Black Extravigance

As promised. I guess I learned about this in China at the Traditional Medicine Hospital. There was so much there to learn.

Cao gio is a technique incorporated into the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is pronounced as gow yaw and better known in English as coining.


The coining treatment continues as a coin is repeatedly rubbed against an area of the skin in long flowing moves which always move away from the heart. Blood begins to rise to the surface of the skin, and will leave a mark that resembles a bruise or love bite. The areas of the body that are most frequently treated are the back and ribs, and the marks will fade a few days after the treatment is over.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, What is Coining?
Why is it racist? I never said other tribes offer inferior products. I said we need to spend the money in our communities like every other ethnic group known to mankind has always done. Jewish, Irish, Italian, etc. Comprehend now?

You have a long way to go before you to ethnic based shopping. First stop black people from stealing from other black people. Then stop black people from burning down the homes and stores belonging to black people. Then you can try ethnic based shopping.

Not really. Check out Black Wall street. It was done more than once all over the country and it can be done again. Sorry but I don't believe your nonsense.

The truth is that desegregation while beneficial in some ways, signaled the end of "ethnic based shopping" for American blacks. The tragedy is that when segregation ended, as opposed to communtities continuing to strengthen black businesses, many were forgotten and abandoned. Could Have Been.pdf
Not seeing why it is anyone's business what another person does with their own money.

When I'm on the freeway passing a car, unless it's a old classic, I couldn't tell you the make or model of the car, let alone who the hell is driving it.

When in a mall, which is rare, I go in buy what I need and leave, I don't scope out what others buy. I go grocery shopping, I don't look at others carts nor do I care what they buy.

I have enough going on in my life to care about what other people buy. What a waste of time.
One of my black friends said a few years back that blacks who had money were kept out of the housing market by discrimination, so they bought expensive cars.
Not seeing why it is anyone's business what another person does with their own money.

When I'm on the freeway passing a car, unless it's a old classic, I couldn't tell you the make or model of the car, let alone who the hell is driving it.

When in a mall, which is rare, I go in buy what I need and leave, I don't scope out what others buy. I go grocery shopping, I don't look at others carts nor do I care what they buy.

I have enough going on in my life to care about what other people buy. What a waste of time.

People who study culture might disagree with you on that. I think spending is very much culturally based. Example: I know two people who grew up during the Great Depression who have 97 cents of every dollar they ever earned. AND they are both hoarders. People of that day just can't trust that they will always have enough to eat. It is cultural mark of people who have had difficulty surviving.

I can tell you that we are taught in nursing school about the instant gratification needs of most blacks. It is born out when you work a hospital unit and see who sits on the call light. It's something you have to be ready to deal with. Other cultures are very stoic and will not call if they are dying, so you have to keep an eye out for them.
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Im [sic] saying that black community is taking more money out of the welfare programs, than they are putting in. Everyone else is forced to pick up the slack, so we have the right to complain about juvenile spending in that community. We have the right to complain about a lot of things. Being black doesn't mean they are protected from criticism. Equality isn't always fun.

Is every 'white' person in the country part of "the white community" you fucking jackass? There is no "we" that the likes of you speaks for, you worthless fucking coward. You understand nothing of America.

There is black culture, and then there is everyone else's culture. When I say "we", I refer to EVERYONE WHO IS NOT part of that black culture. ...

You are truly obtuse. Your block-headed stupidity does not justify your racism. Racism based on FEAR, coward.
You don't talk tough to people when you are face to face with them, so why do you do it online? Internet courage is fucking pathetic and so are YOU. .


"Ooh, you wouldn't say that to my face!" is the mantra of the internet tough guy. You're a fucking clown.
Is every 'white' person in the country part of "the white community" you fucking jackass? There is no "we" that the likes of you speaks for, you worthless fucking coward. You understand nothing of America.

There is black culture, and then there is everyone else's culture. When I say "we", I refer to EVERYONE WHO IS NOT part of that black culture. ...

You are truly obtuse. Your block-headed stupidity does not justify your racism. Racism based on FEAR, coward.
Racism is stupid. The color of a persons skin does not dictate their behavior or their level of intelligence. Culture is a different story though. Not all cultures are equal, and we should be vigilant in pointing out the bad ones, or the bad aspects of cultures that are generally considered good.

Go ahead and call me racist whenever you are unable to address the actual debate. Go ahead and be a no logic, no debating skill shithead for the rest of your life.
You don't talk tough to people when you are face to face with them, so why do you do it online? Internet courage is fucking pathetic and so are YOU. .


"Ooh, you wouldn't say that to my face!" is the mantra of the internet tough guy. You're a fucking clown.

You wouldn't though. In real life you don't go around attacking everyone in sight like you do here. Why do you act differently when your on a computer? How many non topic insult posts do you go through every day? Youre fucking weird. For the life of me, I'll never understand people like you that have to troll on the internet for 12 hours ever day. Get a life already.
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Go ahead and call me racist whenever you are unable to address the actual debate. Go ahead and be a no logic, no debating skill shithead for the rest of your life.

I'll go ahead and call you a racist whenever your stupid comments merit it. Assuming that every person with a certain skin tone must therefore belong to a certain "culture" in a country as complex as the US is truly illogical. Stop throwing the word "logic" around until you learn what it means, fool.
So what the OP is really saying is that on a per capita basis, black people help grow the economy more than white people.

