Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Yes, but that is not the whole story. Here is an interesting statistic on violent crimes.

During the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks.

That may contribute to why more blacks are confronted by police (proportionately) than whites.

New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime
I do think a subculture in the black community needs to take a look in the mirror, but typically this is an issue of poverty more than it is the color of one's skin.

Yes, after they got 'Obamaphones', they really, really expected Obama-jobs in his 2nd term. Even tho' they've been fooled twice, betch'a they still vote for Hillary!
Any choice between a Hillary and a Donald is an easy choice unless you are an idiot from the far right fringe.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Yes, but that is not the whole story. Here is an interesting statistic on violent crimes.

During the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks.

That may contribute to why more blacks are confronted by police (proportionately) than whites.

New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime
I do think a subculture in the black community needs to take a look in the mirror, but typically this is an issue of poverty more than it is the color of one's skin.

Yes, after they got 'Obamaphones', they really, really expected Obama-jobs in his 2nd term. Even tho' they've been fooled twice, betch'a they still vote for Hillary!
Any choice between a Hillary and a Donald is an easy choice unless you are an idiot from the far right fringe.

I'm an independent who disfavors anyone who has skirted the rule of law.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

What's your point? Since blacks as a whole are 12.5% of the population, that means black female make up 6.5% of the population. They have an over 70% bastard birth rate.

Sad how many feral children that community has.
There are multiple factors why Blacks die at such high rates in confrontations with Cops. One factor that does not get much attention is that young Black men have a very bad habit of not following instructions from the cop. I've been stopped by cops multiple times in my life and in every instance I sit stone still, hands in view and don't say a word until the cop speaks to me. I answer only his questions as clearly, calmly and simply as I can. I have never had a problem with a cop and it is not because of color, it is because I follow instructions. For some reason young Black men often seem to have a problem doing that.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Which means there are 60% of whites (or other ethnicities) that are shot every year by police. By watching the media, you would think only blacks got shot by cops.

So I wonder where is White Lives Matter at? Where are the white riots at when a white gets shot by police? Where are the out-of-court settlements that many times go into the millions of dollars for those white families of those white victims of police? Where is the wall to wall media coverage when those whites get shot by the cops? Where are the white protests in the street blocking traffic all hours of the night?
There are multiple factors why Blacks die at such high rates in confrontations with Cops. One factor that does not get much attention is that young Black men have a very bad habit of not following instructions from the cop. I've been stopped by cops multiple times in my life and in every instance I sit stone still, hands in view and don't say a word until the cop speaks to me. I answer only his questions as clearly, calmly and simply as I can. I have never had a problem with a cop and it is not because of color, it is because I follow instructions. For some reason young Black men often seem to have a problem doing that.

I have to laugh because your comment reminded me of last week.

I have vacant house next door, and the people that moved out left their basketball setup in the driveway. They left about six or seven months ago.

So some kids in the neighborhood decided they would take advantage of that, and started playing. I told them to leave, but you know how black kids are, they just got cocky and ignored me until I threatened to call the cops. They had the nerve to come back about three hours later. When the cops arrived, the two littlest ones (about five years old and seven) began to run.

I swear, running from the cops is instinct with those people even at that young of an age.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Wow, they prolly shouldn't commit so many crimes.

What's the percentage of black men raised in homes without fathers?

Some dude in Louisiana is responsible for 5 of em.

The same dude was arrested multiple times prior to the fatal arrest, AND SURVIVED EACH ONE. Dang, them racist cops sure aren't doing a very good job, are they?
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Wow, they prolly shouldn't commit so many crimes.

What's the percentage of black men raised in homes without fathers?

Some dude in Louisiana is responsible for 5 of em.

The same dude was arrested multiple times prior to the fatal arrest, AND SURVIVED EACH ONE. Dang, them racist cops sure aren't doing a very good job, are they?
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

Maybe because they aren't? Maybe this community is just overly violent?

That appears to be the problem that needs addressed, but then again, if we fixed the problem, folks like you wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

And you sure do enjoy bitching.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Wow, they prolly shouldn't commit so many crimes.

What's the percentage of black men raised in homes without fathers?

Some dude in Louisiana is responsible for 5 of em.

The same dude was arrested multiple times prior to the fatal arrest, AND SURVIVED EACH ONE. Dang, them racist cops sure aren't doing a very good job, are they?
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

Maybe because they aren't? Maybe this community is just overly violent?

That appears to be the problem that needs addressed, but then again, if we fixed the problem, folks like you wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

And you sure do enjoy bitching.
So because they are black they can be shot by police even if they aren't armed?
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I am no mathematical wizard, but most young black males die from homicides committed by other black males. Tragic as that may be, bad police shootings are not exactly the huge threat it's made to be by posters or the popular press. Black lives matters movement is either stupid or in denial when it comes to this blatant fact. I am well aware of it. So what do we do with that fact? Recognize it, or ignore it and let's repeat the same old mistakes over and over again. I say recognize it and move on.
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

Blacks make up 13.3% of the population, asshole

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

Now, what percentage of homicides in this country do they commit?

Almost half

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It's amazing how off point you retards get. This thread is about blacks being majorly disproportionately shot by police while unarmed. Quit pretending that isn't an issue. Their homicide Rate is a completely different issue. How hard is this to understand?
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Wow, they prolly shouldn't commit so many crimes.

What's the percentage of black men raised in homes without fathers?

Some dude in Louisiana is responsible for 5 of em.

The same dude was arrested multiple times prior to the fatal arrest, AND SURVIVED EACH ONE. Dang, them racist cops sure aren't doing a very good job, are they?
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

Maybe because they aren't? Maybe this community is just overly violent?

That appears to be the problem that needs addressed, but then again, if we fixed the problem, folks like you wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

And you sure do enjoy bitching.
So because they are black they can be shot by police even if they aren't armed?

So sad how the African American community continue to ask questions, when the answers are obvious.

Your males abandon their sons at a rate that is inconceivable. When they grow up violent, you deflect to it being someone else's fault.

I'll continue praying for the good in that community's growth and pity the naive.

Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

Blacks make up 13.3% of the population, asshole

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

Now, what percentage of homicides in this country do they commit?

Almost half

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It's amazing how off point you retards get. This thread is about blacks being majorly disproportionately shot by police while unarmed. Quit pretending that isn't an issue. Their homicide Rate is a completely different issue. How hard is this to understand?

Blacks make up 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of homicides, therefore, there is a much higher probability that they will be in a violent confrontation with police where they could get shot and killed. How hard is this to understand?
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

Blacks make up 13.3% of the population, asshole

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

Now, what percentage of homicides in this country do they commit?

Almost half

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It's amazing how off point you retards get. This thread is about blacks being majorly disproportionately shot by police while unarmed. Quit pretending that isn't an issue. Their homicide Rate is a completely different issue. How hard is this to understand?

Blacks make up 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of homicides, therefore, there is a much higher probability that they will be in a violent confrontation with police where they could get shot and killed. How hard is this to understand?
So the police should be absolved of any guilt for killing unarmed black men? How dense are you?

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