Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism.

The man is delusional. That's why he must use a per 100,000 equation all the time when he talks about crime. He can't look at the real numbers. What he fails to understand is that whites have none of the factors that cause people to commit crimes yet they commit 70 percent of all crimes in this country.
No more than blacks are. Racism is a feeling that you are superior to another person because of their race.

Being AFRAID of a person because of their race doesn't seem racist at all. It is an acknowledgement that blacks commit crimes at a rate far greater than any other racial group.

That's just reality.
So then it's an admission that whites, in general, are AFRAID of blacks, yes?

Note how the subject uses the phrase "seem racist", emphasis on the word "SEEM."
Whites have been afraid of blacks ever since slavery days when they rightfully, in my opinion, lived in fear that their slaves would rise up and kill them while they slept in their beds at night.

When you spend your life violating the basic human rights of another human being and doing everything within your power to oppress them under a doctrine whose falsity can be proven simply by the fact that had any of the things that were done to the slaves had been done to a white person, the white community would have insisted upon swift and fatal justice, it makes sense that you would live in fear of retribution.

A point in case is when whites torched and burned to the ground a community of Tusla, Oklahoma known as the Black Wall Street for the alleged assault of a white girl. All accounts indicated that she had not been assaulted, that she was bumped into by a black teen.

Never in the history of this country have black people been allowed to demand justice in this manner without being charged and convicted of the appicable crimes yet none of the white rioters ever faced justice.

This is the history of the white race in the United States, these types of acts and more, sometimes far more heinous crimes. If you want to view black people through a lens that doesn't include this history and provides no understanding of it, that's a failing on your part and the part of every other racist white person who laments the alleged "racism" of blacks which in most cases is a reaction to the institutional racism that has been practiced in this country against those of us of African descent since it's inception.

In fact many of the members posting on this site crying about their fear of being replaced or of the white race becoming a minority sound as if they fear being treated the way the white race treated black people.

The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921[9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history."[15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and as many as 6,000 black residents were interned at large facilities, many for several days.[16][17] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 39 dead, 26 black and 13 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13[1]:23

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black.[18] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.[2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).
So just a question. How long will ewe hammer white people living today for the days of slavery. I was not alive then were you? Were you alive in 1921 Oklahoma? I was not. I never owned a slave, never even thought about it. Never thought about asking a black person to leave a room because whites were there. If you truly abhor racism you will not accept it in anyone.
Where you alive during the revolutionary war? Pearl Harbor? Seems it's OK to keep remembering those things, but those days were bad for us as black people. What about this MAGA garbage, you guys want everybody to return to something that you were not alive to see yet you want to talk crazy.
Then don’t talk to me won’t hurt me a damn bit. I was born at the end of world war two. So you can see I am getting old. I was alive through the Korean War, Vietnam war, I was alive and survived a volcano eruption, a twister, a cat five hurricane, I was born when “somebody did something” on 9-11. My first little husband died when I was just 19 and I had a one month old son. So why don’t you stop screaming at me for what happened in the 1800 a whatever else you want to complain about. I told you I never owned a slave, it never crossed my mind that I wanted one So you never were a slave but you can’t seem to move forward, you rage and hate because of someone else’s. Memories or life. Hell man we’re stuck here right here right=t now in a pandemic trying not to die and all you want to do is rage about an z’orange man.” You don’t give a shit about ending racism and bigotry. You have a vested interest in keeping it.going it would seem. You make me tired. Go do something with your life.

Well you really need to drop the white fragility lady. You lived during segregation, you benefitted from segregation, you live white today and whites get to do things we don't. Like bitch about anti white racism when there is none. Or tell everybody else that their concerns don't matter and that the only history that is important to remember or discuss is yours.

You were alive when blacks could not vote, when blacks could not go places, when blacks were denied jobs whites were given, when blacks were not allowed to live in places because of the government and if blacks tried, whites terrorized them. Let me give yo a few examples of what you have lived through besides 9-11.

In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family black family tried to move in to Cicero in Chicago, the police tried to remove them from the home they purchased. Later on a mob of over 4,000 whites busted into his home destroyed everything in it,. threw his furniture out and burned it in the yard. Clark had an injunction because he had been threated with death by whites in that community. But the police did nothing.

In Philadelphia during the first half of 1955 there were 213 acts of viol4ence against blacks by whites and they were done to intimidate and terrorize black's so they would not move into white communities.

In 1964 when blacks tried renting an apartment in a mostly white Chicago neighborhood, whites vandalized the apartment, throwing rocks. The police went into the apartment and removed all the furniture and told the renters they had been evicted.

At the same time in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of violence against blacks v\by whites who terrorized black families so they would not move to the suburbs. Then whit6e like y7ou guys want to talk shit about blacks in Detroit.

