Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

Last time the census was taken Blacks accounted for 12.2 of the population.
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

dude, the census says it's 13% of the population. that would have made your point equally well and wouldn't have resulted in a discussion that intentionally deflected from your point...which is that blacks are inordinately killed by cops.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Dude, you splitting hairs over the stat only further deflects from the main point. You notice that right?

I'm not splitting hairs. My point is that when you say things that aren't true or are exaggerated you make the conversation about your misstatement instead of the actual issue. Leave that to the rightwingnuts
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

Blacks make up 13.3% of the population, asshole

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

Now, what percentage of homicides in this country do they commit?

Almost half

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
It's amazing how off point you retards get. This thread is about blacks being majorly disproportionately shot by police while unarmed. Quit pretending that isn't an issue. Their homicide Rate is a completely different issue. How hard is this to understand?

Blacks make up 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of homicides, therefore, there is a much higher probability that they will be in a violent confrontation with police where they could get shot and killed. How hard is this to understand?
So the police should be absolved of any guilt for killing unarmed black men? How dense are you?

Who said police, guilty of wrongdoing, should be absolved of any guilt? PLEASE show us or admit you are just...making up your stories as you go.

My guess is that you leaped on the "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" LIE the minute you saw it appear. You didn't give a rat's behind about whether it was true or a lie did you? Turned out the witnesses LIED DIDN'T THEY? Bet you believe the what was said by the girlfriend in the Minnesota video but NOT what was said by the officer. Here's a WILD SUGGESTION, wait until the FACTS ARE KNOWN before commenting. Wow...crazy huh?
Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting. Equal numbers of black dads and white dads tend to agree that it’s important to be a father who provides emotional support, discipline, and moral guidance. There’s one area of divergence in the way the two groups approach their parental responsibilities: Black dads are even more likely to think it’s important to financially provide for their children.

Thinking it's important and actually supporting them are two different things.

I never implied that dads are not part of a child's life, but a full-time dad makes a huge difference.

An out of control child that sees their father a couple times a month doesn't fear him except for those rare visits if that.

Going back to my police scanner, when this was a white neighborhood, I never once heard a call to the police from a mother about her child. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, we had bad kids too, but in most cases, those bad kids came from single-parent homes that were beginning to form at that time.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

Wait until a complete investigation to determine exactly what happened. If the officer acted irrationally, he will face charges like all the others. There is no such thing as all good cops. Most of them? Yes, but not all.

The out of wedlock birth rate in the US for blacks is around 72%. We also find that blacks are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crimes in the US. I guess that's just a coincidence, huh?

The Mafia had a high crime rate between 1920 and 1950 but they all had fathers including a God father. In the Back communities I see something different. About 66% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend abut 1 trillion per year in White owned businesses. Even with the alleged 72% illegitimacy rate there appears to be more good than bad coming out oft that dire statistic. Black criminals account for even less of the population. Since Back males make up only 6% of the population..and we know they ALL aren't criminals or murderers just what % is accurate.
Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

dude, the census says it's 13% of the population. that would have made your point equally well and wouldn't have resulted in a discussion that intentionally deflected from your point...which is that blacks are inordinately killed by cops.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Dude, you splitting hairs over the stat only further deflects from the main point. You notice that right?

I'm not splitting hairs. My point is that when you say things that aren't true or are exaggerated you make the conversation about your misstatement instead of the actual issue. Leave that to the rightwingnuts
My percentage was from a source I believed. I didn't pull it out of my ass. How is that exaggerated? My 6% stat probably is wrong, but obviously that hardly matters because it does nothing to change the premise of my thread.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.
The thread title says "black people" are 6% of the population.
The Mafia had a high crime rate between 1920 and 1950 but they all had fathers including a God father. In the Back communities I see something different. About 66% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend abut 1 trillion per year in White owned businesses. Even with the alleged 72% illegitimacy rate there appears to be more good than bad coming out oft that dire statistic. Black criminals account for even less of the population. Since Back males make up only 6% of the population..and we know they ALL aren't criminals or murderers just what % is accurate.
Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

Glad you told me that. It would help explain why blacks in prison represent three times their population percentage in the US while whites are more proportional:

BOP Statistics: Inmate Race
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

dude, the census says it's 13% of the population. that would have made your point equally well and wouldn't have resulted in a discussion that intentionally deflected from your point...which is that blacks are inordinately killed by cops.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Dude, you splitting hairs over the stat only further deflects from the main point. You notice that right?

I'm not splitting hairs. My point is that when you say things that aren't true or are exaggerated you make the conversation about your misstatement instead of the actual issue. Leave that to the rightwingnuts
Well, look at you....mommy cute....:lol:
Billy-boy, blacks are 13% of our population.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

dude, the census says it's 13% of the population. that would have made your point equally well and wouldn't have resulted in a discussion that intentionally deflected from your point...which is that blacks are inordinately killed by cops.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Dude, you splitting hairs over the stat only further deflects from the main point. You notice that right?

I'm not splitting hairs. My point is that when you say things that aren't true or are exaggerated you make the conversation about your misstatement instead of the actual issue. Leave that to the rightwingnuts
My percentage was from a source I believed. I didn't pull it out of my ass. How is that exaggerated? My 6% stat probably is wrong, but obviously that hardly matters because it does nothing to change the premise of my thread.
Uh yes it does, what a tard, just make shit up eh?

how about that blacks kill each other at a 90%+ about they work on that issue? If you cut that in half, IT will save more lives than stopping every cop that kills a black by a LARGE margin.
Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting. Equal numbers of black dads and white dads tend to agree that it’s important to be a father who provides emotional support, discipline, and moral guidance. There’s one area of divergence in the way the two groups approach their parental responsibilities: Black dads are even more likely to think it’s important to financially provide for their children.

