Black Lives Don't Matter If You're A Trump Supporter

This "TimCast" guy in the beanie appears to be a big Trumpster thinker. I see him used as "source" material pretty regularly here.

The group pathology continues to calcify.

He's 10 times smarter than you so it's no surprise you're starting to lay the ground work to attack him. He has 80 million views a month with his three channels. You should watch instead of being a such an insufferable libtarded hack.

The one thing you libtard hacks refuse to do is watch or read anything that doesn't match your agenda. "See", we watch it all. We make up our own minds. You morons believe what you're told to.

Of course you don't have the balls to get red pilled. Don't worry though, your virtue signaling will still get you cancelled by your own tribe.
Dittos Rushbo!

I thought you'd like a vid of one of your little minions stabbing a reporter. Ya know, so you and your buddies can sit around cheering for him.

Don't forget to go defend the shooting of a black man supporting Trump in my other thread. Wouldn't want you to miss cheering for the execution and other 29 Blacks killed in your riots.

I'm sure you support his gofundme.

Aw, look at you try so hard. I really triggered you. Now you're bringing in videos 'n stuff.

So tell me, what is my opinion of the video? You clearly think you know.

The only one triggered around here is you, being slapped in the face with the real violence of what you support. The way we know is you never condemn any of the bullshit we shove in your face. You just keep on keeping on as a true little Marxist warrior looking for validation.

Now now he'll come back at you with "Ole Mac" triggered you.

Absolutely no sane individual is buying into BLM or ANFITA bullshit.

Who raised these dumb fcks? Oh wait....not fathers
This "TimCast" guy in the beanie appears to be a big Trumpster thinker. I see him used as "source" material pretty regularly here.

The group pathology continues to calcify.

He's 10 times smarter than you so it's no surprise you're starting to lay the ground work to attack him. He has 80 million views a month with his three channels. You should watch instead of being a such an insufferable libtarded hack.

The one thing you libtard hacks refuse to do is watch or read anything that doesn't match your agenda. "See", we watch it all. We make up our own minds. You morons believe what you're told to.

Of course you don't have the balls to get red pilled. Don't worry though, your virtue signaling will still get you cancelled by your own tribe.
Dittos Rushbo!

I thought you'd like a vid of one of your little minions stabbing a reporter. Ya know, so you and your buddies can sit around cheering for him.

Don't forget to go defend the shooting of a black man supporting Trump in my other thread. Wouldn't want you to miss cheering for the execution and other 29 Blacks killed in your riots.

I'm sure you support his gofundme.

Aw, look at you try so hard. I really triggered you. Now you're bringing in videos 'n stuff.

So tell me, what is my opinion of the video? You clearly think you know.

The only one triggered around here is you, being slapped in the face with the real violence of what you support. The way we know is you never condemn any of the bullshit we shove in your face. You just keep on keeping on as a true little Marxist warrior looking for validation.

Now now he'll come back at you with "Ole Mac" triggered you.

Absolutely no sane individual is buying into BLM or ANFITA bullshit.

Who raised these dumb fcks? Oh wait....not fathers

I like how you quietly ran away.
Of course, everybody who you don't like is a Trumpster. :itsok:
Except for the Regressive Left. You Trumpsters somehow don't remember the thousands of squabbles I've had with them.
Mac, it is time for the confession. You are anti-American.
You represent the ugliness, arrogance and ignorance that is Trumpism. Norman, it is time for the confession. You are anti-American.
Mac's a moron, I jerk his chain for fun.
This, from a wingnut with a child’s view of politics who calls himself ‘Ricky Libtardo’. He calls himself this! :lol:

Not only that, he capitalized the LI but not the btardo part.

Then he calls other people morons. :icon_rolleyes:
Trumpian-level humor. Pat 'em on the head, let 'em punch themselves out until they want to take a nap.
Of course, everybody who you don't like is a Trumpster. :itsok:
Except for the Regressive Left. You Trumpsters somehow don't remember the thousands of squabbles I've had with them.
Mac, it is time for the confession. You are anti-American.
You represent the ugliness, arrogance and ignorance that is Trumpism. Norman, it is time for the confession. You are anti-American.

Tim Pool is a Bernie voter you fucking moron.

And you do not represent America.
This "TimCast" guy in the beanie appears to be a big Trumpster thinker. I see him used as "source" material pretty regularly here.

The group pathology continues to calcify.

He's 10 times smarter than you so it's no surprise you're starting to lay the ground work to attack him. He has 80 million views a month with his three channels. You should watch instead of being a such an insufferable libtarded hack.

The one thing you libtard hacks refuse to do is watch or read anything that doesn't match your agenda. "See", we watch it all. We make up our own minds. You morons believe what you're told to.

Of course you don't have the balls to get red pilled. Don't worry though, your virtue signaling will still get you cancelled by your own tribe.
Dittos Rushbo!

I thought you'd like a vid of one of your little minions stabbing a reporter. Ya know, so you and your buddies can sit around cheering for him.

Don't forget to go defend the shooting of a black man supporting Trump in my other thread. Wouldn't want you to miss cheering for the execution and other 29 Blacks killed in your riots.

I'm sure you support his gofundme.

Aw, look at you try so hard. I really triggered you. Now you're bringing in videos 'n stuff.

So tell me, what is my opinion of the video? You clearly think you know.

The only one triggered around here is you, being slapped in the face with the real violence of what you support. The way we know is you never condemn any of the bullshit we shove in your face. You just keep on keeping on as a true little Marxist warrior looking for validation.

Now now he'll come back at you with "Ole Mac" triggered you.

Absolutely no sane individual is buying into BLM or ANFITA bullshit.

Who raised these dumb fcks? Oh wait....not fathers

Go easy on the libtrardo. He's all tired out from packing water for ANTIFA and Democrats all day every day.

I just use the moron to bounce my thread.

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