"Black" Names

True story. My mom used to work with a Chinese doctor named Suk (pronounced Sook) Mywang. And a buddy of mine has a client named Hung Dong

That reminds me of a very prim and proper female classical music radio host I was talking to who told me how the cellist Yo Yo Ma had collaborated with pianist James Dick and the Czech violinist Josef Suk in what was called the Suk-Ma-Dick trio.

TRUE story.
That's a racist stereotype.

Blacks make up silly sounding names to make themselves stick out. Instead of being wallflowers they peacock.
Sounds right

They want their children to be unique rather than adopt vanilla names
.....they don't want to be like white people--who graduate and commit crimes at lower rates

You're white, and I sure as hell, would not want to be "like you".
I'm native American
Me too. I was born here and so were all my ancestors as far back as I can find. So I'm a native American too

Amazing, there are actually THREE of us. We should form a group. You know, to keep out the furriners.
True story. My mom used to work with a Chinese doctor named Suk (pronounced Sook) Mywang. And a buddy of mine has a client named Hung Dong

I worked with a lady name Anita Mann.

We had an 80-year-old at my temple when I was a kid named ... I kid you not ... Fanny Lichter.

Parents can be pretty clueless.

I worked with a Thai woman named Porn. If there was a day she was late you could legitimately ask, "have you seen Porn? I'm looking for Porn".

I wonder if Porn got a raise...
Speaking of stupidity....

I am on a movie binge, and am going by genre'. Currently...its the KKK kick. Just started a new one...Black Klansman or some such title.
Which got me with major eye rolls during some of these movies. Talk about stupid. "Proud to be" insert skin color here ___________. I'm really surprised that klansmen that are supposedly "normal", are really stupid. Having birthday parties on Hitler's birthday; wearing levi's yet too stupid to realize Levi is Jewish while they bitch about the jews; marching with sleeves rolled up to show really bad tattoos; missing teeth; and in general...inbreds looking for a fight.
Same can be said about black panther guys/gals. Marching around with afros as high as Marge Simpsons hair; fist pumps to the sky; army fatigues when most were never in the military; broken/bad jargon they pass for english and in general, black inbreds looking for a fight.


And names. White redneck trailer trash wanting to name their kid Eva or Hitler, blacks with Shawnquista or LaBrawn.


OK..carry on. Done with my tiny vent and back to stupid movies.
The very white people who persecuted them for hundreds of years

“I want my child to have a nice, white name”
You mean the White Southern Democrats.
If that's the case....why are there so many blacks with Southern White names like Leroy?

I think what happened is so many blacks are kids having kids that they stopped being rational when they named their kids and started calling them names that were more French and exotic to make them sound like they got some bling...because they love Gold and Diamonds.
Actually, I mean white southern conservatives
White Southern Conservatives are traditionally Democrat. Been that way for over 150 years. Their Daddy voted Democrat, their Grand Daddy voted Democrats......they don't vote for no damn Yankee Republicans.
At one time, white Southern Conservatives were Democrats, now they are Republicans

Funny how that worked out
Nope. In the South conservatives are Democrats. Conservative means a resistance to change. They're Bible-bangers and Rednecks......and they always vote Democrat. The difference now is they have no reason to vote anymore because they aren't being represented by the Democrat Party anymore. Most of the Republicans in the South weren't born here. I was born in Montana and moved here in the 80s. Once I left the military I discovered that these people are set in their ways and are Blue Dog Democrats.
Too goofy to respond to
True story. My mom used to work with a Chinese doctor named Suk (pronounced Sook) Mywang. And a buddy of mine has a client named Hung Dong

Those are Asian names. I am sure if we lived in an Asian country they would laugh at the name
Ima Crouch or Harry Armstrong. Whites do not make the naming rules for the entire planet.

Thanks for explaining that, Captain Grievance. None of us would have figured that out.......
You mean the White Southern Democrats.
If that's the case....why are there so many blacks with Southern White names like Leroy?

