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Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Here is one study that shows IQ increases with education, indicating it is not static.

Across 142 effect sizes from 42 data sets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial effects of education on cognitive abilities of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional year of education. Moderator analyses indicated that the effects persisted across the life span and were present on all broad categories of cognitive ability studied. Education appears to be the most consistent, robust, and durable method yet to be identified for raising intelligence.

Here is another article that does equate doing well in school with higher IQ, but notes that does not necessarily translate into better life outcomes (or success). It also notes the limitations of IQ and even the fact there is no standard way of defining intelligence.

Limitations of IQ Tests​

It is important to remember that IQ testing has both limitations and biases. IQ tests only measure a specific range of mental abilities, but not all experts agree on a standard definition of intelligence.

Some tests may be more reliable than others, but it is also possible that IQ scores can change over time. Many factors can affect IQ test scores, including access to education, cultural factors, overall health, and nutrition.

The way that tests are constructed and scored can also affect scores. Some research also indicates that many IQ tests are biased against certain groups of people.

This article refers to a study from 1959 that was significant in size and long term followup of high IQ people, so it is old, but I am not sure if there are new studies that followed a group long term that supersede it.

It does note the following:
Still, Terman noted that most pursued more humble occupations, including police officers, sailors, typists and filing clerks. He ultimately concluded that "intelligence and achievement were far from perfectly correlated."

There are also individual and societal downsides. Some studies have found high IQ is also associated more frequent and earlier drug abuse, higher incidents of major mental illness such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder as well as ADHD and autism.

Link: High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities

There clearly is a lot more to intelligence than what can be measured in an IQ test. It is also clear while IQ is correlated with academic success, it is also malleable through other factors such as education, nutrition and environment and isn’t always correlated with life success. Intelligence is still poorly understood and more than likely a composite of multiple, separate attributes of which only is understood and measured in a standard IQ test. High IQ also seems to be associated with higher rates of negative outcomes such as mental illness.

So given all that…why this emphasis on Race and IQ and, with people like Hector, eugenics? Have you never questioned the motivations behind this pseudo-science labeled “Race Realism”?
Sorry, but four extra years of school will NOT raise an average kid’s IQ from 100 to 120.

Twin studies show that heritability of intelligence ranges from 57% to 80%. Regardless, the MAJORITY of intelligence is inherited. (Link below.)

Society would be better off if we could acknowledge that some people are college material, while most are not. That way we could encourage the average kids to vocational training rather than have them struggle through college, often dropping out, and with student loans to boot.

Um, yeah, not seeing your point. They got here and they got treated the same way the Germans, Italians, Catholics, Polish, and Irish did. Which means the minute they got off the boat, they were put above the blacks. Not as good as the Anglos, but better than blacks and Native Americans. If you wonder why there is so much resentment, no one much appreciates someone who cuts in line.
There were no affirmative action programs to help Jews succeed. The first quotas at Harvard, and I believe other schools, were designed to restrict the percentage of Jews in the student body.
Again, I think we are all a little tired of hearing you whine about Hitler. Hitler died 78 years ago.
I am tired of hearing about how slavery and Jim Crow legislation - which was outlawed two generations ago - explain and somehow justify low average intelligence of blacks and high rates of black crime and illegitimacy. I am sure lots of other Americans feel the same way.
There were no affirmative action programs to help Jews succeed. The first quotas at Harvard, and I believe other schools, were designed to restrict the percentage of Jews in the student body.
Yup. Jews succeeded DESPITE the antisemitic restrictions, which speaks to their drive, values, and higher average intelligence.

BTW, FDR was the one to institute anti-Jew quotas at Harvard in the 1930s. Still, that pales compared to his decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler.
Because no one persecuted you in this country. So, yes, you kind of make the point, if you give a group a far shot, they can succeed. Wow. That's great. Jews got opportunities in America they never would have gotten in Europe. Awesome. Blacks should get those same opportunities.
Hey dude, it is not the 1950's any more. Affirmative action gives blacks plenty of opportunities. I have worked with blacks who owed their jobs to affirmative action. Their lack of productivity was obvious to everyone.

When I learned that one of them was paid twice what I was, I discussed the matter with our boss. Our boss told me:

"When I was promoted to my position as the manager of this computer shop I was told that I would be evaluated in part by my ability to attract and keep black employees. I was also told that I was supposed to expect less from them."
Yup. Jews succeeded DESPITE the antisemitic restrictions, which speaks to their drive, values, and higher average intelligence.

