Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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“It would neither be true or honest to say that the Negros problem is what it is because he is innately inferior or because he is basically lazy and listless or because he has not lifted himself by his own bootstraps. To find the origins of the Negro problem we must turn to the white man’s problem.”
-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
IM2 You have been asked numerous times for a citation of that quote. I assume the reason you can’t provide one is because of the usual “white people”?
White culture has been our biggest problem.
The Klan said the same thing about blacks people.
The Nazis said the same thing about the Jews. Your hate will never fix the problem with the black community, only you can do that.

Are black people of low intelligence?

Or is it something else?

Or is it because people are in poverty?

This one says black people have 17% poverty. Others will go up to 25%.

White people are at 8.6%.

A lot of crime is because of poverty.

As for lower intelligence, you don't actually need that many intelligent people, there are very few people who actually do anything of value in this society, something that actually changes things. Most people are just doing jobs that just get us to tomorrow.

How does being poor lead you to harassing or assaulting people either individually or in groups? That's largely a cultural problem. What other poor ethnic groups do you see doing this? Being poor doesn't cause you to murder people!
How does being poor lead you to harassing or assaulting people either individually or in groups? That's largely a cultural problem. What other poor ethnic groups do you see doing this? Being poor doesn't cause you to murder people!
Whites who are rich do this and do it more. But all poor, regardless of demographics have a high rate of violence. It's time whites stopped this garbage and recognized ther own histroy of violence in this country. Whites have committed so many acts of violence that they really cannot push violence off on anyone else. Violence is an American cultural problem and since whites want to claim this is a white nation, then the violence is a result of white cultural influence.
How does being poor lead you to harassing or assaulting people either individually or in groups? That's largely a cultural problem. What other poor ethnic groups do you see doing this? Being poor doesn't cause you to murder people!

Is it a cultural problem? Maybe, the US's culture is more violent than other first world countries.

Oh, you're trying to claim that black people are more violent than other people.

I disagree. If you look at the top countries for murder, yes, a lot of them are black, but they're also CHRISTIAN.

The top 6 countries for murder are black and Christian
Number 7 is Honduras, very few black people, but also Christian.

It seems to be me that black countries that aren't Christian, also have much lower murder rates.

And no, I didn't say being poor causes you to murder people. Stop trying to misrepresent what I say.

Statistically poor people are more likely to commit certain crimes. Financial crimes.

Now, we know that a lot of murder in the US happens because of drugs. These murders are happening because of financial reasons. Poor people know they can't make it. The US has a very unequal education system, it has unequal opportunities. Gangs offer them something and the Christian society is unable or unwilling to stop these from happening.

If the US were a Muslim country, these gangs would have a much, MUCH harder time.
Is it a cultural problem? Maybe, the US's culture is more violent than other first world countries.

Oh, you're trying to claim that black people are more violent than other people.

I disagree. If you look at the top countries for murder, yes, a lot of them are black, but they're also CHRISTIAN.

The top 6 countries for murder are black and Christian
Number 7 is Honduras, very few black people, but also Christian.

It seems to be me that black countries that aren't Christian, also have much lower murder rates.

And no, I didn't say being poor causes you to murder people. Stop trying to misrepresent what I say.

Statistically poor people are more likely to commit certain crimes. Financial crimes.

Now, we know that a lot of murder in the US happens because of drugs. These murders are happening because of financial reasons. Poor people know they can't make it. The US has a very unequal education system, it has unequal opportunities. Gangs offer them something and the Christian society is unable or unwilling to stop these from happening.

If the US were a Muslim country, these gangs would have a much, MUCH harder time.
How is it, not culture?

For real. Are these liberals so delusional that they think the millions of Africans who want to come to the US are wrong?

Whites who are rich do this and do it more. But all poor, regardless of demographics have a high rate of violence. It's time whites stopped this garbage and recognized ther own histroy of violence in this country. Whites have committed so many acts of violence that they really cannot push violence off on anyone else. Violence is an American cultural problem and since whites want to claim this is a white nation, then the violence is a result of white cultural influence.

Can you name a society or race of ppl who didn't have a long violent history in the past? Saying whites have a violent past doesn't actually mean anything when everyone else was just as violent if not much more so. Are you saying Africans have been entirely peaceful throughout history? LOLOL. Not that that has any relation to american blacks of today. Using this as your go to response just makes you look insanely silly. Whataboutism is probably the poorest way to respond to a topic. It's main purpose is simply to deflect, nothing more.
Can you name a society or race of ppl who didn't have a long violent history in the past? Saying whites have a violent past doesn't actually mean anything when everyone else was just as violent if not much more so. Are you saying Africans have been entirely peaceful throughout history? LOLOL. Not that that has any relation to american blacks of today. Using this as your go to response just makes you look insanely silly. Whataboutism is probably the poorest way to respond to a topic. It's main purpose is simply to deflect, nothing more.
Can you stop trying to find excuses for what whites did in America? This is not about what Africans have done, this is about America. You tell me that whataboutism is a poor response after you used whataboutisms. The only arguments whites like yourself ever use is whataboutism. So just stop making excuses for whites because it's not only about the past.
Can you stop trying to find excuses for what whites did in America? This is not about what Africans have done, this is about America. You tell me that whataboutism is a poor response after you used whataboutisms. The only arguments whites like yourself ever use is whataboutism. So just stop making excuses for whites because it's not only about the past.

Can you stop trying to avoid what White Democrats do to Black citizens? lol
Just stop your silence yep stop being too, spooked, to discuss how White Democrats are getting rid of Black citizens in favor of White HISP illegal imms. :cool:
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