Black Extravigance

On special occasions I have spent $150 on a dinner for two. High end steak and seafood places routinely charge 35-50 for a prime piece of meat or lobster/crab. Throw in a few glasses of wine, a dessert, espressos, tax and tip and $150 isn't out of the question.

Not in pittsburgh...of course.

Nor is it in California or any other city or state that I have been to, which is quite a few.
Why is it racist? I never said other tribes offer inferior products. I said we need to spend the money in our communities like every other ethnic group known to mankind has always done. Jewish, Irish, Italian, etc.

"every other ethnic group known to mankind" - in America - has done that as a temporary step along the path to assimilation and integration with the larger 'culture' of the country as a whole. Jewish people spend money in, on, or with businesses owned by people of Irish ancestry. People of Irish ancestry do business in every possible way with people of Italian ancestry. Italian Americans do business with Jewish people, etc. Sure, people of like ancestry feel a certain kinship with each other, but it is of limited practical application. If you want fine Italian food you are unlikely to make reservations at O'Malley's Restaurant, but if the most practical, profitable business decision involves doing business with a Rothstein, a Murphy, or a DiLorenzo then that's what you're going to do. Suggesting self-imposed isolation from the larger community as a long-term behavior is a losing proposition. It has been the imposition - from without - of isolation (in many forms) from the larger community that has historically impeded too many black Americans from harvesting the full fruits of their potential and, I believe, contributed much to the social ills that hamper too many black Americans and the communities they live in to this day.
It's the same as $6,000 worth of wheels and tires on a $1,500 car. The things they put value on doesn't have to make sense. different than $800 tires and a $3000 4x4 lift kit on a 1988 F150 - right?
Or seeing a $12,000 Polaris Ranger sitting under a tin lean-to off of a double-wide trailer?
Stupid is as stupid does. No matter the color.
"every other ethnic group known to mankind" - in America - has done that as a temporary step along the path to assimilation and integration with the larger 'culture' of the country as a whole. Jewish people spend money in, on, or with businesses owned by people of Irish ancestry. People of Irish ancestry do business in every possible way with people of Italian ancestry. Italian Americans do business with Jewish people, etc. Sure, people of like ancestry feel a certain kinship with each other, but it is of limited practical application. If you want fine Italian food you are unlikely to make reservations at O'Malley's Restaurant, but if the most practical, profitable business decision involves doing business with a Rothstein, a Murphy, or a DiLorenzo then that's what you're going to do. Suggesting self-imposed isolation from the larger community as a long-term behavior is a losing proposition. It has been the imposition - from without - of isolation (in many forms) from the larger community that has historically impeded too many black Americans from harvesting the full fruits of their potential and, I believe, contributed much to the social ills that hamper too many black Americans and the communities they live in to this day.

That sounds pretty but I know quite a few Jewish people. They will flat out tell you that they will not do business with you if there is a Jewish alternative and not bat an eye. They see absolutely nothing wrong with it. I dont blame them for it. I respect them. They run this country pretty much. You should read "The Jewish Phenomenon". I bet you would change you tune then.

If you're going to start in on the "Jews run the world" BS, take it to the Conspiracy Forum where it belongs, fruit loop.

You think you're the only person in the world who knows "quite a few Jewish people," numbskull? If you happen to know some short-sighted bigots who happen to be Jewish, I'm not at all surprised you'd get along well. At around 2.3% of the population of the US, trying to do business exclusively with other Jewish people wouldn't work out so well, would it moron?

You remain, as usual, part of the problem.

I love it when all you can do is call names. :lol:

Depends on how much the 2.3% own doesn't it? You are a dumbass of the highest order if you dont understand the Jewish have at least a hand in probably everything.

Here is an example of what happens when Black people buy in their community. Not the crazy racist white envy but the economical power they create.
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Like it or not, there is a rational basis to determine what you can "afford." If your mortgage payment is more than 25% of your gross monthly income, you are overspending, and by any rational measure cannot afford that house.

I can see spending a lot of money on a dinner out, to celebrate a special occasion, and if you throw in a bottle of wine, it can go into three figures. But this is stupid and sane people realize that, and only do it on rare occasions.

The very existence of a $2,500 purse or a $350 belt is an economic IQ test, and those who purchase them flunk, sorry to say. My wife and I could purchase those things without hardship, but that wouldn't make it any less stupid.
Conspiracy Forum. Go. And take your stupid fucking tinfoil hat with you.

Let me know when you get enough power to make me. Show me where and how what I said was a conspiracy and I might take you up on your offer.

Why not start a new thread on your little conspiracy theory over on the forum dedicated to that kind of thing, and to idiots like you? Or is it your intention to troll, derail, and spam this thread to death, asshole?

Again dispute me with evidence to the contrary or shut up. i'm using jewish people as an example of good money management and business acumen. If you dont like it tough. Lets see you do something about it other than complain and whine. somehow we all know you are good for nothing but little comments here and there. No real substance.
"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

Thread has been cleaned of violative and derailing posts - please try to discuss the topic :)
Re the topic: Questionable spending decisions are not based on 'race,' and are generally nobody's business but the spender in question.
Re the topic: Questionable spending decisions are not based on 'race,' and are generally nobody's business but the spender in question.