BTW, FDR was the one to institute anti-Jew quotas at Harvard in the 1930s. Still, that pales compared to his decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler.
What you say is true. It is also true that the United States could have easily avoided entry into World War II. Without the entry of the United States into the war Nazi Germany would have conquered the mainland of Europe and killed the remaining Jews there.

Roosevelt orchestrated the entry of the United States into the War. First he ordered the U.S. Navy to help the British Navy sink German U Boats. He also continued U.S. shipments to Great Britain. His hope was that the Germans would sink a U.S. ship, This would bring the U.S. into the Second World War the say way the United States entered World War II. Hitler ordered his U Boat commanders not to torpedo American ships, even when their U Boats wee in danger of being destroyed.

While this was happening Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the United States, and stopped selling Japan petroleum. Back then the Unite States was an oil exporting country. The Japanese had to choose between withdrawing from China, or attacking the Dutch East Indies - now Indonesia - for the oil there. The Japanese did not want us to hit them from behind, so they hit us at Pearl Harbor, as Roosevelt intended.

Several weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor a Gallup survey indicated that about 80% of the American people wanted the United States to stay our of World War II.

If Roosevelt had not been re elected in 1936 and 1940 I am reasonably confident that the United States would have avoided the War, and Germany, Italy, and Japan would have won.

Consequently, Franklin Roosevelt is my favorite president despite - and certainly not because - what you wrote about him. On many occasions on this website I have expressed my admiration for Jews, my respect of Judaism, and my love for Israel.

And Lisa is just ignorant.

So once again, the people here who support and defend black MAGAS make the case for the premise of the article. That is black MAGA extremists aid in the increase in white supremacy.
The problem with that is you give black people no latitude in what politics they support. It is no different than those who label liberal Jews as self-hating Jews because they don’t support Israel’s policies. Blacks may support “MAGA” because they find the alternative unpalatable, or they live in an economically depressed area with no jobs that has seen no improvement over past administrations, or they feel tbe Dems are soft on border control, or crime, non of which have to do with White Supremacy. Should they be single issue voters? From my perspective, I have some issues that are hardened and others I can give on if I gain something else in who I vote for.
A lot of people want desperately to believe that. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind to close the race gap should inspire pessimism about the ability of education to improve intelligence. So should the following chart:

View attachment 791720
That makes no mention of IQ or measuring intelligence.
What you say is true. It is also true that the United States could have easily avoided entry into World War II. Without the entry of the United States into the war Nazi Germany would have conquered the mainland of Europe and killed the remaining Jews there.

Roosevelt orchestrated the entry of the United States into the War. First he ordered the U.S. Navy to help the British Navy sink German U Boats. He also continued U.S. shipments to Great Britain. His hope was that the Germans would sink a U.S. ship, This would bring the U.S. into the Second World War the say way the United States entered World War II. Hitler ordered his U Boat commanders not to torpedo American ships, even when their U Boats wee in danger of being destroyed.

While this was happening Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the United States, and stopped selling Japan petroleum. Back then the Unite States was an oil exporting country. The Japanese had to choose between withdrawing from China, or attacking the Dutch East Indies - now Indonesia - for the oil there. The Japanese did not want us to hit them from behind, so they hit us at Pearl Harbor, as Roosevelt intended.

Several weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor a Gallup survey indicated that about 80% of the American people wanted the United States to stay our of World War II.

If Roosevelt had not been re elected in 1936 and 1940 I am reasonably confident that the United States would have avoided the War, and Germany, Italy, and Japan would have won.

Consequently, Franklin Roosevelt is my favorite president despite - and certainly not because - what you wrote about him. On many occasions on this website I have expressed my admiration for Jews, my respect of Judaism, and my love for Israel.

Yes, and I appreciate the fine things you have said about Jews.

But the fact is that Roosevelt was well aware of the massive murder of Jews and did delay entry until after we were attacked directly.

By the way, I once asked my mother how the Jews of the 40s were so supportive of FDR, given how he turned a blind eye to the Nazi’s genocide and refused entry to those poor Jews on the St. Louis. She said that at many Jewish dinner tables, there was a lot of condemnation for him, but - given how Jews identify as Democrats - they put on a supportive face in public.