I think what happened is so many blacks are kids having kids that they stopped being rational when they named their kids and started calling them names that were more French and exotic to make them sound like they got some bling...because they love Gold and Diamonds.
Actually, I mean white southern conservatives
White Southern Conservatives are traditionally Democrat. Been that way for over 150 years. Their Daddy voted Democrat, their Grand Daddy voted Democrats......they don't vote for no damn Yankee Republicans.
At one time, white Southern Conservatives were Democrats, now they are Republicans

Funny how that worked out
Nope. In the South conservatives are Democrats. Conservative means a resistance to change. They're Bible-bangers and Rednecks......and they always vote Democrat. The difference now is they have no reason to vote anymore because they aren't being represented by the Democrat Party anymore. Most of the Republicans in the South weren't born here. I was born in Montana and moved here in the 80s. Once I left the military I discovered that these people are set in their ways and are Blue Dog Democrats.
Too goofy to respond to
Best way to find out is live here and talk to the locals.
Your fake news BS is based in NYC. So you wouldn't know jack shit about it.
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True story. My mom used to work with a Chinese doctor named Suk (pronounced Sook) Mywang. And a buddy of mine has a client named Hung Dong

I worked with a lady name Anita Mann.

We had an 80-year-old at my temple when I was a kid named ... I kid you not ... Fanny Lichter.

Parents can be pretty clueless.

She was probably Frances or Francine (maybe Francesca) Lichter.
I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

Here we have another white person trying to tell blacks what to do. First off, the root cause of the problems we face are rooted in racist beliefs and behavior of whites. Blacks don't need to name our kids as whites tell us to. Whites like the OP need to stop being racists.

Doesn't this thread sort of go against the prevailing belief of the majority of white posters here that there is ""Black Privilege"?

Afterall, none of these "noble, non racist" individuals here would discriminate against a black person who they think is black just based on their name, would they?

Discriminating against names doesnt come out of thin air. There is a reason people have trust issues with dudes named Malik. Is it fair? No, certainly not, but human beings are instinctually cautious, and when every mugger, car jacker, home invasion committing murderer has one of those names, it presents a pattern that one cannot ignore. People who give children these names have a long track record of terrible parenting. They frequently produce children who are problems. Its simply a fact.

That is a generalization. And quite an ignorant one.
Human beings arent perfect, yet this name thing does also have merit. To say otherwise is ignoring reality. Does everyone named Malik commit crimes? No, but even if only 1 in 3 Maliks are criminals, why play the odds?

It is likely that there are just as many "John's and Williams" that committ crimes as there are "Malik's".

Judging someone based on their name as opposed their individual character is ignorant. Period.

But some of the justifications here for that has been a great refresher on the depth of stupidity that resides in some here.

Here we have another white person trying to tell blacks what to do. First off, the root cause of the problems we face are rooted in racist beliefs and behavior of whites. Blacks don't need to name our kids as whites tell us to. Whites like the OP need to stop being racists.

Doesn't this thread sort of go against the prevailing belief of the majority of white posters here that there is ""Black Privilege"?

Afterall, none of these "noble, non racist" individuals here would discriminate against a black person who they think is black just based on their name, would they?

Discriminating against names doesnt come out of thin air. There is a reason people have trust issues with dudes named Malik. Is it fair? No, certainly not, but human beings are instinctually cautious, and when every mugger, car jacker, home invasion committing murderer has one of those names, it presents a pattern that one cannot ignore. People who give children these names have a long track record of terrible parenting. They frequently produce children who are problems. Its simply a fact.

That is a generalization. And quite an ignorant one.
Human beings arent perfect, yet this name thing does also have merit. To say otherwise is ignoring reality. Does everyone named Malik commit crimes? No, but even if only 1 in 3 Maliks are criminals, why play the odds?

It is likely that there are just as many "John's and Williams" that committ crimes as there are "Malik's".

Judging someone based on their name as opposed their individual character is ignorant. Period.

