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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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No one believes you have friends, Hector, it's why you come here to troll.

It didn't work because white parents were racist and didn't want their kids going to inferior schools. You are kind of making my point. We haven't tried to fix education for poor black kids, and then we wonder why they don't succeed.

And someone like Hector spews 60 year old social Darwinist garbage that was debunked years ago.
I have friends right here on the U.S Message Board. I am proud of them. I am proud to have you as an enemy. You attack me because you cannot refute my arguments.

Calling me a social Darwinist is name calling, and an example of the straw man fallacy.

I am a social democrat. Unfortunately, multi racialism is the death wish of most social democrats. Social democracy has only worked in countries where nearly every one is white. Third world races game the system.

I am also a New Deal Democrat. Roosevelt had the sense to keep civil rights legislation off of the New Deal agenda. He knew that civil rights legislation would have have cost him votes among the white working class people and Southern whites who voted for him. The New Deal was popular among the white working class and Southern whites. The Democrats need to win their votes back. It will not do so by pandering to blacks who resemble this imaginary Jamal character you have invented.

The problem with black slum schools is not the inferior quality of the school plant, but the quality of most of the "students." To see what I mean, work as a substitute teacher in several of those schools.

According to Professor Arthur Jensen one fourth of the Negro population have IQ's below 75. As a consequence they cannot be educated and are virtually unemployable. In his Politics Aristotle wrote that some people deserve to be slaves.

I had a friend in high school that I am still in touch with. After college he spent several years "trying to teach" - as he puts it - the largely illegitimate spawn of unmarried welfare mothers and violent street criminals. My friend did not hate blacks in high school. He does now.
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I have friends right here on the U.S Message Board. I am proud of them.

Dude, if you consider people on USMB your "friends", then you have a sad and miserable life.

You could get banned tomorrow and most will have forgotten you in a week.

I am also a New Deal Democrat. Roosevelt had the sense to keep civil rights legislation off of the New Deal agenda. He knew that civil rights legislation would have have cost him votes among the white working class people and Southern whites who voted for him. The New Deal was popular among the white working class and Southern whites. The Democrats need to win their votes back. It will not do so by pandering to blacks who resemble this imaginary Jamal character you have invented.

FDR's biggest flaw was that he dragged his feet on civil rights to try to keep his coalition with southern racists intact. The biggest flaw in our history is that we've spent way too much effort keeping the worst people in our country happy.

According to Professor Arthur Jensen
Saying "Professor Jenson" is like saying "Doctor Goebbels"... it's the worst kind of appeal to authority fallacy.

I had a friend in high school that I am still in touch with. After college he spent several years "trying to teach" - as he puts it - the largely illegitimate spawn of unmarried welfare mothers and violent street criminals. My friend did not hate blacks in high school. He does now.
Nobody wakes up one morning and becomes a racist.
Saying "Professor Jenson" is like saying "Doctor Goebbels"... it's the worst kind of appeal to authority fallacy.
"How Much Can We Boost IQ and Achievement?" is a 1969 article by Arthur Jensen published in the Harvard Educational Review.[1] It is among the most controversial[2][3] in American psychology, and was largely responsible for initiating the current debate over race and intelligence.[4][5]

Jensen's argument consisted of a series of related claims.[6] IQ tests are valid measurements of a real human ability—what people generally describe as "intelligence"—that is important to many parts of contemporary life. Intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, is about 80 percent heritable. Intelligent parents are much more likely to have intelligent children than other parents. Remedial educational programs have failed to raise the measured intelligence of individuals or groups. Indeed, one of the most inflammatory sentences is the opener: "Compensatory education has been tried and apparently has failed."
How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement? - Wikipedia


The following chart, as well as the failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind substantiate Professor Jensen's assertions.


Nevertheless, after Professor Jensen's article appeared in The Harvard Educational Review new left thugs interrupted his classes at Berkeley, he received death threats, and required police protection.

Violence is the anti racist response to those who state truths obvious to every school guidance counselor. It is the response you would like to silence me.
Nobody wakes up one morning and becomes a racist.
Extended experience with the black underclass turns one into a racist. If proximity with Negroes dispelled prejudice against them, Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.

I vote Democrat. When I ask a white blue collar Republican why he votes Republican, he does not tell me that progressive taxation punishes success., He does not tell me that minimum wage laws and labor unions force manufacturers to move production to low wage countries.