No such thing as race. Use tribe or ethnicity. The Black tribe needs to focus on our community since thats what our people have traditionally been about and when we are most successful as a group. This everyman for himself thing is only going to serve to divide and conquer.
This is a sensitive subject, but what the hell, this is the place for it, right?

There are a couple recent stories out of New York that were initially reported and are now being regurgitated and commented on extensively, as an introduction to the "different" treatment of so-called "African Americans" in retail stores, and in particular high-end retail outlets.

We all know about the woman who purchased the $2,500 purse and the young man who purchased the $350 belt, both of whom were accosted by law enforcement and made to feel like criminals for nothing more than purchasing expensive stuff. And since they were "Black," they were scrutinized in the stores to a much greater extent than "White" people would have been, and presumed to be unable to purchase such extravigant items. Point taken.

But what I want to talk about is the phenomenon of Black extravigance.

I don't claim to be "typical," but we have a household annual income of around $250,000, and if my wife ever came home with a $2,500 handbag I would shoot her. And I would never even think of buying a belt for more than $100, let alone $350!

I read a few weeks ago that a Black family with a household income of between $100 and $200 thousand is five times more likely to purchase or lease a new Mercedes than a white household with a similar income. I personally would never purchase or lease a new Mercedes, although I did buy a USED one several years ago for about $15k. Obviously, not the same thing. In fact, my wife likes to purchase a nice new car every couple years, and she was very reluctant to seal the deal on her $30 thousand SUV a few months ago, thinking she might have gone overboard.

But for "middle class" Blacks, extravigant purchases are apparently not that uncommon.

There is a (self-identified Black) guy on another thread here who claims to spend $150 on dinner for himself and his wife when they go out. I don't even know anyone who would spend that much (other than on an expense account) on dinner for 2.

When I was growing up, you could go through "colored" neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and find just as many new Cadillac's and Lincoln's per household than you would see in the more prosperous white neighborhoods. You can talk all about the psychology of poverty or whatever you want, but this is stupid spending, on steroids.

If I were Black I think I would be more bothered by my fellow Black folks wasting their limited resources on flashy extravigances than whether some store clerk is watching me walking down the aisles in a downtown department store.

Whether the store clerks are justified in focusing their surveillance on Blacks is another issue altogether, but one that has two sides, to be sure.

I know a few white (and some black) folks who'd spend $/£150 on a meal once or twice a year, but I don't know any who likes to buy a nice new car every few years. I'm not going to start quoting figures, but I earn more than you and I still drive a second hand Audi A4 that I bought eight years ago.
This is a sensitive subject, but what the hell, this is the place for it, right?

There are a couple recent stories out of New York that were initially reported and are now being regurgitated and commented on extensively, as an introduction to the "different" treatment of so-called "African Americans" in retail stores, and in particular high-end retail outlets.

We all know about the woman who purchased the $2,500 purse and the young man who purchased the $350 belt, both of whom were accosted by law enforcement and made to feel like criminals for nothing more than purchasing expensive stuff. And since they were "Black," they were scrutinized in the stores to a much greater extent than "White" people would have been, and presumed to be unable to purchase such extravigant items. Point taken.

But what I want to talk about is the phenomenon of Black extravigance.

I don't claim to be "typical," but we have a household annual income of around $250,000, and if my wife ever came home with a $2,500 handbag I would shoot her. And I would never even think of buying a belt for more than $100, let alone $350!

I read a few weeks ago that a Black family with a household income of between $100 and $200 thousand is five times more likely to purchase or lease a new Mercedes than a white household with a similar income. I personally would never purchase or lease a new Mercedes, although I did buy a USED one several years ago for about $15k. Obviously, not the same thing. In fact, my wife likes to purchase a nice new car every couple years, and she was very reluctant to seal the deal on her $30 thousand SUV a few months ago, thinking she might have gone overboard.

But for "middle class" Blacks, extravigant purchases are apparently not that uncommon.

There is a (self-identified Black) guy on another thread here who claims to spend $150 on dinner for himself and his wife when they go out. I don't even know anyone who would spend that much (other than on an expense account) on dinner for 2.

When I was growing up, you could go through "colored" neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and find just as many new Cadillac's and Lincoln's per household than you would see in the more prosperous white neighborhoods. You can talk all about the psychology of poverty or whatever you want, but this is stupid spending, on steroids.

If I were Black I think I would be more bothered by my fellow Black folks wasting their limited resources on flashy extravigances than whether some store clerk is watching me walking down the aisles in a downtown department store.

Whether the store clerks are justified in focusing their surveillance on Blacks is another issue altogether, but one that has two sides, to be sure.

The behavior of retailers is unacceptable.... however they don't want their store to be the next drug hangout either.

Usually black people with $100s of dollars in their pocket and not well dressed are drug dealers.

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