But some of the justifications here for that has been a great refresher on the depth of stupidity that resides in some here.

Nope. I just downloaded Lucas County Booking.

2/3 are black. Shall I list the names?


Shall I go on?
True story. My mom used to work with a Chinese doctor named Suk (pronounced Sook) Mywang. And a buddy of mine has a client named Hung Dong

Those are Asian names. I am sure if we lived in an Asian country they would laugh at the name
Ima Crouch or Harry Armstrong. Whites do not make the naming rules for the entire planet.

Thanks for explaining that, Captain Grievance. None of us would have figured that out.......
Sure thing coolie.
Doesn't this thread sort of go against the prevailing belief of the majority of white posters here that there is ""Black Privilege"?

Afterall, none of these "noble, non racist" individuals here would discriminate against a black person who they think is black just based on their name, would they?

Discriminating against names doesnt come out of thin air. There is a reason people have trust issues with dudes named Malik. Is it fair? No, certainly not, but human beings are instinctually cautious, and when every mugger, car jacker, home invasion committing murderer has one of those names, it presents a pattern that one cannot ignore. People who give children these names have a long track record of terrible parenting. They frequently produce children who are problems. Its simply a fact.

That is a generalization. And quite an ignorant one.
Human beings arent perfect, yet this name thing does also have merit. To say otherwise is ignoring reality. Does everyone named Malik commit crimes? No, but even if only 1 in 3 Maliks are criminals, why play the odds?

It is likely that there are just as many "John's and Williams" that committ crimes as there are "Malik's".

Judging someone based on their name as opposed their individual character is ignorant. Period.

But some of the justifications here for that has been a great refresher on the depth of stupidity that resides in some here.

Nope. I just downloaded Lucas County Booking.

2/3 are black. Shall I list the names?


Shall I go on?
Look dumb ass, we already know there is widespread racism in law enforcement. So your posting names of individuals booked by law enforcement are irrelevant.
I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

Here we have another white person trying to tell blacks what to do. First off, the root cause of the problems we face are rooted in racist beliefs and behavior of whites. Blacks don't need to name our kids as whites tell us to. Whites like the OP need to stop being racists.

Doesn't this thread sort of go against the prevailing belief of the majority of white posters here that there is ""Black Privilege"?

Afterall, none of these "noble, non racist" individuals here would discriminate against a black person who they think is black just based on their name, would they?

Discriminating against names doesnt come out of thin air. There is a reason people have trust issues with dudes named Malik. Is it fair? No, certainly not, but human beings are instinctually cautious, and when every mugger, car jacker, home invasion committing murderer has one of those names, it presents a pattern that one cannot ignore. People who give children these names have a long track record of terrible parenting. They frequently produce children who are problems. Its simply a fact.

That is a generalization. And quite an ignorant one.
Human beings arent perfect, yet this name thing does also have merit. To say otherwise is ignoring reality. Does everyone named Malik commit crimes? No, but even if only 1 in 3 Maliks are criminals, why play the odds?

No the name thing doesn't have merit unless you want all John Smiths to be treated like a criminal since whites commit 7 out of every 10 crimes.
Doesn't this thread sort of go against the prevailing belief of the majority of white posters here that there is ""Black Privilege"?

Afterall, none of these "noble, non racist" individuals here would discriminate against a black person who they think is black just based on their name, would they?

Discriminating against names doesnt come out of thin air. There is a reason people have trust issues with dudes named Malik. Is it fair? No, certainly not, but human beings are instinctually cautious, and when every mugger, car jacker, home invasion committing murderer has one of those names, it presents a pattern that one cannot ignore. People who give children these names have a long track record of terrible parenting. They frequently produce children who are problems. Its simply a fact.

That is a generalization. And quite an ignorant one.
Human beings arent perfect, yet this name thing does also have merit. To say otherwise is ignoring reality. Does everyone named Malik commit crimes? No, but even if only 1 in 3 Maliks are criminals, why play the odds?