Interesting theory.
Consider the following: My one and only "rich" uncle was the national VP of sales for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Because of inheritance, he could afford any car he wanted, and he certainly could have afforded to drive a Cadillac (no foreign car would ever be seen in his garage), but because the President of his company drove a Caddy, he would never permit himself this indulgence, feeling that it would not be inappropriate to drive a car like his boss'.

So he would always buy the most expensive Olds or Buick, and load it up with options. And as GM did things, there were sometimes options on Olds that were not even available on a Cadillac.

Could you even imagine a so-called Black man acting like that?
Go ahead and call me racist whenever you are unable to address the actual debate. Go ahead and be a no logic, no debating skill shithead for the rest of your life.

I'll go ahead and call you a racist whenever your stupid comments merit it. Assuming that every person with a certain skin tone must therefore belong to a certain "culture" in a country as complex as the US is truly illogical. Stop throwing the word "logic" around until you learn what it means, fool.

God damn. You are eternally clueless.
Consider the following: My one and only "rich" uncle was the national VP of sales for a mid-sized manufacturing company. Because of inheritance, he could afford any car he wanted, and he certainly could have afforded to drive a Cadillac (no foreign car would ever be seen in his garage), but because the President of his company drove a Caddy, he would never permit himself this indulgence, feeling that it would not be inappropriate to drive a car like his boss'.

So he would always buy the most expensive Olds or Buick, and load it up with options. And as GM did things, there were sometimes options on Olds that were not even available on a Cadillac.

Could you even imagine a so-called Black man acting like that?

That would have been inappropriate. It is common knowledge in corporate circles that the employees don't out class the CEO with the car they drive to work. It is one of those hidden rules. He could have had another one, but an employee should never park a car on the company lot that is more expensive than that of the CEO.
Go ahead and call me racist whenever you are unable to address the actual debate. Go ahead and be a no logic, no debating skill shithead for the rest of your life.

I'll go ahead and call you a racist whenever your stupid comments merit it. Assuming that every person with a certain skin tone must therefore belong to a certain "culture" in a country as complex as the US is truly illogical. Stop throwing the word "logic" around until you learn what it means, fool.

God damn. You are eternally clueless.

I don't expect you to ever really learn what the word "logic" means.
My dad had Caddies and Lincolns. Crappy cars, lead sleds especially in the snow. He knew they weren't great but he liked them (big American car) and could afford them.

As long as it's their own money, I don't care what other people buy. And I've never felt any inclination to "keep up with the Joneses". That's just dumb.
"Crappy cars?"

I'm White and I like Cadillacs.

Going all the way back to the sixties I've owned nothing but used Cadillacs. I buy them about four or five years old with low mileage and in mint condition and I've never had cause to regret it. In my opinion a used Cadillac is better than any new mid-range car.

Cadillacs are very well made cars, they ride like sailboats on calm water, they are very comfortable, and if well cared for they last long and always look good.

The nicest car I've ever owned was a 1976 Cadillac Eldorado convertible. It was stolen, which broke my heart. I couldn't find another one like it.

So, the bottom line to this discussion in my opinion is, to each his own.
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If the black community didn't waste their money on bullshit, maybe there would be less poverty and desperation in that community. Its a problem.
I believe a better term for what in this thread is called "Black extravagance" would be economic imprudence on the part of many (not all) Blacks. And the reason for it is genetic conditioning.

During the slavery era Blacks owned nothing of real value. Their perception of White society was predicated largely on the material symbols which represented privileged status and a lifestyle they themselves longed to experience. For them the external symbols of freedom and privilege were fine clothing, jewelry ("bling"), and the equivalent of expensive cars.

Some Blacks emerged from the slavery era with a better than average understanding of internal White society and an awareness of what it takes to achieve substantial social status by American standards. They were fortunate enough to acquire education and decent employment and they persevered. They married, worked hard, raised their children properly, observed the laws, and thus established solidly respectable roots and genetic bloodlines over successive generations. They emulated and successfully imitated the White social order. Most of their descendants presently inhabit the upper middle class. Many are professionals and some have managed to accumulate exceptional wealth through legitimate endeavor.

Other descendants of the Black slave class have no such orientation or inspiration. Instead their bloodlines retain the loosely connected, superficial orientation of those forebears who perceived the White social order externally and from a distance. Their idea of social status begins and ends with fine clothing, expensive cars, and "bling." They have no awareness of or interest in anything beyond those often gaudy material symbols.
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My dad had Caddies and Lincolns. Crappy cars, lead sleds especially in the snow. He knew they weren't great but he liked them (big American car) and could afford them.

As long as it's their own money, I don't care what other people buy. And I've never felt any inclination to "keep up with the Joneses". That's just dumb.
"Crappy cars?"

I'm White and like Cadillacs.

Going all the way back to the sixties I've owned nothing but used Cadillacs. I buy them about four or five years old with low mileage and in mint condition and I've never had cause to regret it. In my opinion a used Cadillac is better than any new mid-range car.

Cadillacs are very well made cars, they ride like sailboats on calm water, they are very comfortable, and if well cared for they last long and always look good.

The nicest car I've ever owned was a 1976 Cadillac Eldorado convertible. It was stolen, which broke my heart. I couldn't find another one like it.

So, the bottom line to this discussion in my opinion is, to each his own.

Those Eldorado convertibles were nice. I've owned a few Caddys in years past. As a matter of fact, I think my life was saved driving one. I had a 1989 Fleetwood and was hit on the drivers side by an illegal driving a pick up truck. He was speeding and ran a red light. My car was totaled, but I walked away with just a few scratches, which was miraculous.

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