He tells me about black crime. He, his friends, and his relatives have probably been victims of black criminals. He tells me what it was like attending public schools with lots of blacks in the student body. He tells me about jobs he did not get because of affirmative action.
s a 1969 article by Arthur Jensen
Nobody cares about discredited articles by racists from half a century ago.
Do you have anything from this year that doesn't come from a racist website?

Extended experience with the black underclass turns one into a racist. If proximity with Negroes dispelled prejudice against them, Southern whites would be the least prejudiced whites in the United States.
You mean the part of the country that went to war to keep black people slaves and spent another century trying to keep them from voting or marrying their sisters?

I vote Democrat. When I ask a white blue collar Republican why he votes Republican, he does not tell me that progressive taxation punishes success., He does not tell me that minimum wage laws and labor unions force manufacturers to move production to low wage countries.

No, the Republicans have spent the last 50 years playing on his racial, sexual, and religious fears. We've established this. They are too dumb to notice. What's your excuse?

He tells me about black crime. He, his friends, and his relatives have probably been victims of black criminals. He tells me what it was like attending public schools with lots of blacks in the student body. He tells me about jobs he did not get because of affirmative action.
Um, okay.

Let's take these apart.

We have crime because we tolerate poverty, don't treat addiction or mental illness, etc. Crime is a self-inflicted wound. Other countries - even ones with substantial minority populations - don't have this problem.

Most people grow up past high school. If you are still living your HS trauma, you need to grow up. Nobody has a happy High school experience.
I had a miserable time in a Catholic grammar school. I keep up with the graduating class group on Facebook so when one of those LCB's dies, I can have a little chuckle.

The biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have been White women... but oddly they don't complain about that. Or the jobs they lost to idiot cousins of the boss.
Nobody cares about discredited articles by racists from half a century ago.
Do you have anything from this year that doesn't come from a racist website?
I have already pointed out how Professor Arthur Jensen has been vindicated.
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You mean the part of the country that went to war to keep black people slaves and spent another century trying to keep them from voting or marrying their sisters?
Yes precisely. They see blacks up close every day.
No, the Republicans have spent the last 50 years playing on his racial, sexual, and religious fears. We've established this. They are too dumb to notice. What's your excuse?
Talk to a few white working class Republicans yourself. Ask them why they vote Republican.
Um, okay.

Let's take these apart.

We have crime because we tolerate poverty, don't treat addiction or mental illness, etc. Crime is a self-inflicted wound. Other countries - even ones with substantial minority populations - don't have this problem.
The Heritage Foundation

The War on Poverty After 50 Years​

September 15, 2014 14
Authors:Rachel Sheffield and Robert Rector

This week, the U.S. Census Bureau is scheduled to release its annual poverty report. The report will be notable because this year marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. In his January 1964 State of the Union address, Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.”[1]

Since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all military wars in U.S. history since the American Revolution. Despite this mountain of spending, progress against poverty, at least as measured by the government, has been minimal.

The War on Poverty After 50 Years


How much more money do you want us to waste supporting the congenitally unemployable and their illegitimate children?

If Jamal really exists, which I doubt, ask him how much of his time and money he spends supporting his illegitimate children.
I have already pointed out how Professor Arthur Jensen has been vindicated.
Never happened. The man is a racist, which is why no one vindicated him in the 50 years since he started spreading his manure.

Yes precisely. They see blacks up close every day.
Yes, they see people they've mistreated for centuries who don't have a good opinion of their inbred asses.

I mean, have you met Southerners? They are truly the worst people in this country.

alk to a few white working class Republicans yourself. Ask them why they vote Republican.

Sorry, I get enough of that when I go to family gatherings, and all my stupid relatives thought Trump was great even though they lost jobs during his recession or got sick from Covid.

A working class Republican makes about as much sense as a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

The Heritage Foundation

The War on Poverty After 50 Years​

Don't be daft... the Heritage Foundation is paid for by rich people who don't want to pay their fair share in taxes. Of course, they will declare the war on poverty a failure.
Don't be daft... the Heritage Foundation is paid for by rich people who don't want to pay their fair share in taxes. Of course, they will declare the war on poverty a failure.
I disagree with much that the Heritage Fund advocates, but I trust their integrity. Our welfare system encourages dependency and enables people with low IQ's to have illegitimate children.

