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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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You're right it was a dismal failure. Folks of all races, want their kids to go to neighborhood schools.
I have talked to whites who experienced forced school busing. They tall me it was a horrible experience to share classes with lots of stupid, disruptive, and dangerous blacks.
I thought you weren't talking to me.

Anyway, why should a human being's value be entirely based on their willingness to slave away making someone else rich?
I didn't say that you did. The country affords the ability to either have skills and work for someone that can pay you wages based on your skills. Or, you can come up with your own business, work for yourself, be your own boss.

Have you ever worked for a poor person?
Here's the thing. Up until fairly recently, you could be an uneducated and unmotivated individual and still get a decent, low skill job that paid enough to put food on the table.
Plenty of jobs and opportunities for everyone out there. Part of the problem are those that don't want to have to work to get there. They want it now. They don't want to have to develop skills and gain professional experience. They want it now. I didn't come out of college making bank, I had to work, work hard, gain experience, increase my skill set. That's foreign to some.
As much as you and Lisa and Grand Kleagle Hector whine about "Lazy black people in the inner cities", the reality is that their ancestors came to those cities for a good reason. There were good paying industrial jobs that were a lot better than the jobs they had down in the South picking cotton.
Again, plenty of those jobs abound. You know what hurts a lot of people, poor choices. I was talking with a local masonry contractor. He can start off guys at $25 an hour. Not terrible. Problem, guys can't pass background checks, drug tests, and can't either drive themselves, or drive company vehicles because of their driving records. With a previous employer, we had retail locations all over the country. The same problem as well. Store managers needed to hire. Applicant after applicant would fail one or more area of the background check. We can try and blame "society" all we want, but there is the personal culpability that you and many others ignore.
The problem here is that you confuse privilege with merit. White people have an advantage because they retain their advantage through racism, not because they have merit. If intelligence were truly inheritable, you'd have multiple generations of geniuses. You really don't. An exceptional parent will usually produce a mediocre child living on privilege.
The children of brilliant parents are usually intelligent, but rarely as intelligent as their parents. This is due to a well understood genetic phenomenon called "reversion to the average. Exceptional characteristics are caused by recessive gene alleles that rarely match in the children.

The economic superiority white Gentiles once achieved in the United States has not prevented Jews and Orientals from earning higher average incomes than white Gentiles, many of whom have had ancestors in the United States for well over a century.
That's mighty white of you.

Because white people generally are kind of awful. They know they've consigned the black kids to the inferior schools, but even after Brown ended the "Separate but equal" farce, they certainly didn't want their precious little Timmy to have to go to school with them.
White liberals avoid sending their children to black majority public schools. This is not because those schools are underfunded. It is because they are dangerous places where little learning occurs. They are particularly dangerous for the Orientals and whites who attend, and for the Negroes who "act white" by respecting their teachers and trying to learn.
Claiming that No Child Left Behind and Head Start were not funded well enough to have an effect is like a Republican claiming that the reason tax cuts for the Rich did not balance the budget is that taxes were not deeply enough for the rich.

One can always explain why this or that program to bring Negroes up to whites standards did not work. What one cannot do is to point to a single program that has worked.
Because we never actually tried.

Again, simple enough solution... all the kids go to the same schools. If you have to bus them around to get there, do it.

You'd be amazed how fast the schools get fixed.
I have talked to whites who experienced forced school busing. They tall me it was a horrible experience to share classes with lots of stupid, disruptive, and dangerous blacks.

Um, yeah, imagine that... they got the school with the lower quality teachers who couldn't do their jobs, out of date textbooks and poor facilities.

I didn't say that you did. The country affords the ability to either have skills and work for someone that can pay you wages based on your skills. Or, you can come up with your own business, work for yourself, be your own boss.
Or we can have a society where every able bodied adult is guaranteed a remunerative job. FDR even proposed this in final inaugural address.

Have you ever worked for a poor person?
That does make the greed a virtue because we haven't had the guts to dispense with the capitalist class.

Plenty of jobs and opportunities for everyone out there. Part of the problem are those that don't want to have to work to get there. They want it now. They don't want to have to develop skills and gain professional experience. They want it now. I didn't come out of college making bank, I had to work, work hard, gain experience, increase my skill set. That's foreign to some.

