Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
Check your's never a strong point of liberals....
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.
120,000 people, that's nothing? uh that's a major city.
But we are talking rates, sheer numbers can be misleading....
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.

Then move to one of their neighborhoods and see if you still think it's a drop in the bucket.
No shit, hey come to Memphis and we'll go to Raleigh, Whitehaven and Orange Mound, you'd love those places.....
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

So HTF is that not disproportional with the amount of crime committed? It doesn't matter what the percentage is per population, what matters is the amount of crime and who commits most of it.

You are six times likely to be killed by a black than a white in this country, and I don't care if (percentage wise) it's .2% of the blacks or 30% of the blacks. The fact is that per capita by race, they are way more likely to kill or be involved in a violent crime than whites.

Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.
The thread title says "black people" are 6% of the population.

The link provided said black men, I'm sorry, billy can't read either.
Read he fucking thread title, dumbass.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

So HTF is that not disproportional with the amount of crime committed? It doesn't matter what the percentage is per population, what matters is the amount of crime and who commits most of it.

You are six times likely to be killed by a black than a white in this country, and I don't care if (percentage wise) it's .2% of the blacks or 30% of the blacks. The fact is that per capita by race, they are way more likely to kill or be involved in a violent crime than whites.

Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American.
WTF statistical gymnastics is this? Why are you comparing to the total population, how about compare them to the total number of murders, blacks kill more whites, than whites kill blacks bro, even in just sheer numbers, stop the bullshit gymnastics or per total population, that is completely meaningless.
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.

Then move to one of their neighborhoods and see if you still think it's a drop in the bucket.

The statistics rule. I don't have to go anywhere…just look at the statistics. 120,000 out of 37-40 million are what you and the media is raising all the fuss about. Meanwhile Hispanics Whites and other criminals are committing the other half of all homicides and most of those victims look like YOU!
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.

Then move to one of their neighborhoods and see if you still think it's a drop in the bucket.

The statistics rule. I don't have to go anywhere…just look at the statistics. 120,000 out of 37-40 million are what you and the media is raising all the fuss about. Meanwhile Hispanics Whites and other criminals are committing the other half of all homicides and most of those victims look like YOU!
So the victims look American?
Thinking it's important and actually supporting them are two different things.

I never implied that dads are not part of a child's life, but a full-time dad makes a huge difference.

An out of control child that sees their father a couple times a month doesn't fear him except for those rare visits if that.

Going back to my police scanner, when this was a white neighborhood, I never once heard a call to the police from a mother about her child. When I grew up in the 60's and 70's, we had bad kids too, but in most cases, those bad kids came from single-parent homes that were beginning to form at that time.
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

All that tells you is black males are more prone to violence than the rest of the population, like 11 time more likely to kill someone. And you wonder why police approach them with more suspicion. Seems to me they're justified. But that in no way excuses improper conduct by the officer.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.

Not what was posted in the headline of the thread.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.
The thread title says "black people" are 6% of the population.

The link provided said black men, I'm sorry, billy can't read either.
You cons will desperately take any tiny victory you can get, won't you?
They do support them financial. Most Black dads pay their court ordered child support. You still haven't made good case to support your contention that illegitimacy is a big factor in cop related shootings of unarmed people. What is the crucial difference between the shooting of a kid with a father and the shooting of a kid who doesn't know his father at all? The recent cop killing in Minnesota certainly didn't meet your prerequisite of illegitimacy. The Kid had a CCW and a job as a chef. He did nothing wrong but was destined to be murdered whether he had a father or not in his life.

From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

All that tells you is black males are more prone to violence than the rest of the population, like 11 time more likely to kill someone. And you wonder why police approach them with more suspicion. Seems to me they're justified. But that in no way excuses improper conduct by the officer.

Even other blacks approach blacks with more suspicion. That's what happens when 25% of your race ends up in prison at some point in their lives.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?

Kindly show us your reliable source and link to those figures. Thank you.
It's amazing RWs just blindly defend cops when it comes to black people yet will bitch and moan of the rights of armed white thugs taking over government buildings. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Black Men: 6% of Population; 40% of Unarmed People Shot to Death by Police This Year
First error: blacks account for something like 13% of the population.

First, read. It says black men are 6%, not blacks.
The thread title says "black people" are 6% of the population.

The link provided said black men, I'm sorry, billy can't read either.
You cons will desperately take any tiny victory you can get, won't you?
No we just love crushing morons like you, you did it to yourself, we just called you out on it.
From what I've seen the officer in MN over reacted, you don't fire until you physically see a gun coming toward you. But to Rays point, black kids raised in a home with an absent father are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of school and according to Larry Elder on Hannity tonight 20 times more likely to go to jail. So yes an in home father means a bunch.
You are still mixing apples with oranges. Nothing you said explains why a guy reaching for his wallet is shot by a cop or how a man running from a cop is shot in the back or why a cop named Case bolt pulled his pistol on kids at a pool party. Illegitimacy didn't enter into those cases at all. The 30% of Blacks NOT born out of wedlock are in just as much danger from cops as those born out of wedlock. The cop doesn't give a shit about any of that. Too many cops see Black males through the lens of homicide statistics blown way out of proportion.. They don't give one iota about the guy's birth data.

How do you blow statistics way out of proportion? Answer that, then we can talk about the rest.
Gladly. The FBI statistics only show arrests, not convictions. That means one person can be charged with 10 different things with each item counting as a separate arrest. And if the person is later exonerated those arrest stats remain as part of the record….You still with me?

Only about 1 percent of African Americans — and no more than 2 percent of black males — will commit a violent crime in a given year.

Yet, White folks continue to use that old tired comparison that Blacks are 13% of the population and COMMIT most of the crime disproportionally. That is false. Only 2% or less of black males and are committing all 50% of homicides and other violent crimes. That is about 65,000 Black people in the whole nation committing homicides/crimes out of 40 million. Do you see why I said you are blowing the statistics out of proportion?
Check your's never a strong point of liberals....
Black males = 6 milion

Black male criminals -= 2% of 6 million

total Black criminals = 120,000

My bad... its getting late..but 120,000 is still a drop in the budket.

If black males are 6% of the population of 320 million, that would equal about 19.2 million.

2% of that would be 384,000

Me thinks you need to brush up on your math.
Why can't you racist NaziCons just admit that black people are still getting fucked by whitey.
I think everyone understands white democrats have been fucking blacks for decades.....

Yes, in the old days - but then racist Democrats switched to the Republican Party. All the NaziCon racists on this thread are Republican.

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