‘black People Should Die’: Trump-loving Schoolboys Form ‘wall’ Around Biracial Girl

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.

Fox 8 Cleveland reports that Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”

“This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Jacksonville Township Police Chief Mark Brink tells Fox 8 Cleveland that his department is interviewing the students involved in the incident, and he also says there is video of the incident taking place.

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.

“It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?

Just send Jessie Smollette over to handle it.

*moves on*
People like you are the reason Donald “Windy” Trump won’t be re-elected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There's not enough people like him to re-elect the Orange Turd-in-Chief.
These people exist and we shouldn't pretend they don't. That being said it's bullshit to take this and try to use it to demonize the entire right wing.
Yep, that's just where we are.

Both ends of this issue need to hold their own accountable, 100%.

Not holding my breath.
After what we've seen viz. hate crime hoaxes, it's best to withhold judgement until all the facts are in.

The accusation that someone allegedly said "this is MAGA country" again, is just a little too convenient for my tastes.

Even if it is true, they are 11. Kids soak up what's in the culture around them--when everyone went batpoop crazy about bullying we had kids reporting "bullying" over other kids saying "I don't like your shoes". (Newsflash: that's not bullying)

What I mean to say is: all around are liberals FREAKING OUT about how racist and awful Trump supporters are. If a group of 11 yo really want to get at a girl who is biracial, THIS is what they're going to say to her. Not because they have heard it from parents or believe it's true, but because it has saturated the culture.













You realize the First Amendment only means the gov't cannot prosecute you or jail you for your speech, right? it doesn't ever mean you speak consequence-free when you speak?

Or are you actually making the case that these students get to speak consequence-free because First Amendment? Cause it sounds like you're making that case.

I'm saying that what you're saying ---- "because it has saturated the culture" ---- is brought to you by the First Amendment.

That must be what you meant with the vertical sentencing, right?
You mean where them Kangs in Africa sold their own people into slavery? You filth start getting paid for something that never happened to you will trigger a well deserved purge. Besides you already got reparations in the form of affirmative action. And you're still to stupid to do anything.
Affirmative action's most benefited individuals are white women.

Did you know that you rancid son of a bitch?

And WHO'S going to do this purging? YOUR bitch-ass?
I'll do my part colored boy. Load you up on the ships and send you all the Australia.

People like you are the reason Donald “Windy” Trump won’t be re-elected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"Orange Windmill Man". Don Qui Bloatey, tilting at windmills.
Yep, that's just where we are.

Both ends of this issue need to hold their own accountable, 100%.

Not holding my breath.
After what we've seen viz. hate crime hoaxes, it's best to withhold judgement until all the facts are in.

The accusation that someone allegedly said "this is MAGA country" again, is just a little too convenient for my tastes.

Even if it is true, they are 11. Kids soak up what's in the culture around them--when everyone went batpoop crazy about bullying we had kids reporting "bullying" over other kids saying "I don't like your shoes". (Newsflash: that's not bullying)

What I mean to say is: all around are liberals FREAKING OUT about how racist and awful Trump supporters are. If a group of 11 yo really want to get at a girl who is biracial, THIS is what they're going to say to her. Not because they have heard it from parents or believe it's true, but because it has saturated the culture.













You realize the First Amendment only means the gov't cannot prosecute you or jail you for your speech, right? it doesn't ever mean you speak consequence-free when you speak?

Or are you actually making the case that these students get to speak consequence-free because First Amendment? Cause it sounds like you're making that case.

I'm saying that what you're saying ---- "because it has saturated the culture" ---- is brought to you by the First Amendment.

That must be what you meant with the vertical sentencing, right?

So you are not a proponent of the First Amendment....you think the gov't should have responsibility over what grown adults say. Wonderful, and of course, as if THAT would solve the problem
LMAO! Where's the video? All I read was the kid told the mom and I don't see any proof. Then, there's this gem...
"in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump."
:21::21::21::21::21: Suckers!
With all the lying from the black left, that puts an entirely new spin on things. Bet it never happened.
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‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.

Fox 8 Cleveland reports that Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”

“This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Jacksonville Township Police Chief Mark Brink tells Fox 8 Cleveland that his department is interviewing the students involved in the incident, and he also says there is video of the incident taking place.

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.

“It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?

Just send Jessie Smollette over to handle it.

*moves on*
Not Jussie Smollett . Eric Holder. Not that Eric Holder. THAT Eric Holder.
‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.

Fox 8 Cleveland reports that Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”

“This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Jacksonville Township Police Chief Mark Brink tells Fox 8 Cleveland that his department is interviewing the students involved in the incident, and he also says there is video of the incident taking place.

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.

“It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?

