Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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I'm black. There is no elite control over black culture. You. cherryypick thingss to fit yourr belief. I don't care what a comedian said to a former football player or what another comedian has to say. I care about what socioologists say that are backed withh stats and stuudy.
They are a bunch of ideological liberals driven to forgone conclusions. Do you think unpopular “science” gets funding? No, the people paying for research want those results for a reason.
Again,, you are white trying to explain black "culture" to a black man.

You want to use the boondocks? OK.

This guy is what whites like you say is an independent thinker.. This is Larry Elder, Ben Carson,, Thomas Sowell, Brandon Tatum, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Carol Swain, etc. This is the part of black culture those like you embrace and encourage blacks to be like.

I teach what was taught to me and I have done so for 40 years.. Whites made up the lie that we are teaching ourselves that we can't make it because we''re oppressed and it's time you and others stopped believing the lies you tell yourselves.

He is funny as hell. There are dozens of half-witted white characters out there. You’re not black fragility-ing are you?
Here’s the key oit of poverty:

1. Finish high school - NO BABIES!
2. Take a taxpayer-funded trade course - NO BABIES,
3. Get a job in your trade - NO BABIES
4. If you want babies, get married first
No, proven strategies to get ahead. Even during Jim Crow blacks used those strategies to move up into the middle class. There was a thriving black middle class in those days.
And that was BEFORE the advantages of Affirmative Action, giving blacks a special hand-up.

There is absolutely no excuse for blacks not to be able to move from poverty to the lower-middle class, at least. All they have to do is take advantage of Pell Grants to get job-oriented training, and have no babies out of wedlock, and they are there.

P.S. Most blacks have already done so.
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Hello. Just a minor point here, most white’s are victims of crime that are perpetrated by other whites.
Violent street crime is a Negro specialty. Don't argue with me about that. Argue with Jesse Jackson.


Thomas sowell said this. I'd seen some of him and what he says and he is absolutely correct.

This, especially American, black culture does them more harm than any perceived racism or white supremacy we have. They themselves make themselves undesirable in the workplace, their low intelligence, high crime rates and so on. No one else is to blame but themselves.

Sadly white people help perpetuate this lifestyle of thug dummies.

We do things like tell them nothing is their fault and all of their problems are because of racism.

We have dei and affirmative actiom so when they grow up they are allowed into clegess and get jobs based on their skin color and not because they are qualified. We encourage their black culture and then force companies and schools to allow them in.

We let public schools lower grading standards to accommodate them instead of holding them to higher standards.

In cases like BLM we let them run around like animals looting, committing crimes and so on in the name of being black which is just an excuse for them to act like savages.

White people telling black people how black people should live is hilarious.

As a member of The Establishment, I'm going to tell you working class rubes how you rubes are being held back by you believing your working class rube beliefs. No doubt, you'll agree with me!

I'm black. There is no elite control over black culture. You. cherryypick thingss to fit yourr belief. I don't care what a comedian said to a former football player or what another comedian has to say. I care about what socioologists say that are backed withh stats and stuudy. The gaps between whites and blacks relative to alll the economic metrics show that the differences can only be due to race.
If you respect statistics and study you should appreciate reading Professor J. Philippe Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior." I will excerpt the important parts, but I recommend reading all of it.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
by Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

Race differences exist in sexual behavior. The races differ in how often they like to have sexual intercourse. This affects rates of sexually transmitted diseases. On all the counts, Orientals are the least sexually active, Blacks the most, and Whites are in between...

Studies of race differences in brain size use a number of methods, including MRI. All methods produce the same results. Orientals have the largest brains (on average), Blacks the smallest, and Whites in between. These differences in brain size are not due to body size. Adjusting for body size still results in the same pattern. The three-way pattern is also true for IQ. These race differences in brain size mean that Orientals average about 102 million more brain cells than Whites, and that Whites have about 480 million more than Blacks. These differences in brain size probably explain the racial differences in IQ and cultural achievement.

Cross-race adoptions give some of the best proof that the genes cause race differences in IQ. Growing up in a middle-class White home does not lower the average IQ for Orientals nor raise it for Blacks. [Rushton may be slightly mistaken here. I have read elsewhere that blacks raised in white families are slightly more intelligent than blacks raised in black families, but the race gap persists.]

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups.

What really holds blacks back is neither white racism, nor black laziness, but intractable racial differences that are largely genetic.
Its just naked racism.

No one is afraid of blacks engaging in a computer related scheme to use post Einsteinian mathematics to defraud the Stock Market. The fear is that huge Negro of super human strength and sub human brutality and stupidity will hit one of us with a club and steal our wallet, our watch, and our wedding ring.

Light skin has always been associated with intelligence, because cold climates select genetically for both.
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