Um, I guess. So what happens if you develop all the skills, check off all the boxes, and you still find that employers will screw you at every opportunity. YOu keep expecting people to play a rigged game, but I suspect a lot of these Millennials are just looking at their parents and their broken spirits and saying, "No thanks. Make mine Socialism!"

Again, plenty of those jobs abound. You know what hurts a lot of people, poor choices. I was talking with a local masonry contractor. He can start off guys at $25 an hour. Not terrible. Problem, guys can't pass background checks, drug tests, and can't either drive themselves, or drive company vehicles because of their driving records.
You are kind of making my point for me, aren't you? You have a criminal justice system designed to keep blacks under the boot, and then you wonder why they can't get good jobs because of driving or criminal infractions that simply wouldn't have happened in the case of a white person.

My younger brother is a Sheet Metal Worker. When he was younger, he got into all sorts of trouble. But because he was white, none of that shit stuck to him. Today he's Mr. Law and Order, Blue Lives Matter bullshit.

With a previous employer, we had retail locations all over the country. The same problem as well. Store managers needed to hire. Applicant after applicant would fail one or more area of the background check. We can try and blame "society" all we want, but there is the personal culpability that you and many others ignore.
Or you don't have background checks that are crazy.

The problem here is that 1 out of three adult Americans have a police record. 10% of the population has been convicted at one point in their life.
White liberals avoid sending their children to black majority public schools. This is not because those schools are underfunded. It is because they are dangerous places where little learning occurs. They are particularly dangerous for the Orientals and whites who attend, and for the Negroes who "act white" by respecting their teachers and trying to learn.

Then we should fix those schools by funding them properly.
Then we should fix those schools by funding them properly.
Better funding will not fix the discipline problem. "Students" who cannot be educated and who violently interfere with the education of others should be flushed down the school to prison pipeline.
Um, yeah, imagine that... they got the school with the lower quality teachers who couldn't do their jobs, out of date textbooks and poor facilities.
Each individual can make what they want out of an education. Again, you forsake individual culpability. Again, conjecture and speculation with some truth.
Or we can have a society where every able bodied adult is guaranteed a remunerative job. FDR even proposed this in final inaugural address.
If you want to work, you can work. We shouldn't rely on the gov't to give us anything. Do you want to be a slave to the gov't or your own ambition?

That does make the greed a virtue because we haven't had the guts to dispense with the capitalist class.
Again, all you spout conjecture. Being a business owner doesn't make you greedy. It can lead to success. I work for a private company after a long period working for a public company. Where I'm at now, we are all paid well, good benefits, profit sharing, etc. Why should I consider the owner "Greedy" because he had a good idea, was motivated, and grew a successful business? Your perspective will have everyone living in 1 or 2 bedroom apartment working cheese and bread because you want to rely on a gov't mechanism to succeed.
Um, I guess. So what happens if you develop all the skills, check off all the boxes, and you still find that employers will screw you at every opportunity. YOu keep expecting people to play a rigged game, but I suspect a lot of these Millennials are just looking at their parents and their broken spirits and saying, "No thanks. Make mine Socialism!"

Employers can do what they want. Not one employee, unless under contractual agreement are forced to work for their employer. Those that bitch and moan about their pay, where they work, etc., I would suggest find another job. If your skill set leaves you with jobs similar to where you are now, then maybe rethink your career and skill choices.

You are kind of making my point for me, aren't you? You have a criminal justice system designed to keep blacks under the boot, and then you wonder why they can't get good jobs because of driving or criminal infractions that simply wouldn't have happened in the case of a white person.

No, not proving the point. Don't commit crimes. It's pretty damn simple. Don't drive like an idiot so you have points on your license and are uninsurable. Don't smoke weed or do drugs. Life is pretty simple. In your perspective, EVERYONE has personal choices that have fucked them. Nope, not the case. Again, you negate personal culpability from EVERYTHING.

My younger brother is a Sheet Metal Worker. When he was younger, he got into all sorts of trouble. But because he was white, none of that shit stuck to him. Today he's Mr. Law and Order, Blue Lives Matter bullshit.
Good for him. And I have no way of confirming anything you have said (and vice versa). You can make up any story to fit your narrative.
Or you don't have background checks that are crazy.