In Los Angeles during the war an entire black family was murdered when their home was bombed. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black residences in Los Angeles..

In 1987 .Another black family tried moving into Cicero, and aced gunfire and firebombs,
For the first 5 years after WW2 in just Chicago, there were 317 incidents by whites against blacks who tried living in or near mostly white communities.

And before we have to read the stupid refrain about how this only happens in democratic cities, it happened all over the country.

In 1985 in a Louisville suburb, Robert and Martha Marshall purchased a home. ON THE NIGHT THEY MOVED IN their house was firebombed. One month later whites burnt down the house. The police allowed it to happen. Because the police department in Sylvania Kentucky were members of the Klan. 1985.

I can keep going in order for you to understand that our grievance left slavery in 1865 and that only you racist whites want to make this about slavery because you want to deny how your asses are still practicing the same motherfucking racism that has always been.

You as a white woman even have been able to benefit from our fight for equality because you get to be considered for affirmative action and you white women have benefitted the most from the policy. So drop the racism. You better start understanding who the hell you are talking to in here. We are black, educated, and we are professionals. I earned a masters degree in sociology. I ran a not for profit organization that I built from the ground up with a friend. So you better put some respect in your voice when you talk to me lady because what is tired are people like you.
You drop the racism. I am done talking to you. If you choose to live your miserable little life hating everything white then have at it. I personally don’t give a shit. I had no privilege, no welfare, no nothing. I earned what I needed and asked for nothing. And if you call yourself black and educated then get out there and put your education to use. Stop whining and get a damn life! You don’t want discussions on racism you just want to spew hatred to white people you have never met. Screw that. You want respect? Earn it. Right now all I can muster is laughter. Act like a grown up some time why don’t you.

Like I said, drop the white fragility. Then YOU grow up.
Drop the victim hood. Dumbass.
You drop the racism. I am done talking to you. If you choose to live your miserable little life hating everything white then have at it. I personally don’t give a shit. I had no privilege, no welfare, no nothing. I earned what I needed and asked for nothing. And if you call yourself black and educated then get out there and put your education to use. Stop whining and get a damn life! You don’t want discussions on racism you just want to spew hatred to white people you have never met. Screw that. You want respect? Earn it. Right now all I can muster is laughter. Act like a grown up some time why don’t you.
You sure are a dumb POS, aren't you?



Another stump stupid ignorant white racist. She's a segregation baby who has been given what she has by the government and like MLK said, those are the first to tell somebody to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. And that's what we are up against. But in the 21st century, they will end their racism or they will be run over.
Ewe claim ewe have a masters degree. Dew ewe need fucking bootstraps?
No more than blacks are. Racism is a feeling that you are superior to another person because of their race.

Being AFRAID of a person because of their race doesn't seem racist at all. It is an acknowledgement that blacks commit crimes at a rate far greater than any other racial group.

That's just reality.
So then it's an admission that whites, in general, are AFRAID of blacks, yes?

Note how the subject uses the phrase "seem racist", emphasis on the word "SEEM."
Whites have been afraid of blacks ever since slavery days when they rightfully, in my opinion, lived in fear that their slaves would rise up and kill them while they slept in their beds at night.

When you spend your life violating the basic human rights of another human being and doing everything within your power to oppress them under a doctrine whose falsity can be proven simply by the fact that had any of the things that were done to the slaves had been done to a white person, the white community would have insisted upon swift and fatal justice, it makes sense that you would live in fear of retribution.

A point in case is when whites torched and burned to the ground a community of Tusla, Oklahoma known as the Black Wall Street for the alleged assault of a white girl. All accounts indicated that she had not been assaulted, that she was bumped into by a black teen.

Never in the history of this country have black people been allowed to demand justice in this manner without being charged and convicted of the appicable crimes yet none of the white rioters ever faced justice.

This is the history of the white race in the United States, these types of acts and more, sometimes far more heinous crimes. If you want to view black people through a lens that doesn't include this history and provides no understanding of it, that's a failing on your part and the part of every other racist white person who laments the alleged "racism" of blacks which in most cases is a reaction to the institutional racism that has been practiced in this country against those of us of African descent since it's inception.

In fact many of the members posting on this site crying about their fear of being replaced or of the white race becoming a minority sound as if they fear being treated the way the white race treated black people.