It is likely that there are just as many "John's and Williams" that committ crimes as there are "Malik's".

Judging someone based on their name as opposed their individual character is ignorant. Period.

But some of the justifications here for that has been a great refresher on the depth of stupidity that resides in some here.

Nope. I just downloaded Lucas County Booking.

2/3 are black. Shall I list the names?


Shall I go on?

Yes please. DO go on from your non-link.

"Gunnar" is a dead giveaway. I mean come on.
This bait thread should be in the rubber room, but since we got the white supremacists and asian wannabe whites here, I find it Ironic that such people are conflating black names with crime like saltines don't commit any.

We got a dude with an authentic white name breaking damn near every law on the books sitting in our nations highest office while his staff and cabinet of all white names, yes, Ben is a white name, is the most criminal in the history of this country.
I have written in this space previously that much of Black "inequality" can be reasonably attributed to voluntary behaviors by individual Blacks - mainly bastardy, school drop-out tendency, and petty criminality - and I have recently come upon another one, also a total mystery to me.

It is "common knowledge" in the Black community that having a "Black" name can often lead to, for example, employment applications being discarded, and other similar forms of discrimination. Indeed, I have read some first-person accounts of white people having Black-sounding names (e.g., "Jamal") and experiencing such discrimination "unfairly"(?).

And yet, the trend toward bizarre Christian names among Blacks seems to be increasing as time goes by.

Malik. LaShonda. Trayvon. LaToya. Names with mis-placed capital letters, and apostrophes. I pity the inner-city Kindergarten teacher who must address these children in school for the first time, trying to figure out how to pronounce some of these bizarre names, and to do so without laughing. I have occasionally thought that mothers invent them in the hope that one day the child will be a mega-super-star of one form or another who can be known simply by that first name. Shaquille. OJ. Michael. Et cetera. (Oops. Has anybody used that one?)

But seriously, is this not an utterly stupid thing to do? Why would you - even potentially - saddle your kid with a name that will label him/her as Black, sight unseen, for the rest of his or her life, knowing that it is likely that the name will result in negative discrimination in at least some circumstances? You might as well put a tattoo on your child's forehead saying, "My Mother is an Idiot."

Were I a Black parent, I would go to the other extreme, naming my kid with the most Wasp-ish name I could imagine ("Chatsworth Osborne Smith"), in the hope that it might open a door somewhere in the future. If you want to CALL your kid something more creative, knock yourself out. But to put "D'boneHead" on a Birth Certificate is almost criminally stupid.

Here we have another white person trying to tell blacks what to do. First off, the root cause of the problems we face are rooted in racist beliefs and behavior of whites. Blacks don't need to name our kids as whites tell us to. Whites like the OP need to stop being racists.
Yup... here - - - ^ ^ ^ - - - we have the "root cause of the problems" once again, BLACKS BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE FOR ALL THEIR PROBLEMS.

How utterly pathetic.

You know, your argument would have merit if there was not evidence of laws and policies that support my assertion.
Laws and policies today? Nope.
I remember 2 female hood rats the company I worked for was forced to hire in order to fill the government mandated minority quota. They both had the requisite ghetto names like Shaniqua and Starquisha with attitude to match.

Unfortunately, they were on my production line and I was their supervisor. One day I ask one of them to move some material to another area. She responded with, "who are you to tell me what to do?", and I said "because I'm your boss". (and had been for several weeks)

I finally got feed up and went to HR and complained about their laziness and substandard work. I also told the HR that in my opinion, all these two women wanted to do was work there long enough qualify for unemployment and possibly sue the company for something, anything.

HR told me there was nothing they could do. The company had to keep them.

And guess what? Both of them quit at the same time and them sued the company for some kind of BS discrimination. Thankfully the judge saw their nonsense was bogus and threw the case out of court. ....:thup: ... :cool:
Yawn! The same old dumb ass racist tale.
Ironic that you want whites to believe all the woes blacks claim, yet if whites have a negative experience with blacks, you call it a tale.

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