The problem here is that 1 out of three adult Americans have a police record. 10% of the population has been convicted at one point in their life.
1 out of 3. Maybe in your neck of the woods outside of Chicago. Again, you make it sound like people have a "Police Record" and had no choice in the matter. As if I can wake up one day with police knocking on my door and arresting me for nothing. God, you live in a fantasy world.
Helpful hint, whenever someone talks about "liberty" they invariably mean the ability of the rich to screw over the rest of us without consequences or accountability.

Each individual can make what they want out of an education. Again, you forsake individual culpability. Again, conjecture and speculation with some truth.

Nope, the reality, America is racist to its core. When poor white people realize they are in the same boat as the poor black folks, you will see change.

If you want to work, you can work. We shouldn't rely on the gov't to give us anything. Do you want to be a slave to the gov't or your own ambition?

How is getting a benefit from a government that I vote for being a slave. I mean, I realize you have a brain full of Koch Brother Brainwashing where you think this is true.

Again, all you spout conjecture. Being a business owner doesn't make you greedy. It can lead to success. I work for a private company after a long period working for a public company. Where I'm at now, we are all paid well, good benefits, profit sharing, etc. Why should I consider the owner "Greedy" because he had a good idea, was motivated, and grew a successful business? Your perspective will have everyone living in 1 or 2 bedroom apartment working cheese and bread because you want to rely on a gov't mechanism to succeed.

Yes, yes, we've heard that before. We need to let the Investor Class run roughshod over us because some us won't live in 2 bedroom apartments... oh, wait, no, we have a housing shortage, some of us can't even get that. Meanwhile the Chinese are eating our lunch.

This is a fucking laugh... whenever a country chooses socialism, the rest of the world bends over backwards to punish it for doing so. But it's probably inevitable because people will eventually get fed up with a rigged game.

Employers can do what they want. Not one employee, unless under contractual agreement are forced to work for their employer. Those that bitch and moan about their pay, where they work, etc., I would suggest find another job. If your skill set leaves you with jobs similar to where you are now, then maybe rethink your career and skill choices.

It isn't about my skill set (Why do you always want to make it personal?) I do well. I'm fairly close to retirement. But I realize that our system of 1% having half the wealth while 60% of us argue over less than 4% of the wealth isn't sustainable.

1 out of 3. Maybe in your neck of the woods outside of Chicago.

Educate yourself. -

And this is the point. Most of these arrests will never lead to a conviction. But they are enough to screw up someone's job prospects... and because our rotten justice system is racist to the core, this impacts heavily on

Again, you make it sound like people have a "Police Record" and had no choice in the matter. As if I can wake up one day with police knocking on my door and arresting me for nothing. God, you live in a fantasy world.

Uh, I live in a state where 16 men were sent to death row and eventually exonerated. Where the police shoot 1000 people a year in this country and very few of them go to jail for it. the police shouldn't have as wide of powers as they do to mess up people's lives.

Employers can do what they want. Not one employee, unless under contractual agreement are forced to work for their employer. Those that bitch and moan about their pay, where they work, etc., I would suggest find another job. If your skill set leaves you with jobs similar to where you are now, then maybe rethink your career and skill choices.

Or we can just stop letting the wealthy abuse the rest of us. Make them pay exhoribant taxes, regulate the shit out of them and require worker represenation and rights.

This is what we did before that drooling old fool Reagan came along, and the country ran much better.

No, not proving the point. Don't commit crimes. It's pretty damn simple. Don't drive like an idiot so you have points on your license and are uninsurable. Don't smoke weed or do drugs. Life is pretty simple. In your perspective, EVERYONE has personal choices that have fucked them. Nope, not the case. Again, you negate personal culpability from EVERYTHING.

Don't make so many things a Crime
Don't bother people for what they choose- it's kind of silly that drugs are illegal and booze is legal.
Oh, yeah, and fix the criminal justice system so it's equal. When Rush Limbaugh gets sent to the same prison as a poor drug user, then I'll take the system seriously.
Better funding will not fix the discipline problem. "Students" who cannot be educated and who violently interfere with the education of others should be flushed down the school to prison pipeline.