You keep sounding as though it is still the 1950's. You do not seem to have learned anything from the mistakes of the 1960's. Your relatives have learned.
Never happened. The man is a racist, which is why no one vindicated him in the 50 years since he started spreading his manure.
Professor Arthur Jensen has been vindicated by the failure of every single program to close the race gap.
No one believes you have friends, Hector, it's why you come here to troll.

It didn't work because white parents were racist and didn't want their kids going to inferior schools. You are kind of making my point. We haven't tried to fix education for poor black kids, and then we wonder why they don't succeed.

And someone like Hector spews 60 year old social Darwinist garbage that was debunked years ago.
White parents weren't racists because "they didn't want their kids going to inferior schools" they were being responsible parents. It's not a parent's responsibility to ethnically balance schools, it's to prepare their children for succeed in life. The costs of bussing to the participants not only didn't prepare them to succeed, it hindered them from succeeding. Spending several hours a day on busses didn't help academic success.
Nope, the reality, America is racist to its core. When poor white people realize they are in the same boat as the poor black folks, you will see change.
I think the difference is that poor white people don't blame the gov't, but one. You. Have poor white trash in my family. Guess what, their own doing. They have bred generational habit after habit. But what they don't do is bitch about 1%, capitalism, the rich, etc. They have made their bed of choices. But as pointed out, you can get out if you choose. Yet, you don't acknowledge that at all.

How is getting a benefit from a government that I vote for being a slave. I mean, I realize you have a brain full of Koch Brother Brainwashing where you think this is true.
Define benefit?
I have know idea who Koch Brother Brainwashing is... All I know is I have a good job, make decent money, have a 401K, health benefits, that skills and an that education have served me well.

Yes, yes, we've heard that before.
Doesn't make it not true.
We need to let the Investor Class run roughshod over us because some us won't live in 2 bedroom apartments... oh, wait, no, we have a housing shortage, some of us can't even get that. Meanwhile the Chinese are eating our lunch.
I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here. All I know is in my street, home being sold are being bought by younger families or young couples starting out. There is plenty of housing. I know you will want to cite corporations buying up properties, but that is not happening everywhere and is not a representation of a national narrative.

The point: If you want to work, either for yourself, or for someone else, you can and can become successful at it. IF YOU WANT TO. But you continue to bitch, moan and find every excuse in the book as to why poor people can't get a head up. There are opportunities out there. People can sit on their ass, bitch about their position in life all they want. There is nothing stopping them from walking out the door and make life changing decisions for the better.

This is a fucking laugh... whenever a country chooses socialism, the rest of the world bends over backwards to punish it for doing so. But it's probably inevitable because people will eventually get fed up with a rigged game.
Only the lazy people who become jealous, envious, and bitter get fed up. They eventually start protesting and burning places to the ground while their political leaders look through their little black book of excuses.
It isn't about my skill set (Why do you always want to make it personal?) I do well. I'm fairly close to retirement. But I realize that our system of 1% having half the wealth while 60% of us argue over less than 4% of the wealth isn't sustainable.
First, my statement was a general statement not directed at you personally.
Second, you insult people all the time, illogically so. It's really shows a few things: You're bitter and lack the emotional intelligence to balance facts and data. You're just a sounding board of tired leftist memes at this point.

The whole 1% argument, for me, is that, I'm not missing it myself. I don't deserve anything they have as I haven't put forth the effort, nor perhaps the smarts to create something that I was able to grow into a business, venture etc. Do I have enough, sure. Do I have more than enough to save and prepare for retirement. So far. I'm happy. However the narrative that you like to espouse is that these 1% have ALL generated their wealth unfairly and have stepped on the little man. That's not the case. You, me, anyone else can take a chance and do something different if we don't like where we are at. Cry about the 1% while doing nothing to take some of it back of your own accord is childish. Instead, you want the gov't to take it from them. That means you trust the gov't more than you trust yourself and or someone's ability to earn. That is not idea that this country was founded on. Perhaps you should reconsider your position in life and move to China if you prefer socialism and communism. I think you'd be happier.

Educate yourself. -

And this is the point. Most of these arrests will never lead to a conviction. But they are enough to screw up someone's job prospects... and because our rotten justice system is racist to the core, this impacts heavily on

One doesn't have to face the justice system if they don't commit crimes. It's fairly simple to do, like clicking your seatbelt when the state law requires it. Pretty easy.

Now, I don't disagree that something can be done with criminal records and hiring. But that is an entirely new conversation. My point. Don't break the law. It's pretty simple. I've managed to do it.

