Black Extravigance

As obvious of a troll thread this is the OP has a point. Why are we (in general) over indulging? The media tells us what is the status symbol and we hop to buying it, taking the money out of the Black community where its needed and watch it disappear on a depreciating asset. Last i heard no Black people own car companies. We need to think about who's pocket we are lining and who's community we are assisting when we purchase things. Its a great way to stop impulse buying. Look up the company of the product you are thinking about buying from and check to see what their record is. Check to see if there is a Black owned alternative. If there is not (like an car) get one that will get you from point A to point B. No need to spent top dollar for something that only makes you feel better unless you can pay all cash. Big tip I learned. if you pay all cash you wont have to spend top dollar.

I like how you think this post isn't racist. You need to know the color of a sellers skin is black before but something from them?

Why is it racist? I never said other tribes offer inferior products. I said we need to spend the money in our communities like every other ethnic group known to mankind has always done. Jewish, Irish, Italian, etc. Comprehend now?

You have a long way to go before you to ethnic based shopping. First stop black people from stealing from other black people. Then stop black people from burning down the homes and stores belonging to black people. Then you can try ethnic based shopping.
Some of these Blacks might have hit the lottery,and can afford to purchase hi-end things.You dont know that and are just speculating. I know blue collar workers who make 100 thousand a year and can afford these things so what does that tell you.
I like how you think this post isn't racist. You need to know the color of a sellers skin is black before but something from them?

Why is it racist? I never said other tribes offer inferior products. I said we need to spend the money in our communities like every other ethnic group known to mankind has always done. Jewish, Irish, Italian, etc. Comprehend now?

You have a long way to go before you to ethnic based shopping. First stop black people from stealing from other black people. Then stop black people from burning down the homes and stores belonging to black people. Then you can try ethnic based shopping.

Not really. Check out Black Wall street. It was done more than once all over the country and it can be done again. Sorry but I don't believe your nonsense.
On special occasions I have spent $150 on a dinner for two. High end steak and seafood places routinely charge 35-50 for a prime piece of meat or lobster/crab. Throw in a few glasses of wine, a dessert, espressos, tax and tip and $150 isn't out of the question.

Not in pittsburgh...of course.
Actually it depends more on where than on what.

You can pay $75 for a steak dinner in an exclusive, reservations only, East Side restaurant which will taste no different from the same steak dinner you can enjoy for $25 in a comparatively ordinary restaurant. The $50 difference in price is paying for ambience which makes you feel better about yourself.

You can also buy the same steak for $10 at WalMart and pop it in your broiler.
say white folks jealous much,cause a Black spends more then you ever will.For that matter who are you to tell anyone how to spend their money.
say white folks jealous much,cause a Black spends more then you ever will.For that matter who are you to tell anyone how to spend their money.

Its usually OUR money that they are spending, so yeah, I think we have a right to complain. Who do you think pays for those Obama handouts? Hint, it isn't black people.
say white folks jealous much,cause a Black spends more then you ever will.For that matter who are you to tell anyone how to spend their money.

Its usually OUR money that they are spending, so yeah, I think we have a right to complain. Who do you think pays for those Obama handouts? Hint, it isn't black people.

Are you saying no black people in this country pay taxes?
say white folks jealous much,cause a Black spends more then you ever will.For that matter who are you to tell anyone how to spend their money.

Its usually OUR money that they are spending, so yeah, I think we have a right to complain. Who do you think pays for those Obama handouts? Hint, it isn't black people.

Are you saying no black people in this country pay taxes?

Im saying that black community is taking more money out of the welfare programs, than they are putting in. Everyone else is forced to pick up the slack, so we have the right to complain about juvenile spending in that community. We have the right to complain about a lot of things. Being black doesn't mean they are protected from criticism. Equality isn't always fun.
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Its usually OUR money that they are spending, so yeah, I think we have a right to complain. Who do you think pays for those Obama handouts? Hint, it isn't black people.

Are you saying no black people in this country pay taxes?

Im [sic] saying that black community is taking more money out of the welfare programs, than they are putting in. Everyone else is forced to pick up the slack, so we have the right to complain about juvenile spending in that community. We have the right to complain about a lot of things. Being black doesn't mean they are protected from criticism. Equality isn't always fun.

Is every 'white' person in the country part of "the white community" you fucking jackass? There is no "we" that the likes of you speaks for, you worthless fucking coward. You understand nothing of America.
It is my theory that Negroids do not reach a level of maturity equivalent to other human sub-species. .

There is no "sub-species" of human, idiot. We are all just humans. Individuals are distinct from one another. For example, you are remarkably stupid for a human.
It is my theory that Negroids do not reach a level of maturity equivalent to other human sub-species. .

