Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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Right wing whites do not have the first clue relative to issues in black communities. White liberals don't either, but white liberals will listen and try working on the problens blacks tell them. Right wing whites believe a stereotype and no matter how many blacks tell them that stereotype is untrue, they willl seek out the one black who confirms their belief then declare that's how things are. This is what we see in the OP. Therefore it is white culture that is the problem.
Right wing whites do not have the first clue relative to issues in black communities. White liberals don't either, but white liberals will listen and try working on the problens blacks tell them. Right wing whites believe a stereotype and no matter how many blacks tell them that stereotype is untrue, they willl seek out the one black who confirms their belief then declare that's how things are. This is what we see in the OP. Therefore it is white culture that is the problem.
black fragility
Think of what the United States would be like if the slave trade had never been allowed. The crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal justice and welfare systems would be much lower.

The downtown areas of our cities would be centers of civilization. They would be known for museums, art galleries, libraries, book stores, theaters, concert halls, and atmospheric restaurants and taverns.

It would be safe to watch a play or a movie, or to attend a symphony concert or a ballet that ended at 10:00 pm, walk two miles to get home, and be perfectly safe.
Hello. Just a minor point here, most white’s are victims of crime that are perpetrated by other whites.
Negro instincts create the Negro culture. In my book review of Professor J. Philippe Rushton's book Race, Evoluiton, and Behavior, I explain how characteristics that had survival value in sub Saharan Africa continue to influence Black behavior now.

The black culture created racism in this country.
This is all wrong. You either did not watch the video, or you had absolutely no comprehension of it.

Professor James Young was trying to drive home the point, that this is essentially about culture. Poor culture, versus an upper class/elite culture of having access to technology, books, and the arts.

Did you even catch the part about American GIs in Europe? Or did this fact that we are all the same, when placed in identical environments, just not register with your cognitive biases going on?

James Flynn in the New Scientist​

James R. Flynn
James Flynn in the New Scientist - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press

". . . Let’s consider just one other bit of evidence. The environment for black people in the US may look bleak but there is one group of black Americans whose children were raised elsewhere. After the second world war, white and black soldiers of the American occupation force in Germany fathered children. By the ages of between 6 and 13, tests showed that the children’s IQs were broadly similar, though this does not settle the debate: the numbers are too small, and there was a mental test to qualify for the army so the soldiers were not a random sample.

However, one thing that did not exist in Germany was a black subculture – and the effect of this seems to be highly significant. One of the strongest arguments against intellectual parity across races is that the IQ deficit of black people rises as the cognitive complexity of a task increases. Yet in Germany, that pattern simply disappeared. In America, despite recent IQ gains on white people, the pattern is still robust, and black people remain much worse at solving complex problems.

I believe that America, however, has been reluctant to really examine the cause of the racial IQ gap or the factors that create the black marriage market, let alone come up with credible plan to deal with it. Perhaps those who strongly object to my views will show how American society can be affecting black IQ without doing something extremely tough and unpleasant to the immediate environment black children experience.

Shouts about class will not do, nor will claims of test bias or stereotyping. America will have to address all the aspects of black experience that are disadvantageous, beginning with the regeneration of inner city neighbourhoods and their schools. A resident police office and teacher in every apartment block would be a good start. Only heresy can give an environmental explanation of the black IQ deficit. To run away from debate is like unilateral disarmament: it leaves the enemy in possession of the field."

To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

The white culture created the racism in this country.

. . . and you too? No, Thomas Sowell is spitting the truth here. And what King meant in this context, is he was NOT blaming the white underclasses, and the white poor, as you so often like to do with this quote.

King was speaking up for them too. . . they were being drafted and sent off to 'Nam, just like poor blacks. . this is why the Deep State ended him.

stahp already. You should be ashamed for using his name to divide us.

The ruling oligarchy and ruling elites? Make absolutely NO distinction between the gang-bangers in the ghettos and the meth-heads in the trailer parks, they all have roughly the same IQ.

The best way to stay in control, and keep making the bling, is to keep everyone focusing their hatred & fear on each other, rather than on a system that screws them over, lets the mass industry destroy their food, water, and air, and let's the media cabal keep them dumb as hell with shitty media, schools and healthcare system that creates a garbage excuse for education and healthcare.

. . .and it really does not matter what the hell color skin you have, everyone suffers while they live like kings.
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This is all wrong. You either did not watch the video, or you had absolutely no comprehension of it.

Professor James Young was trying to drive home the point, that this is essentially about culture. Poor culture, versus an upper class/elite culture of having access to technology, books, and the arts.

Did you even catch the part about American GIs in Europe? Or did this fact that we are all the same, when placed in identical environments, just not register with your cognitive biases going on?