Uh, I live in a state where 16 men were sent to death row and eventually exonerated.
Irrelevant to the topic
Where the police shoot 1000 people a year in this country and very few of them go to jail for it. the police shouldn't have as wide of powers as they do to mess up people's lives.
You're running on bitterness political rampage fuel and diverting the topic.
Or we can just stop letting the wealthy abuse the rest of us. Make them pay exhoribant taxes, regulate the shit out of them and require worker represenation and rights.

This is what we did before that drooling old fool Reagan came along, and the country ran much better.
I've never been abused by any wealthy person.
Don't make so many things a Crime
Don't bother people for what they choose- it's kind of silly that drugs are illegal and booze is legal.
Oh, yeah, and fix the criminal justice system so it's equal. When Rush Limbaugh gets sent to the same prison as a poor drug user, then I'll take the system seriously.
I don't disagree with this. We have victimless crimes that are weighed to heavily, and we can think Regan and his "Say no to Drug" campaign for making some offenses life sentences. I'm sure that will relax and is beginning to relax.
ou keep sounding as though it is still the 1950's. You do not seem to have learned anything from the mistakes of the 1960's. Your relatives have learned.

My relatives are idiots... At least my generation. The next generation is better because they have gone to school and work with people of color.

The mistake of the 1960's was that we STOPPED in the 1960's, and did very little afterwards, starting with Tricky Dick.

Professor Arthur Jensen has been vindicated by the failure of every single program to close the race gap.
Except for all the progress that has been made. Heck, we've even had a black president, which I'm sure burns you.

Naw, come on, tell me you didn't vote for McCain and Romney.
The Koch Brainwashing is strong with this one.

I think the difference is that poor white people don't blame the gov't, but one. You. Have poor white trash in my family. Guess what, their own doing. They have bred generational habit after habit. But what they don't do is bitch about 1%, capitalism, the rich, etc. They have made their bed of choices. But as pointed out, you can get out if you choose. Yet, you don't acknowledge that at all.

Poor white people live under the delusion that as long as they are slightly better off than the Darkies, they have it good. It's explains why so many inbreds in the South took bullets during the civil war, and why so many inbreds in trailer parks voted for Trump.

Define benefit?
I have know idea who Koch Brother Brainwashing is... All I know is I have a good job, make decent money, have a 401K, health benefits, that skills and an that education have served me well.

That's nice. I used to think like that, until I ran up some medical bills and my boss screwed with my career, happily announcing that "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union." For all your white privilege garbage, you are one serious illness away from ruin, just like everyone else.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say here.
Did I need to use smaller words.
All I know is in my street, home being sold are being bought by younger families or young couples starting out. There is plenty of housing. I know you will want to cite corporations buying up properties, but that is not happening everywhere and is not a representation of a national narrative.

Ah, the Republican Mantra, "I got mine, screw you!"

Meanwhile, for everyone else. -

There is a shortage of 7.3 million affordable and available rental homes for renters with extremely low incomes in the US, up 8 percent from 6.8 million in 2019. The lack of housing options for renters with extremely low incomes are driving the overall affordable housing shortage across the country.

The point: If you want to work, either for yourself, or for someone else, you can and can become successful at it. IF YOU WANT TO. But you continue to bitch, moan and find every excuse in the book as to why poor people can't get a head up. There are opportunities out there. People can sit on their ass, bitch about their position in life all they want. There is nothing stopping them from walking out the door and make life changing decisions for the better.

Check your privilege, buddy. This pull yourself up by your bootstraps crap doesn't fly.

Only the lazy people who become jealous, envious, and bitter get fed up. They eventually start protesting and burning places to the ground while their political leaders look through their little black book of excuses.

Yup, this is the future you make when 60% of the population has less than 4% of the wealth. It didn't used to be like this.

While the bottom fifth has only seen a 16% increase in income since 1979, the top 1% has seen a 281% increase. This is simply not sustainable.


Second, you insult people all the time, illogically so. It's really shows a few things: You're bitter and lack the emotional intelligence to balance facts and data. You're just a sounding board of tired leftist memes at this point.
If I'm insulting you, then you probably have it coming.

The whole 1% argument, for me, is that, I'm not missing it myself. I don't deserve anything they have as I haven't put forth the effort, nor perhaps the smarts to create something that I was able to grow into a business, venture etc. Do I have enough, sure. Do I have more than enough to save and prepare for retirement. So far. I'm happy. However the narrative that you like to espouse is that these 1% have ALL generated their wealth unfairly and have stepped on the little man. That's not the case.
See the chart above, that is EXACTLY the case.