There is no "sub-species" of human, idiot. We are all just humans. Individuals are distinct from one another. For example, you are remarkably stupid for a human.

That is just a politically correct rhetoric which has no objective or scientific truth.

It is entirely the scientific truth. You may have only just recently embarked on demonstrating what a cowardly moron you are, but rest assured you are not the first to do so. The FACTS pertaining to this question have been posted here time and time again. Go read some older threads, or better yet just STFU now and save yourself the futile trouble of trying to deny the "scientific truth."
Are you saying no black people in this country pay taxes?

Im [sic] saying that black community is taking more money out of the welfare programs, than they are putting in. Everyone else is forced to pick up the slack, so we have the right to complain about juvenile spending in that community. We have the right to complain about a lot of things. Being black doesn't mean they are protected from criticism. Equality isn't always fun.

Is every 'white' person in the country part of "the white community" you fucking jackass? There is no "we" that the likes of you speaks for, you worthless fucking coward. You understand nothing of America.

There is black culture, and then there is everyone else's culture. When I say "we", I refer to EVERYONE WHO IS NOT part of that black culture. Are you fucking retarded? How could you not understand what was so clearly written? ..and what the fuck does cowardice have to do with it? It seems like youre just throwing out insulting words, regardless of whether or not they apply to this discussion.

You are soooooo fucking over the top PC it makes me want to throw up, and this brazen attitude you have online is pathetic. You don't talk tough to people when you are face to face with them, so why do you do it online? Internet courage is fucking pathetic and so are YOU. Get a grip you fucking douche.
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What you are seeing may or may not be extravagance. A black woman I worked with a few years back left a copy of Black Enterprise on the desk when she went home for the day. I looked through it and found this. I think to some extent that kind of extravagance is encouraged.

During the past several years more magazines have begun regular coverage of personal financial issues. Investment clubs are booming as one of the most popular ways for African Americans to learn about the stock market, the result of which has been the establishment of groups such as the Coalition of Black Investors, which recently celebrated its second anniversary. The growing number of Websites aimed at African Americans on the Internet invariably, but there's a movement afoot. We ought to know--we started it nearly three decades ago.

With this, our first issue of the 21st century, as we move toward celebrating our 30th anniversary with the publication of the August 2000 issue of BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine, we are calling on every African American to join this movement through our introduction of the Black Wealth Initiative. This is far more than a new column or a special issue devoted to personal finance. We've been there, done that, and we'll continue to be the No. 1 source of money management and investment information for African Americans. The Black Wealth Initiative is nothing less than an ongoing campaign aimed at challenging you to join the black wealth-building movement by committing to specific principles of disciplined saving and investing. Once you've made that commitment, we'll arm you with the tools, motivation, connections and information to follow through on that commitment, not only in this issue, but in every issue to come as we venture out into the new millennium. Here's how:

The Black Wealth Initiative is about far more than selling magazines or promoting a seminar. I believe it is the most significant undertaking ever pursued in the 30 years since I began publishing BE. The black wealth movement has the potential to result in gains for African Americans in the first half of the 21st century that will easily eclipse those achieved in the civil rights struggle of the last half of the 20th century. Your commitment to joining this movement is absolutely necessary to bring these gains to fruition. The future is, indeed, in your hands. Make today the day you take control of your financial destiny. By choosing to build lasting personal wealth, you'll be providing a greater measure of financial empowerment for us all.

Let your signature, and the pledge it represents, be a lasting legacy to future generations of African Americans in the new millennium.

Let our wealth be our legacy. - Free Online Library

And an article on black consumer rights:

Simply scheduling an event does not guarantee participation or on time attendance in the African-American community. For the most part, the African-American community’s participation is driven by “Kairos Time.”
The Greek word meaning “the right or opportune moment,” “Kairos Time” reflects a tendency in the Black community to focus more on things that represent instant gratification over events that are clock or calendar driven. African-Americans are more flexible with their schedule; plans can change if something they perceive as more interesting or fun comes up. Their schedules and commitment to attending something remains fluid for a longer period of time.

The Hunter-Miller Group, Inc.

You could be seeing a little of both these principles at play in your observations.

Personally, I would not spend so extravagantly every day of my life. There is an old saying that there are two kind of money, the kind you spend at home and the kind you spend when you are on vacation. But vacation even has its limits. When my late husband and I traveled with the kids we always took food for breakfast and ate that in our rooms rather than buying. I learned when I went on vacation with my children they now do the same thing even though they both can ell afford to eat in restaurants all three meals.

Money, what it means, and how you spend it is a matter of values and of culture. There is one culture that greatly values money and seeing money as something curative rubs it on the body of the sick. It has been a while since I read that, and I can't recall which. I'll see if I can find a link.
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