Black leftists: If you could go back and prevent US slavery, but live with aftermath, would you?

So now you want to make it a "democrat"
Just admit your defeat and go away...

AFDC was passed as part of the New Deal - fact. AFDC had no restrictions based on race or color - FACT.

You still want to play victim, and are pointing to some psychologist who states that Georgia and Alabama interfered with administration of the program. Since those were 100% democrat controlled, it's a bit silly for you to get butt-hurt that I point out that corruption is part and parcel of being a democrat.
A proper example of a lost argument.
Cut out the deflection; it's so weak.
'Educated' by blacks is something I don't think anyone can conceive. The most backward of the human species always had little to offer to the rest of humanity. Sub-Saharan Africa is a veritable vacuum in that regard. There hasn't been any significant advancement borne from the region in history. Sorry, the watermelon doesn't count.

That is absurd. I have a black woman on my dissertation team who is highly educated and quite brilliant.

You sound as stupid as Asslips when you spew racist shit.
I thought I'd made it clear that not all blacks were incapable of limited achievement. I accept Dr Carson as a rare success of African culture, but Obama was obviously the wrong choice in that he was only half black and far less intelligent than Carson.
Why is a thread about slavery being prevented aimed at black "leftists"? I would thikn that Slavery would be something that is objected to across party platforms....just sayin
I understand the point. and it has nothing to do with objecting to slavery, it has to do with what would be if it had not been in the first place.
'Educated' by blacks is something I don't think anyone can conceive. The most backward of the human species always had little to offer to the rest of humanity. Sub-Saharan Africa is a veritable vacuum in that regard. There hasn't been any significant advancement borne from the region in history. Sorry, the watermelon doesn't count.

That is absurd. I have a black woman on my dissertation team who is highly educated and quite brilliant.

You sound as stupid as Asslips when you spew racist shit.
I thought I'd made it clear that not all blacks were incapable of limited achievement. I accept Dr Carson as a rare success of African culture, but Obama was obviously the wrong choice in that he was only half black and far less intelligent than Carson.
Nothing you say is clear or in anyway sensible. Youre a fucking idiot. :laugh:

  1. a stupid person.
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This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
Hmmm that would mean Ben Carson's lifetime achievement would not be separating conjoined twins but likely that of spear chucking.
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
Hmmm that would mean Ben Carson's lifetime achievement would not be separating conjoined twins but likely that of spear chucking.
Or maybe inventing steel

Haya people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Haya people of Tanzania have been linked to one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of all time: the invention of steel. Archaeologist Peter Schmidt discovered through a literalist combination of archaeology and oral tradition that the Haya had been forging steel for around 2000 years."

A proper example of a lost argument.
Cut out the deflection; it's so weak.

I see, so your claim was false, but my argument was lost? :rofl:
I posted a link that you could not refute and now you are arguing from a position of weakness and deflection...oh well.
Its his recessive genes. Inherently, whenever he opens his mouth, he is arguing from a position of weakness. Deflections are just an automated response to that weakness.
Who says they would be under stone aged conditions?

You've never heard of Africa before? My mistake.

They still could have come here like any other human being if not for racists like the OP. There was untapped labor in abundance in Africa that could have easily been paid for their labor
Racists decided it was easier to take them and future generations as property

As to Africa...what would their condition be if European colonialists had not raped their natural resources ? What would have happened if they were actually paid for their pelts, minerals, diamonds, gold, oil?

So Africa was an advanced technological wonder in the 17th century? No problem for Massia people to hop a jet in 1650 to fly into Logan? Okay, they may not have invented the wheel yet, but that didn't stop them from being world travelers! :thup;

You morons are impossible to take seriously. You expect others to accept your absurd fantasies as reality.

Sub-Saharan Africa was a stone age society.

Reality exists, even if it doesn't fit with the narrative you seek to promote.

It is Europe and America who came in and raped Africa's resources and enslaved its people

If they paid fair market for either, we would not have this thread
It is Europe and America who came in and raped Africa's resources and enslaved its people

If they paid fair market for either, we would not have this thread

Got it, you just make shit up with not regard at all for facts. :thup:

Africa had emense resources. Animal hides, gold, diamonds and people

They were taken by the whites with minimal compensation....then you gloat because Africa did not advance?

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