Cry about the 1% while doing nothing to take some of it back of your own accord is childish. Instead, you want the gov't to take it from them. That means you trust the gov't more than you trust yourself and or someone's ability to earn.

No, I just know the government has the resources to make the rich pay their fair share. A few IRS prosecutions, and throw a few rich douchebags into the big house with that guy Hector probably has nightmares about, and you'd be amazed how quick they get with the program.

That is not idea that this country was founded on. Perhaps you should reconsider your position in life and move to China if you prefer socialism and communism. I think you'd be happier.

How do you think Communism in China happened? It happened because the wealthy hoarded all the wealth, while the poor people had little until they finally got fed up and killed all the rich people who couldn't make it to Taiwan.

Tell you true, I think that it's kind of horrifying that so many young kids supported Bernie in the last two elections, but frankly, who can blame them?

What do you do when the next Bernie is a little more charismatic? How do you convince the 60% who are fighting over that 4% of scraps that the current system that burned their parents out is a good one?

One doesn't have to face the justice system if they don't commit crimes. It's fairly simple to do, like clicking your seatbelt when the state law requires it. Pretty easy.

Now, I don't disagree that something can be done with criminal records and hiring. But that is an entirely new conversation. My point. Don't break the law. It's pretty simple. I've managed to do it.

Here's another "Check your Privilege" moment, buddy. If you or I get pulled over for not having a seat belt clicked, we get a ticket. When a person of color gets pulled over, the next thing they do is search his trunk to see if he's got anything in there he shouldn't. If they lose their temper at it, they get charged with obstructing justice. We have a two-teired justice system, and you know it.
My relatives are idiots... At least my generation. The next generation is better because they have gone to school and work with people of color.

The mistake of the 1960's was that we STOPPED in the 1960's, and did very little afterwards, starting with Tricky Dick.

Except for all the progress that has been made. Heck, we've even had a black president, which I'm sure burns you.

Naw, come on, tell me you didn't vote for McCain and Romney.
I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I would vote for him again against any Republican.

People of your persuasion need to wake up from Martin Luther's Dream, and smell the smoke from the most recent black ghetto riot. We gave those people equal rights two generations ago. What have they done with them?
I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I would vote for him again against any Republican.

People of your persuasion need to wake up from Martin Luther's Dream, and smell the smoke from the most recent black ghetto riot. We gave those people equal rights two generations ago. What have they done with them?
More than equal rights, actually…..preferential treatment. They have gotten into prestigious universities and graduate programs that they would have been rejected from if white, and gotten jobs and promotions that they never would have gotten if white as well.

And from where I stand, they’re doing very well. Blacks are overrepresented in fancy steakhouses and designer shops all over DC. That’s because a dual-income couple can both rise to GS-15 (much easier in the federal government if you’re black), and bring home $300,000 between them.

Of course, you have the other end of the spectrum in the 8th District of DC - the most impoverished slummy area of the city. The out-of-wedlock birthrate has got to be 90%, and the high school dropout rate is shameful. If you’re brave and drive through (or lost), you see gangs of young black males gathering on street corners, wasting time (or getting wasted) instead of working a job to help support their illegitimate children. And yet somehow, WHITES are to blame for that?
More than equal rights, actually…..preferential treatment. They have gotten into prestigious universities and graduate programs that they would have been rejected from if white, and gotten jobs and promotions that they never would have gotten if white as well.

And from where I stand, they’re doing very well. Blacks are overrepresented in fancy steakhouses and designer shops all over DC. That’s because a dual-income couple can both rise to GS-15 (much easier in the federal government if you’re black), and bring home $300,000 between them.

Of course, you have the other end of the spectrum in the 8th District of DC - the most impoverished slummy area of the city. The out-of-wedlock birthrate has got to be 90%, and the high school dropout rate is shameful. If you’re brave and drive through (or lost), you see gangs of young black males gathering on street corners, wasting time (or getting wasted) instead of working a job to help support their illegitimate children. And yet somehow, WHITES are to blame for that?
Show me a Negro who makes a lot of money out of athletics and entertainment, and I will probably show you a beneficiary of affirmative action, and ask you to think the white person or the Oriental who deserves to be there.

As Professor Arthur Jensen of Berkeley liked to say, "Look at the data."
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