Yup, Hector, why not exterminate the untermenschen?

You are putting an awful lot of pressure on Children to do the adults work for them.

If you can't handle an unruly child, you shouldn't be a teacher.
Because we never actually tried.

Again, simple enough solution... all the kids go to the same schools. If you have to bus them around to get there, do it.

You'd be amazed how fast the schools get fixed.

Please show us all those school districts that have been fixed.
Then we should fix those schools by funding them properly.
Money has nothing to do with it. The cost-per-student in the DC public school system is TWICE that of the nearby Fairfax, VA public school system, and the VA students are heads and tails ahead of the DC students.
Um, yeah, imagine that... they got the school with the lower quality teachers who couldn't do their jobs, out of date textbooks and poor facilities.

Or we can have a society where every able bodied adult is guaranteed a remunerative job. FDR even proposed this in final inaugural address.

That does make the greed a virtue because we haven't had the guts to dispense with the capitalist class.

Um, I guess. So what happens if you develop all the skills, check off all the boxes, and you still find that employers will screw you at every opportunity. YOu keep expecting people to play a rigged game, but I suspect a lot of these Millennials are just looking at their parents and their broken spirits and saying, "No thanks. Make mine Socialism!"

You are kind of making my point for me, aren't you? You have a criminal justice system designed to keep blacks under the boot, and then you wonder why they can't get good jobs because of driving or criminal infractions that simply wouldn't have happened in the case of a white person.

My younger brother is a Sheet Metal Worker. When he was younger, he got into all sorts of trouble. But because he was white, none of that shit stuck to him. Today he's Mr. Law and Order, Blue Lives Matter bullshit.

Or you don't have background checks that are crazy.

The problem here is that 1 out of three adult Americans have a police record. 10% of the population has been convicted at one point in their life.
Typical far-left remedy for ANYTHING. THROW MORE MONEY.

As you know, most of our poorest-performing school districts are those on which the most money is spent.
DC public schools spend more per student than any other state (jurisdiction) in the entire country, other than NY. The cost per-child is $22,000 - compared to just $12,000 per-child in VA.

And leftists think throwing more money at the DC schools will fix the problem?

Helpful hint, whenever someone talks about "liberty" they invariably mean the ability of the rich to screw over the rest of us without consequences or accountability.

Nope, the reality, America is racist to its core. When poor white people realize they are in the same boat as the poor black folks, you will see change.

How is getting a benefit from a government that I vote for being a slave. I mean, I realize you have a brain full of Koch Brother Brainwashing where you think this is true.

Yes, yes, we've heard that before. We need to let the Investor Class run roughshod over us because some us won't live in 2 bedroom apartments... oh, wait, no, we have a housing shortage, some of us can't even get that. Meanwhile the Chinese are eating our lunch.

This is a fucking laugh... whenever a country chooses socialism, the rest of the world bends over backwards to punish it for doing so. But it's probably inevitable because people will eventually get fed up with a rigged game.

It isn't about my skill set (Why do you always want to make it personal?) I do well. I'm fairly close to retirement. But I realize that our system of 1% having half the wealth while 60% of us argue over less than 4% of the wealth isn't sustainable.

Educate yourself. -

And this is the point. Most of these arrests will never lead to a conviction. But they are enough to screw up someone's job prospects... and because our rotten justice system is racist to the core, this impacts heavily on

Uh, I live in a state where 16 men were sent to death row and eventually exonerated. Where the police shoot 1000 people a year in this country and very few of them go to jail for it. the police shouldn't have as wide of powers as they do to mess up people's lives.

Or we can just stop letting the wealthy abuse the rest of us. Make them pay exhoribant taxes, regulate the shit out of them and require worker represenation and rights.

This is what we did before that drooling old fool Reagan came along, and the country ran much better.

Don't make so many things a Crime
Don't bother people for what they choose- it's kind of silly that drugs are illegal and booze is legal.
Oh, yeah, and fix the criminal justice system so it's equal. When Rush Limbaugh gets sent to the same prison as a poor drug user, then I'll take the system seriously.
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