P.S. Hatikva is such a beautiful song.
If race realism is scientifically invalid it should be possible to demonstrate that calmly and rationally. If it is true, which of course I believe it is, we need to live with the truth. Charles Murray put it best when he wrote in his essay "The Inequality Taboo." "specific policies based on premises that conflict with scientific truths about human beings tend not to work. Often they do harm."

I’m discussing this calmly and rationally, I am also still waiting for any “scientific truths” out of “Race Realism”. I also have to wonder what agenda lies behind this that you, and those here that agree with you, are trying to push.

In a purely visceral level I find the idea that there are dangerous truths that must be suppressed to be repulsive.

What’s being suppressed? You are here, you are discussing it. Refusing to accept junk science as science is not suppression. You have a right to your opinions but you cannot force others to accept them As “truths” or respect them.
Yes, and I appreciate the fine things you have said about Jews.

But the fact is that Roosevelt was well aware of the massive murder of Jews and did delay entry until after we were attacked directly.

By the way, I once asked my mother how the Jews of the 40s were so supportive of FDR, given how he turned a blind eye to the Nazi’s genocide and refused entry to those poor Jews on the St. Louis. She said that at many Jewish dinner tables, there was a lot of condemnation for him, but - given how Jews identify as Democrats - they put on a supportive face in public.

P.S. Hatikva is such a beautiful song.
Do you appreciate his appetite for eugenics or his belief that some races are inferior?
Do you appreciate his appetite for eugenics or his belief that some races are inferior?
I do not know what you mean by eugenics.

And I don’t hear him saying that some races are inferior. IQ is but one measure. There are other measures that show these same races that score lower in IQ, again on average, are superior. Blacks, for example, and again on average, are athletically superior.

And remember Newsvine? She argued that blacks are genetidally superior to whites because their genes are dominant and white genes are recessive. (I have no idea if that’s true.) Did you question her claim that blacks are superior?
Yes, and I appreciate the fine things you have said about Jews.

But the fact is that Roosevelt was well aware of the massive murder of Jews and did delay entry until after we were attacked directly.

By the way, I once asked my mother how the Jews of the 40s were so supportive of FDR, given how he turned a blind eye to the Nazi’s genocide and refused entry to those poor Jews on the St. Louis. She said that at many Jewish dinner tables, there was a lot of condemnation for him, but - given how Jews identify as Democrats - they put on a supportive face in public.

P.S. Hatikva is such a beautiful song.
Those were wise Jews. They considered the alternative. There was a lot of hostility to Jews back then. If Roosevelt had let the Jewish refugee ship land I am afraid it would have been an unpopular move that would have made it more difficult than it already was for him to get the United Stater into World War II.

Roosevelt's efforts to promote anti Jewish quotas at Harvard cannot be excused, so I will not try. I am opposed to all quotas, and any effort at affirmative action. I have been banned from white nationalist websites for expressing my satisfaction at the success of Jews in the United States. I am a race realist. I am not a white nationalist, or a white Supremacist. I do not identify with the alt right. I think I have made that clear in my posts on the U.S. Message Board.
Sorry, but four extra years of school will NOT raise an average kid’s IQ from 100 to 120.

Twin studies show that heritability of intelligence ranges from 57% to 80%. Regardless, the MAJORITY of intelligence is inherited. (Link below.)

Society would be better off if we could acknowledge that some people are college material, while most are not. That way we could encourage the average kids to vocational training rather than have them struggle through college, often dropping out, and with student loans to boot.

I agree not everyone is college material, but to say most are not? I disagree. I do however agree that we need more vocational and trade schools, rather than pushing everyone into a college track whether they want it or not.

As to inherited, I agree some is, but most? I provided studies on that showed IQ is malleable and environment plays a factor, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little.
Do you appreciate his appetite for eugenics or his belief that some races are inferior?
It is clear to me that the races differ in average characteristics that need to be wide spread in a country if that country is to thrive. Beneficial characteristics can be found in each of the races, although in different percentages.

Plenty of evidence indicates that these characteristics are mainly caused genetically. I am confident that as more is learned about human genetics more evidence will be discovered.

Currently in the United States and internationally people with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs that can be learned by those with IQ's below 100.

