Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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The root cause of the problems blacks people face today is cultural. Blacks were not alone in the discrimination they faced under Jim Crow. Yet, asians economically out preform whites today. The difference isn’t “white racism”, it’s that Asians have different values and beliefs than black people.
The society is loaded with people who have overcome disadvantages that fate has thrown at them. Parents are poor, or divorced, father is unknown, lousy schools, lousy name it. A lot of those people are immigrants who came here with nothing, and were the victims of various prejudices because of their inability to speak English, their dress, their mannerisms, their religion, and so on. When they DON'T succeed, they don't blame racism or bigotry; they just do their best and try to get by.

But Black people who don't succeed continually blame the "white man" as the reason. And yet the picture is clear: the biggest impediments to Black success have nothing to do with race. They are bastardy, petty crime, unwillingness to take education seriously, unwillingness to do the things necessary to enter into the working class (get a job and keep it, for example).

There is one question that shows the lie of this racism-blaming Narrative: Name something that a "white" person can do in this country that a Black person cannot do. There is nothing. All that comes back is nonsense like, "Drive around at night without drawing the attention of the Constabulary." Gimme a fukkin' break.

Ironically, Barry Soetoro took away a giant crutch from racism-blaming, failing Blacks when he was elected President while apparently being Black. Refer back to the bold text in the previous paragraph. The answer is, "Nothing."
The society is loaded with people who have overcome disadvantages that fate has thrown at them. Parents are poor, or divorced, father is unknown, lousy schools, lousy name it. A lot of those people are immigrants who came here with nothing, and were the victims of various prejudices because of their inability to speak English, their dress, their mannerisms, their religion, and so on. When they DON'T succeed, they don't blame racism or bigotry; they just do their best and try to get by.

But Black people who don't succeed continually blame the "white man" as the reason. And yet the picture is clear: the biggest impediments to Black success have nothing to do with race. They are bastardy, petty crime, unwillingness to take education seriously, unwillingness to do the things necessary to enter into the working class (get a job and keep it, for example).

There is one question that shows the lie of this racism-blaming Narrative: Name something that a "white" person can do in this country that a Black person cannot do. There is nothing. All that comes back is nonsense like, "Drive around at night without drawing the attention of the Constabulary." Gimme a fukkin' break.

Ironically, Barry Soetoro took away a giant crutch from racism-blaming, failing Blacks when he was elected President while apparently being Black. Refer back to the bold text in the previous paragraph. The answer is, "Nothing."
This society is full of whites who are the benificiaries of government policy..

I'm black with a college education, helped build 3 different non profiits and am now a published auuthor. Failure has nothing to do with me. Only White racists make that claim. Turn black and then talk. Until you do, you're talking out of your ass with no lived experience to support your assertions.

Affirmative action was a policy and whites were doing this shit:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental“diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time. Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

And then people like you bring your punk ----- in her whining about how AA discrimmates against whites. You dare to post this: Name something that a "white" person can do in this country that a Black person cannot do.

You know the answer because you're part of the fukking problem. But you can run into a forum full of other racists and rant because you would get crucified in a real debate on issues of race if you argued this factless nonsense. You say Barry Soetoro busted the "narrative" but the siimple fact you call him Barry Soetoro proves that even if a black man or woman becomes the most powerful person in the world, white racists will disrespect them because they are black..

There is no non white group in this country with the wealth of whites. And don't try using Asians because they don't either. Japanese got reparations and other Asians got H1B Visa which gives race based employment that whites like you don't seem to mind. It's time for whites like you to shut up. Black culture is not holding us back. Racists in white culture are. You will dispute this, but in 3 weeks I'll be 63. I have a live over 23,000 days black. You've lived zero days black and reading the opinions of sellouts or talking about one black person iis not the lived experience you need to be qualified to run your mouth about black people.
Black culture is one of the most, if not the most, destructive forces in the US.
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