Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

Wow, they prolly shouldn't commit so many crimes.

What's the percentage of black men raised in homes without fathers?

Some dude in Louisiana is responsible for 5 of em.

The same dude was arrested multiple times prior to the fatal arrest, AND SURVIVED EACH ONE. Dang, them racist cops sure aren't doing a very good job, are they?
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

Maybe because they aren't? Maybe this community is just overly violent?

That appears to be the problem that needs addressed, but then again, if we fixed the problem, folks like you wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

And you sure do enjoy bitching.
So because they are black they can be shot by police even if they aren't armed?

So sad how the African American community continue to ask questions, when the answers are obvious.

Your males abandon their sons at a rate that is inconceivable. When they grow up violent, you deflect to it being someone else's fault.

I'll continue praying for the good in that community's growth and pity the naive.

Right of course your simple minded bigotry just has to assume I am black.
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

That's what your stat is supposed to "prove?" That blacks are mistreated?

How about the other way around? Maybe they end up getting shot because they are mistreating the cops.
It's amazing to me you assclowns can't look at this stat I provided and say "yeah black people are obviously mistreated by police."

That's what your stat is supposed to "prove?" That blacks are mistreated?

How about the other way around? Maybe they end up getting shot because they are mistreating the cops.
Maybe youre just generalIzing ALL of black people?
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year

What's your point? Since blacks as a whole are 12.5% of the population, that means black female make up 6.5% of the population. They have an over 70% bastard birth rate.
What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

Blacks make up 13.3% of the population, asshole

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

Now, what percentage of homicides in this country do they commit?

Almost half

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It's amazing how off point you retards get. This thread is about blacks being majorly disproportionately shot by police while unarmed. Quit pretending that isn't an issue. Their homicide Rate is a completely different issue. How hard is this to understand?

Blacks make up 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of homicides, therefore, there is a much higher probability that they will be in a violent confrontation with police where they could get shot and killed. How hard is this to understand?
So the police should be absolved of any guilt for killing unarmed black men?

Why do you believe that? Are you some kind of racist?

How dense are you?

You might want to worry about your own mental capacity before you question anyone else's
not to mention op is an outright lie as cops kill more whites than blacks
But ProporTIONALLY, they kill more Blacks than Whites…. just as PROPORTIONALLY Blacks supposedly commit more homicides (homey cides) than Whites but not in raw numbers.
MacDonald pointed out that 12% of whites and hispanic homicides have been by police, but only 4% of black homicides (over 6,000 in the latest 2014 data) have been from police shootings.
What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?

I can't answer for anybody else, but without a father figure in their life, these black kids grow up with no respect for authority. So they eventually end up in a scuffle with the police and police are allowed to defend themselves in any way they can.

I used to listen to my police scanner every night. If they didn't go to digital, I would still be listening.

Anyway, half of the calls police got in my suburb were black mothers calling the cops on their own children. Once these black kids hit the teen years, the mother can no longer control them. Without a father figure in the house, the police are the only people these mothers can rely on to discipline their kids.

It got so consistent that council finally passed a law that any more than three calls a year to a resident, the owner of the property will see a bill for each additional call to the police on their property tax.
What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?

I can't answer for anybody else, but without a father figure in their life, these black kids grow up with no respect for authority. So they eventually end up in a scuffle with the police and police are allowed to defend themselves in any way they can.

I used to listen to my police scanner every night. If they didn't go to digital, I would still be listening.

Anyway, half of the calls police got in my suburb were black mothers calling the cops on their own children. Once these black kids hit the teen years, the mother can no longer control them. Without a father figure in the house, the police are the only people these mothers can rely on to discipline their kids.

It got so consistent that council finally passed a law that any more than three calls a year to a resident, the owner of the property will see a bill for each additional call to the police on their property tax.

What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?

I can't answer for anybody else, but without a father figure in their life, these black kids grow up with no respect for authority. So they eventually end up in a scuffle with the police and police are allowed to defend themselves in any way they can.

I used to listen to my police scanner every night. If they didn't go to digital, I would still be listening.

Anyway, half of the calls police got in my suburb were black mothers calling the cops on their own children. Once these black kids hit the teen years, the mother can no longer control them. Without a father figure in the house, the police are the only people these mothers can rely on to discipline their kids.

It got so consistent that council finally passed a law that any more than three calls a year to a resident, the owner of the property will see a bill for each additional call to the police on their property tax.


yeah, you're not a racist or anything...huh?
What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?

I can't answer for anybody else, but without a father figure in their life, these black kids grow up with no respect for authority. So they eventually end up in a scuffle with the police and police are allowed to defend themselves in any way they can.

I used to listen to my police scanner every night. If they didn't go to digital, I would still be listening.

Anyway, half of the calls police got in my suburb were black mothers calling the cops on their own children. Once these black kids hit the teen years, the mother can no longer control them. Without a father figure in the house, the police are the only people these mothers can rely on to discipline their kids.

It got so consistent that council finally passed a law that any more than three calls a year to a resident, the owner of the property will see a bill for each additional call to the police on their property tax.
You know that an unwed birth doesn't mean the father is not in the child's life.. You are trying to make a nexus between illegitimacy and cop killings based on a hunch.

The Myth Of The Absent Black Father


Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting. Equal numbers of black dads and white dads tend to agree that it’s important to be a father who provides emotional support, discipline, and moral guidance. There’s one area of divergence in the way the two groups approach their parental responsibilities: Black dads are even more likely to think it’s important to financially provide for their children.

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