’s say some are of low intelligence. There are still jobs that don’t require anything in terms of brains, but still pay enough to get out of poverty.

An Amazon driver averages $36,000. A garbage collector averages the same. A grocery store cashier makes about $38,00. U.S. Post mailman averages around $50,000.

None of these jobs require an IQ above 90.
OK…so let’s say some are of low intelligence. There are still jobs that don’t require anything in terms of brains, but still pay enough to get out of poverty.

An Amazon driver averages $36,000. A garbage collector averages the same. A grocery store cashier makes about $38,00. U.S. Post mailman averages around $50,000.

None of these jobs require an IQ above 90.
But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.

- Professor Arthur Jensen
That is one of the reasons. Low intelligence is another reason.
Let's be sure we are clear, not because of genetic reasons. Intelligence and capacity of intelligence is a person to person case. There are plenty of intelligent people of every race.
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