Black people shouldn't celebrate White holidays

You also owned slaves and attempted genocide on my people.
Your people's biggest problem now is that you are languishing between the past and the present. You can keep your traditions but you need to spend a little more time in the present, a little less in the past.
You also owned slaves and attempted genocide on my people.

Your people weren't the first ones to live here. There were people here 10,000 years before your ancestors walked across the land bridge from Asia through Alaska.

Except your people killed them all off and stole their land.

"Noble savage", my ass.
That tears it! I’m gonna stop celebrating Kwanzaa from now on. (Which is kind of a shame since it was such a meaningful make believe holiday.).
Christmas and Easter are 'Christianized' pagan holidays. So there's something for everyone in each: True worship, idolatry, or wretched excess. :)

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