James Flynn in the New Scientist​

James R. Flynn
James Flynn in the New Scientist - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press

". . . Let’s consider just one other bit of evidence. The environment for black people in the US may look bleak but there is one group of black Americans whose children were raised elsewhere. After the second world war, white and black soldiers of the American occupation force in Germany fathered children. By the ages of between 6 and 13, tests showed that the children’s IQs were broadly similar, though this does not settle the debate: the numbers are too small, and there was a mental test to qualify for the army so the soldiers were not a random sample.

However, one thing that did not exist in Germany was a black subculture – and the effect of this seems to be highly significant. One of the strongest arguments against intellectual parity across races is that the IQ deficit of black people rises as the cognitive complexity of a task increases. Yet in Germany, that pattern simply disappeared. In America, despite recent IQ gains on white people, the pattern is still robust, and black people remain much worse at solving complex problems.

I believe that America, however, has been reluctant to really examine the cause of the racial IQ gap or the factors that create the black marriage market, let alone come up with credible plan to deal with it. Perhaps those who strongly object to my views will show how American society can be affecting black IQ without doing something extremely tough and unpleasant to the immediate environment black children experience.

Shouts about class will not do, nor will claims of test bias or stereotyping. America will have to address all the aspects of black experience that are disadvantageous, beginning with the regeneration of inner city neighbourhoods and their schools. A resident police office and teacher in every apartment block would be a good start. Only heresy can give an environmental explanation of the black IQ deficit. To run away from debate is like unilateral disarmament: it leaves the enemy in possession of the field."

. . . and you too? No, Thomas Sowell is spitting the truth here. And what King meant in this context, is he was NOT blaming the white underclasses, and the white poor, as you so often like to do with this quote.

King was speaking up for them too. . . they were being drafted and sent off to 'Nam, just like poor blacks. . this is why the Deep State ended him.

stahp already. You should be ashamed for using his name to divide us.

The ruling oligarchy and ruling elites? Make absolutely NO distinction between the gang-bangers in the ghettos and the meth-heads in the trailer parks, they all have roughly the same IQ.

The best way to stay in control, and keep making the bling, is to keep everyone focusing their hatred & fear on each other, rather than on a system that screws them over, lets the mass industry destroy their food, water, and air, and let's the media cable keep them dumb as hell with shitty media, schools and healthcare system that creates a garbage excuse for education and healthcare.

. . .and it really does not matter what the hell color skin you have, everyone suffers while they live like kings.
No Beale, Sowell is not spitting truth. King included the white underclass because the white underclass were practicing racidm. He was telling the white underclass that they had more in common with the blacks they hated than the whites that were telling them they were better than blacks. He was not the first black leader to try telling whitrs this.

WEB Dubois did so years earlier.

“Most persons do not realize how far [the view that common oppression would create interracial solidarity] failed towork in the South, and it failed to work because the theory of race was supplemented by a carefully planned and slowly evolved method, which drove such a wedge between the white and black workers that there probably are not today in the world two groups of workers with practically identical interests who hate and fear each other so deeply and persistently and who are kept so far apart that neither sees anything of common interest.

It must be remembered that the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white. They were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks, and the best schools. The police were drawn from their ranks, and the courts, dependent on their votes, treated them with such leniency as to encourage lawlessness. Their vote selected public officials, and while this had small effect upon the economic situation, it had great effect upon their personal treatment and the deference shown them. Whites choolhouses were the best in the community, and conspicuously placed, and they cost anywhere from twice to ten times as much per capita as the colored schools. The newspapers specialized on news that flattered the poor whites and almost utterly ignored the Negro except in crime and ridicule.”

You want to make King into what he wasn't but as he went on, he stated that his dream had become a nightmare because whites, regarrdless of class, refused to stop the racism. He was killed by a low class white man. You know nothing about King and quit misusing his name. The fact is white racism is still a problem and poor whites are still falling for the race card. Whites like you need to stop blaming people like me for dividing something. It's whites who keep us divided, whites on the right, so called conservatives and MAGAS,, not blacks and you guys misuse words spoken by blacks to lie to yourselves and that needs to stop.
No Beale, Sowell is not spitting truth. King included the white underclass because the white underclass were practicing racidm. He was telling the white underclass that they had more in common with the blacks they hated than the whites that were telling them they were better than blacks. He was not the first black leader to try telling whitrs this.

WEB Dubois did so years earlier.

“Most persons do not realize how far [the view that common oppression would create interracial solidarity] failed towork in the South, and it failed to work because the theory of race was supplemented by a carefully planned and slowly evolved method, which drove such a wedge between the white and black workers that there probably are not today in the world two groups of workers with practically identical interests who hate and fear each other so deeply and persistently and who are kept so far apart that neither sees anything of common interest.