Thinking it's important and actually supporting them are two different things.

I never implied that dads are not part of a child's life, but a full-time dad makes a huge difference.

An out of control child that sees their father a couple times a month doesn't fear him except for those rare visits if that.

Going back to my police scanner, when this was a white neighborhood, I never once heard a call to the police from a mother about her child. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, we had bad kids too, but in most cases, those bad kids came from single-parent homes that were beginning to form at that time.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
The Mafia had a high crime rate between 1920 and 1950 but they all had fathers including a God father. In the Back communities I see something different. About 66% of Blacks live above the poverty level and spend abut 1 trillion per year in White owned businesses. Even with the alleged 72% illegitimacy rate there appears to be more good than bad coming out oft that dire statistic. Black criminals account for even less of the population. Since Back males make up only 6% of the population..and we know they ALL aren't criminals or murderers just what % is accurate.
Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year;

Glad you told me that. It would help explain why blacks in prison represent three times their population percentage in the US while whites are more proportional:

BOP Statistics: Inmate Race
Most are in prison for non violent offenses i.e. the War onDrugs. Although studies have shown that Whites use at the same rates Backs do Blacks are more likely to be arrested, prosecuted and convicted… poor Whites and poor Blacks don't have good lawyers, I guess!
Thinking it's important and actually supporting them are two different things.

I never implied that dads are not part of a child's life, but a full-time dad makes a huge difference.

An out of control child that sees their father a couple times a month doesn't fear him except for those rare visits if that.

Going back to my police scanner, when this was a white neighborhood, I never once heard a call to the police from a mother about her child. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, we had bad kids too, but in most cases, those bad kids came from single-parent homes that were beginning to form at that time.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
Check your's never a strong point of liberals....
Thinking it's important and actually supporting them are two different things.

I never implied that dads are not part of a child's life, but a full-time dad makes a huge difference.

An out of control child that sees their father a couple times a month doesn't fear him except for those rare visits if that.

Going back to my police scanner, when this was a white neighborhood, I never once heard a call to the police from a mother about her child. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, we had bad kids too, but in most cases, those bad kids came from single-parent homes that were beginning to form at that time.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
So what's your point? Noone said that every black was killing people, but blacks are like 13% of the population, yet commit close to 50% of the's still a shocking number......and one that BLM needs to look into....blacks are larger threats to other blacks way more than the po po.

here are the numbers...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

So HTF is that not disproportional with the amount of crime committed? It doesn't matter what the percentage is per population, what matters is the amount of crime and who commits most of it.

You are six times likely to be killed by a black than a white in this country, and I don't care if (percentage wise) it's .2% of the blacks or 30% of the blacks. The fact is that per capita by race, they are way more likely to kill or be involved in a violent crime than whites.
Last edited:
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
Check your's never a strong point of liberals....
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.
not to mention op is an outright lie as cops kill more whites than blacks
But ProporTIONALLY, they kill more Blacks than Whites…. just as PROPORTIONALLY Blacks supposedly commit more homicides (homey cides) than Whites but not in raw numbers.

It would be helpful, and less embarrassing to yourself to do a bit of research on your own before opening your mouth. Just sayin'.

people shot dead by police in 2015

See the 2016 database.

This database is based on news reports, public records, Internet databases and original reporting. Read more
What does the alleged Black birth rate have to do with cops killing so many unarmed Black males?

I can't answer for anybody else, but without a father figure in their life, these black kids grow up with no respect for authority. So they eventually end up in a scuffle with the police and police are allowed to defend themselves in any way they can.

I used to listen to my police scanner every night. If they didn't go to digital, I would still be listening.

Anyway, half of the calls police got in my suburb were black mothers calling the cops on their own children. Once these black kids hit the teen years, the mother can no longer control them. Without a father figure in the house, the police are the only people these mothers can rely on to discipline their kids.

It got so consistent that council finally passed a law that any more than three calls a year to a resident, the owner of the property will see a bill for each additional call to the police on their property tax.
You know that an unwed birth doesn't mean the father is not in the child's life.. You are trying to make a nexus between illegitimacy and cop killings based on a hunch.

The Myth Of The Absent Black Father


Although black fathers are more likely to live separately from their children — the statistic that’s usually trotted out to prove the parenting “crisis” — many of them remain just as involved in their kids’ lives. Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting. Equal numbers of black dads and white dads tend to agree that it’s important to be a father who provides emotional support, discipline, and moral guidance. There’s one area of divergence in the way the two groups approach their parental responsibilities: Black dads are even more likely to think it’s important to financially provide for their children.

A two-year-old article from the far-left website ThinkProgress. There is also no information as to how the questions were answered. On top of that, the information is from 2010. Further, the poll is based on telephone calls. What man, or woman for that matter, are going to tell a stranger that they are a lousy parent?

The article skims over as unimportant if the couples are married or not. This is an indication of a far stronger family unit and one that gives comfort to children.
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.

Then move to one of their neighborhoods and see if you still think it's a drop in the bucket.
From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
Check your's never a strong point of liberals....
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.
No problem brother.....some people get upset over shit like that.....just best to check it....
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.
The thread title says "black people" are 6% of the population.

The link provided said black men, I'm sorry, billy can't read either.

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