Black Fraternities dont allow whites to be members

Hey! Where'd all the people go claiming whites werent allowed? Did they disappear like their credibility?

In all fairness, it has a lot to do with the particular organization and the school. Some Greek systems are much more inclusive than others. At my daughter's college, there is a lot of mixing across the black/white/jewish greek organizations; at your traditional SEC colleges, not so much.
Damn if I'm not cool in the eyes of Asclepias and Pillars, I must be doing something right!
Well, you're definitely not up to speed on modern culture.

You post like a guy who stopped trying new things about 40 years ago. That's fine, if you are a retiree in Florida. Go buy yourself a three wheeled bike and get on with your bad self, old dude.
Well, you're definitely not up to speed on modern culture.

You post like a guy who stopped trying new things about 40 years ago. That's fine, if you are a retiree in Florida. Go buy yourself a three wheeled bike and get on with your bad self, old dude.

Define Modern Culture?
If you are talking about rap music and hip hop, you are right. It does not interest me at all.
I have better things to do with my time and money.
Define Modern Culture?
If you are talking about rap music and hip hop, you are right. It does not interest me at all.
I have better things to do with my time and money.

Modern culture = activities of young (frequently highly educated) people. Step shows are performed by black and white organizations, on college campuses around the U.S., to a variety of music, generally to raise funds for worthy causes (like breast cancer).

Do you know anyone who's had breast cancer? How many college kids do you know that have dedicated their time to raise money for causes like that? How is performing a musical routine for a good cause not cool in your world?

You think we have too many kids doing those sorts of things?

This is why you're not cool. Your mind is closed, and I doubt you've thought a new thought in the past 30 years. Mental masturbation is not cool.

For what it's worth, I doubt seriously that you have better things to do than attend a step show. More boring things to do, almost certainly. I mean, god forbid anything should cut into your nightly television schedule.

But, if you'd ever seen a live step show, you'd realize that they require timing, practice, skill, talent, and they're very fun to watch.

I'm 50. I guess I'm just not old, but you clearly are.
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You have to understand Desperado isnt down with modern culture like rap music or hip hop or why would a white guy hang with a black guy...modern stuff like that

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