It must be remembered that the white group of laborers, while they received a low wage, were compensated in part by a sort of public and psychological wage. They were given public deference and titles of courtesy because they were white. They were admitted freely with all classes of white people to public functions, public parks, and the best schools. The police were drawn from their ranks, and the courts, dependent on their votes, treated them with such leniency as to encourage lawlessness. Their vote selected public officials, and while this had small effect upon the economic situation, it had great effect upon their personal treatment and the deference shown them. Whites choolhouses were the best in the community, and conspicuously placed, and they cost anywhere from twice to ten times as much per capita as the colored schools. The newspapers specialized on news that flattered the poor whites and almost utterly ignored the Negro except in crime and ridicule.”

You want to make King into what he wasn't but as he went on, he stated that his dream had become a nightmare because whites, regarrdless of class, refused to stop the racism. He was killed by a low class white man. You know nothing about King and quit misusing his name. The fact is white racism is still a problem and poor whites are still falling for the race card. Whites like you need to stop blaming people like me for dividing something. It's whites who keep us divided, whites on the right, so called conservatives and MAGAS,, not blacks and you guys misuse words spoken by blacks to lie to yourselves and that needs to stop.

You are diverting from the very real, modern day issue of elite control over black culture, and what implications that has on the young.

Is it possible, you yourself are either someone that is a contributor of this, or are not aware of it? :eusa_think:

EXCLUSIVE! Dave Chappelle and DeRay Davis argue about Katt Williams MUST SEE!!​

Did you watch that entire Katt/Shannon Sharpe interview? I did.

“Winners cannot let losers rewrite history.”

“Race is not where the line is drawn, it’s god’s side and the other side and we don’t care nothing about the other side.”

"To be confident but not delusional is a real skill"

“Nobody knows why liars lie”

“I can’t be jealous. I’ve never seen them have anything that I ever wanted.”

“Anything that takes over your free will is the devil itself.”

“Number one job of people who sold their souls in Hollywood is to act like it never happened.”

Just to be fair, one can find all kinds of videos of white behaving badly. The observant difference is the gang/group like mentality of crimes like group beatings, mass theft, looting, etc. Once could say that the difference white collar crimes verse black collar crimes.
Just to be fair, one can find all kinds of videos of white behaving badly. The observant difference is the gang/group like mentality of crimes like group beatings, mass theft, looting, etc. Once could say that the difference white collar crimes verse black collar crimes.
Whites have the same gang/group mentality.

You are diverting from the very real, modern day issue of elite control over black culture, and what implications that has on the young.

Is it possible, you yourself are either someone that is a contributor of this, or are not aware of it? :eusa_think:

EXCLUSIVE! Dave Chappelle and DeRay Davis argue about Katt Williams MUST SEE!!​

Did you watch that entire Katt/Shannon Sharpe interview? I did.

“Winners cannot let losers rewrite history.”

“Race is not where the line is drawn, it’s god’s side and the other side and we don’t care nothing about the other side.”

"To be confident but not delusional is a real skill"

“Nobody knows why liars lie”

“I can’t be jealous. I’ve never seen them have anything that I ever wanted.”

“Anything that takes over your free will is the devil itself.”

“Number one job of people who sold their souls in Hollywood is to act like it never happened.”

I'm black. There is no elite control over black culture. You. cherryypick thingss to fit yourr belief. I don't care what a comedian said to a former football player or what another comedian has to say. I care about what socioologists say that are backed withh stats and stuudy. The gaps between whites and blacks relative to alll the economic metrics show that the differences can only be due to race.

Your ignorance of black culture allows you to miss the most critical thing we teach each other. Do not let white racism stop you. You have listened to white race hustlers and black uncles toms far too long.

White culture rushes to deny racism as a causal factor for anything because they don't want to take responsibility for their role in ending it.
I'm black. There is no elite control over black culture. You. cherryypick thingss to fit yourr belief. I don't care what a comedian said to a former football player or what another comedian has to say. I care about what socioologists say that are backed withh stats and stuudy. The gaps between whites and blacks relative to alll the economic metrics show that the differences can only be due to race.

Your ignorance of black culture allows you to miss the most critical thing we teach each other. Do not let white racism stop you. You have listened to white race hustlers and black uncles toms far too long.

White culture rushes to deny racism as a causal factor for anything because they don't want to take responsibility for their role in ending it.
OK Grand-dad. :rolleyes:

The Boondocks - A Powerful Critique Of Black Culture​

OK Grand-dad. :rolleyes:

The Boondocks - A Powerful Critique Of Black Culture​

Again,, you are white trying to explain black "culture" to a black man.

You want to use the boondocks? OK.

This guy is what whites like you say is an independent thinker.. This is Larry Elder, Ben Carson,, Thomas Sowell, Brandon Tatum, Tim Scott, Candace Owens, Carol Swain, etc. This is the part of black culture those like you embrace and encourage blacks to be like.

I teach what was taught to me and I have done so for 40 years.. Whites made up the lie that we are teaching ourselves that we can't make it because we''re oppressed and it's time you and others stopped believing the lies you tell yourselves.
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