Black leaders in CA protesting that a white teacher..teaches black history


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Local News

Wow. It just never ends. Black "leaders" in Fresno CA are angry that a white teacher...will be teaching classes in black history, ethnic studies, diversity, ets.

The black community is quickly becoming more racist than the evil fucks 70 years ago that oppressed their great grandparents.

First....they bitch that "their history" wasnt being taught in schools (by white teachers).
That changed. And for the better. "Their" history is OUR history as a united country.
Then they cried that affirmative action was needed for more black teachers. Many who will teach history of white people.

And thankfully...any black person can now become a teacher.

But NOW they go further. They want only black teachers teaching their history. Or as one "leader" in the article said referring to the civil rights era: "We didnt fight to have a white teacher". RACIST FUCKS.

Ok. So they can teach everyones history. But whites cant teach their history...despite that being a request they had decades ago, for us to teach and embrace their history??????

Im so done with this diversity and race bullshit.
The comments section of the story is encouraging. Seems many...even in liberal California. ..are tired of racism from the diversity crowd.

The school director had a great quote: "Value qualifications over colorism".

Yep. COLORISM. I love it. No more race. Just a color of skin pigment and its irrelevant.
Obama's tenure has ushered in such wonderful nonsense for this Nation.
What if that school district broke it up into History: black, white, hispanic, asian and other.

And the 5 classes can ONLY be taught by a teacher of that ethnicity.

So sorry black folks...only whites can teach history of white people.

Yeah....wouldnt go over well.
More people every day are done with this crap. Fed up.

Poster WinterBorn offered to come to Ferguson, MO (St. Louis burb) from Atlanta and talk to the blacks here because he gets along so well with those that live in his neighborhood.

Until I told him I would welcome him to do that and to let me know when he can make it. At that point he squirmed out of the offer as too expensive.:rofl:
Local News

Wow. It just never ends. Black "leaders" in Fresno CA are angry that a white teacher...will be teaching classes in black history, ethnic studies, diversity, ets.

The black community is quickly becoming more racist than the evil fucks 70 years ago that oppressed their great grandparents.

First....they bitch that "their history" wasnt being taught in schools (by white teachers).
That changed. And for the better. "Their" history is OUR history as a united country.
Then they cried that affirmative action was needed for more black teachers. Many who will teach history of white people.

And thankfully...any black person can now become a teacher.

But NOW they go further. They want only black teachers teaching their history. Or as one "leader" in the article said referring to the civil rights era: "We didnt fight to have a white teacher". RACIST FUCKS.

Ok. So they can teach everyones history. But whites cant teach their history...despite that being a request they had decades ago, for us to teach and embrace their history??????

Im so done with this diversity and race bullshit.
This shit is out of control.....And it's ending up hurting the cause for equality for black people.
As long as race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Malcolm X and others of their ilk are alive and well, there will be equally ridiculous demands from blacks. They are perpetual victims no matter what is presented to them.
Most blacks under 60 have only a vague idea about black American history. Most of what is taught in black history classes is racist propaganda.
Most blacks under 60 have only a vague idea about black American history. Most of what is taught in black history classes is racist propaganda.
You speak with such authority, I can't help but believe you.

The comments section of the story is encouraging. Seems many...even in liberal California. ..are tired of racism from the diversity crowd.

The school director had a great quote: "Value qualifications over colorism".

Yep. COLORISM. I love it. No more race. Just a color of skin pigment and its irrelevant.
We are all various shade of brown and pink. None of this black/white nonsense. I remember in the south my neighbors favored KKK as they designed a change from negro/caucasian to black/white because black meant evil and dirty while white meant superior and clean. That is how it got changed, but most people never saw where it started. That is why I refuse to call myself or anyone else either of those colors.
Most blacks under 60 have only a vague idea about black American history. Most of what is taught in black history classes is racist propaganda.
You speak with such authority, I can't help but believe you.

That's because you are a prime example of the sorry-ass generation of blacks brainwashed by black studies propaganda.
I be white, mofo!
And I'm a nigga.
Good lord- We have a cumwad like Odummy preaching to us the positives of diversity, all the while he's making hangmans nooses for the Klan, but we can't listen to a white person preach black history?

I'm sure the concerned would rather focus on the virtues of the fat Mizzou slob and gang banging skittle drug making thug who used to live in Florida.


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