Black Mayor Engages in Lavish Spending of Taxpayer Money

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

There is a lot to be said about this. Fortunately, most of it is self-evident. Simply put, this is racial tribalism at work.
I don't know that race has anything to do with it since the entire board of supervisors is black and they are opposing her actions. She definitely believes she is the queen. I found it comical that she even entertains the thought that she can reduce the salary of the office dependant on whether or not she is reelected. Seems a conflict of interest that she holds two offices as well.
Good God.
It sounded ghetto enough, but then the "mayor" said "Axe me questions" (1:20).
Idiocracy has overtaken us.

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I don't know that race has anything to do with it since the entire board of supervisors is black and they are opposing her actions. She definitely believes she is the queen. I found it comical that she even entertains the thought that she can reduce the salary of the office dependant on whether or not she is reelected. Seems a conflict of interest that she holds two offices as well.
When it comes to Corruption it is color blind.

There is a lot to be said about this. Fortunately, most of it is self-evident. Simply put, this is racial tribalism at work.

What part of this has anything to do with the color of her skin?
Where are the Feds on this? If the citizens voted this ratched bitch into Office than I do not feel sorry for them.
The median income of her township is $25,000

This is Section 8 housing, medicare and food stamp city

A veritable gold mine of clueless democrat voters

In addition to being ripped over her spending, Henyard has faced criticism over a controversial salary ordinance she successfully proposed for Thornton Township, which critics claim was a strategy to discourage anyone from running against her.

Henyard, who collectively earns a $285,000 salary from her two positions, proposed a nearly 90% cut to her salary if someone else wins her spot in the next election, Fox 32 reported. If Henyard is re-elected, however, her salary would remain the same.
Surprisingly enough I only just heard about this today. It should be illegal though and morally it isn't right. It's sort of the same thing if a pastor takes the church's money and then decides to hit Las Vegas. I look at it as stealing because the money isn't going to where it should be going.
All of us have to e intelligent when we move anywhere from now on. Look at the positives and negatives of those areas and decide from that. It is now more important than ever. Everything from stores the authoritarians, schools, crime, friendliness of citizens, etc. Nothing is perfect. You can see anyone in your family or friends destroyed.
All of us have to e intelligent when we move anywhere from now on. Look at the positives and negatives of those areas and decide from that. It is now more important than ever. Everything from stores the authoritarians, schools, crime, friendliness of citizens, etc. Nothing is perfect. You can see anyone in your family or friends destroyed.
Never in my life have I been concerned about visiting anywhere in the US and being safe. In the last four years, American society has devolved to the point that there aren't any major population centers that are safe.
The corridor Riverdale-Dolton-Harvey, Illinois has morphed from comfortable and safe to a 3rd-world $hithole in a single lifetime.

It's what happens when trash from the South Side of the City spills across the Little Calumet River and White Folk up-and-leave.

I've watched that arrogant, smug, smiling bitch on television, as she gleefully fleeces her citizenry without fear of consequences.

I will laugh my a$$ off if the US Justice Department ends-up nailing her a$$ for corruption and other fun criminal charges.

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