I have already explained my solution to this problem. It falls short of genocide or forced sterilization. What is your solution Coyote, or don't you agree with me about the nature of the problem?
I agree not everyone is college material, but to say most are not? I disagree. I do however agree that we need more vocational and trade schools, rather than pushing everyone into a college track whether they want it or not.

As to inherited, I agree some is, but most? I provided studies on that showed IQ is malleable and environment plays a factor, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little.
And I provided a study that showed that the majority of Intelligence is inherited, although I agree that outside forces can push it up a few points. But no way will a kid with an average I.Q. graduate with a B.S. in electrical engineering.

And I do think that most - as in about 75% - are not college material, or at least what college was 40 years ago before it was “dumbed down” to pretend that most kids ARE college material.

Far better to steer average kids (and below-average) to vocational training, and allow college to rise back up to the standards of the past, where having a degree actually meant something.
I’m discussing this calmly and rationally, I am also still waiting for any “scientific truths” out of “Race Realism”. I also have to wonder what agenda lies behind this that you, and those here that agree with you, are trying to push.

What’s being suppressed? You are here, you are discussing it. Refusing to accept junk science as science is not suppression. You have a right to your opinions but you cannot force others to accept them As “truths” or respect them.
It is reasonably easy to demonstrate that the three major races differ significantly in average intelligence as well as criminal and sexual behavior. Gene alleles have already been found that influence intelligence and criminal behavior, despite taboos and sanctions against looking for them. I am confident that as time goes on more gene alleles will be found that influence ability levels and behavior of all kinds. Gene alleles influencing intelligence and socially beneficial behavior will be found in each of the races, although in different percentages.

Recently you posted a website that claimed that promiscuity in Finland was considerably more prevalent than is Botswana. I posted a website that showed that AIDS was vastly more prevalent in Botswana than in Finland. It is counter intuitive that a country of chaste people will have a much higher incidence of AIDS than a country where people of both sexes have many sex partners. The incidence of AIDS is easier to verify than what people are doing in private. Consequently I am skeptical of your website.

A candid discussion of intractable racial differences can only be held on some websites. I have been prevented from commenting on a website I pay for because I pointed out in a thread about affirmative action that the average black IQ in the United States is 85, and the average white IQ is 100.
A record number of people voted against trump. Biden has actually done a good job. The problem with Democrats is that they don't brag on the work they've done every day. If they did, people would recognize that Biden deserves 4 more years. Hopefully people are smart enough not to vote for a return to crazy.

They aren't. If they were, George H. Bush would have been the last Republican President.

It really doesn't matter if Biden has done a good job or not (I feel he has), it's how people actually feel, and right now, they feel pretty shitty about the state of the country. Inflation is too high, and people are anxious. The country simply hasn't gotten over the post-covid shocks yet.

The reason why Trump won and maintains such a loyal following is that people are sick of Washington - both parties - and they are happy to see someone who will burn it down.
A lot of people want desperately to believe that. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind to close the race gap should inspire pessimism about the ability of education to improve intelligence. So should the following chart:

No Child Left Behind was nothing but empty rhetoric by Dubya Bush, a man too stupid to swallow a pretzel.

Head state, as pointed out, is woefully underfunded, and you have to be so desperately poor to qualify for it that it becomes largely meaningless.

Again, put the black kids in the white schools and the white kids in the black schools, you'd be amazed how quick we fix education in this country.
There were no affirmative action programs to help Jews succeed. The first quotas at Harvard, and I believe other schools, were designed to restrict the percentage of Jews in the student body.

They didn't need them. THEY WERE WHITE. You don't get to claim to be a minority when you can play the white privilege card.

I am tired of hearing about how slavery and Jim Crow legislation - which was outlawed two generations ago - explain and somehow justify low average intelligence of blacks and high rates of black crime and illegitimacy. I am sure lots of other Americans feel the same way.

Yes, we have too many racists in this country. The good news is you are all fucking dying off and the young people will all be slightly embarrassed by you.

BTW, FDR was the one to institute anti-Jew quotas at Harvard in the 1930s. Still, that pales compared to his decision to send the St. Louis Jews back to Hitler.
Except he didn't. They were accepted by France and the UK.

Not sure what your point is, exactly. You want to deny people from Central America amnesty but whine that we didn't admit some illegal aliens in the 1930's (before the war and the holocaust happened.)
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