Black people pointing out, and promoting, black poverty

All souls matter. Blacks aren't any more special than white, red, brown, yellow etc. Theyre all the same and they have all been persecuted at some point in history. Move on and quit living in the past.
All souls matter. Blacks aren't any more special than white, red, brown, yellow etc. Theyre all the same and they have all been persecuted at some point in history. Move on and quit living in the past.
But it's okay to fly a confederate battle flag...
You'd think Progs and Blacks would know this stuff about your heroes . BLM says:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

The Bible mentions that also.

LOL, you run with that kid. BLM disrespects the nuclear family and promotes the collective.
The whole top-down social propaganda that is displayed by the museum reflects the corporate entity brainwashing that they created to mold your life, how you live it and what you purchase.
Raising your own kids is corporate propaganda?
Self responsibility is corporate propaganda?
Self reliance is corporate propaganda?
Independent thinking is corporate propaganda?

Please do tell us how?
The whole top-down social propaganda that is displayed by the museum reflects the corporate entity brainwashing that they created to mold your life, how you live it and what you purchase.
LMFAO! I'd love to see you try to actually explain how it is that the corporations managed to instill some of these values into cultures all over the globe and throughout recorded history. Time traveling propagandists?
Black dads are what should matter to the African American community....stand up and be men don't be punks....take your obligations seriously....

Black women no different. After all, it wasn't us white people that developed the term Baby Daddy to separate all the fathers of our children
I love this. So the The National Museum of African American History & Culture, had a page up, or at least did, on the Whiteness... and White Culture of the United states.

This is great....

View attachment 364002

So let's review.... Having intact families, and working hard..... is "White".

Implication... being a useless lazy bum, that abandons his family.... is what?

Really? The evil white aspect of society, is hard work, and staying together as a family?

Can any left-winger, or Black person, explain to me how hard work and family, is "White"?

And if it is............. Isn't that sort of fueling White Supremacy? Because are you not telling people who believe Whites are a superior race, that they believe in hard work and family, which universally are in fact good things... and result in wealth and prosperity for those who practice it, over those who don't.

Please, I'd love to hear the justification for the promotion of these ideals among blacks.

BLM .jpg
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
If you consider that the 1950s as a subset of the last 2000 years when the Bible touted a wholesome family unit as the cornerstone of society, then you are right, Moonplug.
It was a time before at will divorces which cost the US dearly in divorce rates that have managed to stay at fifty percent over the last fifty years, I'd say that your premise is illocial at best and not true.
We are not utopia. We make decisions that affect our lives. We either try our best to keep our responsibilities or leave them. A much higher percentage today, leaves them. No perfection needed.
All souls matter. Blacks aren't any more special than white, red, brown, yellow etc. Theyre all the same and they have all been persecuted at some point in history. Move on and quit living in the past.
But it's okay to fly a confederate battle flag...

Look who's talking the left fly the Mexican flag on US soil.
I love this. So the The National Museum of African American History & Culture, had a page up, or at least did, on the Whiteness... and White Culture of the United states.

This is great....

View attachment 364002

So let's review.... Having intact families, and working hard..... is "White".

Implication... being a useless lazy bum, that abandons his family.... is what?

Really? The evil white aspect of society, is hard work, and staying together as a family?

Can any left-winger, or Black person, explain to me how hard work and family, is "White"?

And if it is............. Isn't that sort of fueling White Supremacy? Because are you not telling people who believe Whites are a superior race, that they believe in hard work and family, which universally are in fact good things... and result in wealth and prosperity for those who practice it, over those who don't.

Please, I'd love to hear the justification for the promotion of these ideals among blacks.

I'm quite certain there are many people in African nations who would be fascinated to find out that hard work and families are "white". And then they'd be offended, as they apparently so often are by leftist black Americans.
African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

Batalova’s research found that of the 1.4 million who are 25 and older, 41% have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 30% of all immigrants and 32% of the U.S.-born population. Of the 19,000 U.S. immigrants from Norway — a country Trump reportedly told lawmakers is a good source of immigrants — 38% have college educations.

The New American Economy study found that 1 in 3 of these undergraduate degrees were focused on science, technology, engineering and math — “training heavily in demand by today’s employers.”

That report also found that African immigrants were significantly more likely to have graduate degrees. A total of 16% had a master’s degree, medical degree, law degree or a doctorate, compared with 11% of the U.S.-born population, Lim said.



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