Nicole Arnold...the mother
does she belong to any type of left wing group ?
if so the chances of it being a hoax go up 79.3 %
You mean where them Kangs in Africa sold their own people into slavery? You filth start getting paid for something that never happened to you will trigger a well deserved purge. Besides you already got reparations in the form of affirmative action. And you're still to stupid to do anything.
Affirmative action's most benefited individuals are white women.

Did you know that you rancid son of a bitch?

And WHO'S going to do this purging? YOUR bitch-ass?
I'll do my part colored boy. Load you up on the ships and send you all the Australia.

Bugger off!! We don't want any foreign diseases!!! Look what that did to the Injuns!!

Didn't the media learn their lesson with the whole "indian and white boy in a MAGA hat" thing?
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Why is Jussie Smollett taking up so much real estate in your head rent free?
You're desperate.
I can't wait to see you type his name in permanent online ink again.

Happy posting.

I can't wait to see you type.
‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.

Fox 8 Cleveland reports that Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”

“This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Jacksonville Township Police Chief Mark Brink tells Fox 8 Cleveland that his department is interviewing the students involved in the incident, and he also says there is video of the incident taking place.

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.

“It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.

Fox 8 Cleveland reports that Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”

“This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Jacksonville Township Police Chief Mark Brink tells Fox 8 Cleveland that his department is interviewing the students involved in the incident, and he also says there is video of the incident taking place.

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.

“It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

‘Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?
Sounds like another case of Jussie parody!
After what we've seen viz. hate crime hoaxes, it's best to withhold judgement until all the facts are in.

The accusation that someone allegedly said "this is MAGA country" again, is just a little too convenient for my tastes.

Even if it is true, they are 11. Kids soak up what's in the culture around them--when everyone went batpoop crazy about bullying we had kids reporting "bullying" over other kids saying "I don't like your shoes". (Newsflash: that's not bullying)

What I mean to say is: all around are liberals FREAKING OUT about how racist and awful Trump supporters are. If a group of 11 yo really want to get at a girl who is biracial, THIS is what they're going to say to her. Not because they have heard it from parents or believe it's true, but because it has saturated the culture.













You realize the First Amendment only means the gov't cannot prosecute you or jail you for your speech, right? it doesn't ever mean you speak consequence-free when you speak?

Or are you actually making the case that these students get to speak consequence-free because First Amendment? Cause it sounds like you're making that case.

I'm saying that what you're saying ---- "because it has saturated the culture" ---- is brought to you by the First Amendment.

That must be what you meant with the vertical sentencing, right?

So you are not a proponent of the First Amendment....you think the gov't should have responsibility over what grown adults say. Wonderful, and of course, as if THAT would solve the problem

I think you're lost in the woods.

I also think you have no clue what either Liberalism or the First Amendment is.
Kids were definitely mean when I went to elementary school. Making fun of fat kids, darker skinned kids, nerds, etc.
2 days now...2 fucking days I've been trying
to reply to this FUCKING NONSENSE

For 2 fucking days now, this thread has been living,
rent free, inside my head...That irks me

For 2 fucking days now, I have been unable
to put my 2¢ into words...That frustrates me

The sheer idiocy, clearly demonstrated in
the threads and replies of so many regular posters here
has become so mind boggling to me, I'm at a loss for words
Black people should die’: Trump-loving schoolboys form ‘wall’ around biracial girl in disturbing bullying incident

Police are investigating an alleged racist threat made at an Ohio middle school in which a group of white students invoked President Donald Trump.
Nicole Arnold, a resident of Jackson Township, Ohio, claims that her 11-year-old biracial daughter was recently surrounded in a middle school cafeteria by a group of white boys who told her she didn’t belong in “Trump country.”
This is Trump country and we are the wall and all black people should die,” Arnold says the boys told her daughter.

Arnold said her daughter, who is bi-racial, was with a friend in the school's lunch room when they were surrounded by a group of boys who locked arms around them and said "This is Trump (MAGA) country and we are the wall and all black people should die."

Arnold says that she is relieved that the school and the police are investigating the incident, but she wants more to be done to ensure her daughter is safe.
It really scared her, you know,” she said. “She’s never had to deal with an issue where it’s been about her skin color and that’s disturbing to me and it’s disturbing to her.”

What should happen to these kids if/when this is found to be true?
What should happen to Nicole Arnold
when the 15 minutes of fame she concocted, is exposed?

Not only is she mentally unstable but, so are you MarcATL

Up until 2 days ago, you, IM2, Triggered and Asslips
were nothing more then racists, with serious issues...

But, I had a revelation...
you are all vessels for destructive spirits...
divisive, strife, conflict, discord, hatred, and the like

With that being said....

According to the unfailing, Word of God
and through the Mighty Name of Jesus,

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