The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921[9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history."[15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and as many as 6,000 black residents were interned at large facilities, many for several days.[16][17] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 39 dead, 26 black and 13 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13[1]:23

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black.[18] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.[2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).
So just a question. How long will ewe hammer white people living today for the days of slavery. I was not alive then were you? Were you alive in 1921 Oklahoma? I was not. I never owned a slave, never even thought about it. Never thought about asking a black person to leave a room because whites were there. If you truly abhor racism you will not accept it in anyone.
Where you alive during the revolutionary war? Pearl Harbor? Seems it's OK to keep remembering those things, but those days were bad for us as black people. What about this MAGA garbage, you guys want everybody to return to something that you were not alive to see yet you want to talk crazy.
Then don’t talk to me won’t hurt me a damn bit. I was born at the end of world war two. So you can see I am getting old. I was alive through the Korean War, Vietnam war, I was alive and survived a volcano eruption, a twister, a cat five hurricane, I was born when “somebody did something” on 9-11. My first little husband died when I was just 19 and I had a one month old son. So why don’t you stop screaming at me for what happened in the 1800 a whatever else you want to complain about. I told you I never owned a slave, it never crossed my mind that I wanted one So you never were a slave but you can’t seem to move forward, you rage and hate because of someone else’s. Memories or life. Hell man we’re stuck here right here right=t now in a pandemic trying not to die and all you want to do is rage about an z’orange man.” You don’t give a shit about ending racism and bigotry. You have a vested interest in keeping it.going it would seem. You make me tired. Go do something with your life.

Well you really need to drop the white fragility lady. You lived during segregation, you benefitted from segregation, you live white today and whites get to do things we don't. Like bitch about anti white racism when there is none. Or tell everybody else that their concerns don't matter and that the only history that is important to remember or discuss is yours.

You were alive when blacks could not vote, when blacks could not go places, when blacks were denied jobs whites were given, when blacks were not allowed to live in places because of the government and if blacks tried, whites terrorized them. Let me give yo a few examples of what you have lived through besides 9-11.

In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family black family tried to move in to Cicero in Chicago, the police tried to remove them from the home they purchased. Later on a mob of over 4,000 whites busted into his home destroyed everything in it,. threw his furniture out and burned it in the yard. Clark had an injunction because he had been threated with death by whites in that community. But the police did nothing.

In Philadelphia during the first half of 1955 there were 213 acts of viol4ence against blacks by whites and they were done to intimidate and terrorize black's so they would not move into white communities.

In 1964 when blacks tried renting an apartment in a mostly white Chicago neighborhood, whites vandalized the apartment, throwing rocks. The police went into the apartment and removed all the furniture and told the renters they had been evicted.

At the same time in Detroit, there were over 200 acts of violence against blacks v\by whites who terrorized black families so they would not move to the suburbs. Then whit6e like y7ou guys want to talk shit about blacks in Detroit.

In Los Angeles during the war an entire black family was murdered when their home was bombed. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black residences in Los Angeles..

In 1987 .Another black family tried moving into Cicero, and aced gunfire and firebombs,
For the first 5 years after WW2 in just Chicago, there were 317 incidents by whites against blacks who tried living in or near mostly white communities.

And before we have to read the stupid refrain about how this only happens in democratic cities, it happened all over the country.

In 1985 in a Louisville suburb, Robert and Martha Marshall purchased a home. ON THE NIGHT THEY MOVED IN their house was firebombed. One month later whites burnt down the house. The police allowed it to happen. Because the police department in Sylvania Kentucky were members of the Klan. 1985.

I can keep going in order for you to understand that our grievance left slavery in 1865 and that only you racist whites want to make this about slavery because you want to deny how your asses are still practicing the same motherfucking racism that has always been.

You as a white woman even have been able to benefit from our fight for equality because you get to be considered for affirmative action and you white women have benefitted the most from the policy. So drop the racism. You better start understanding who the hell you are talking to in here. We are black, educated, and we are professionals. I earned a masters degree in sociology. I ran a not for profit organization that I built from the ground up with a friend. So you better put some respect in your voice when you talk to me lady because what is tired are people like you.
You drop the racism. I am done talking to you. If you choose to live your miserable little life hating everything white then have at it. I personally don’t give a shit. I had no privilege, no welfare, no nothing. I earned what I needed and asked for nothing. And if you call yourself black and educated then get out there and put your education to use. Stop whining and get a damn life! You don’t want discussions on racism you just want to spew hatred to white people you have never met. Screw that. You want respect? Earn it. Right now all I can muster is laughter. Act like a grown up some time why don’t you.

Like I said, drop the white fragility. Then YOU grow up.

I bet you never said, "white fragility" to any white, face to face, that wasn't a complete cuck that you knew hated whites just as much as you do.
The man is delusional. That's why he must use a per 100,000 equation all the time when he talks about crime. He can't look at the real numbers. What he fails to understand is that whites have none of the factors that cause people to commit crimes yet they commit 70 percent of all crimes in this country.

"None of the factors"?

What the fuck kind of bullshit is that?

THere is no problem that blacks have, that whites do not also face, you raving racist loon.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

Jews think of themselves as a minority, not part of the White Majority, and to not feel any kinship or bond that would encourage them to support any White Interests.

Who are you to tell them that the way they identify is not valid?

Do you believe that being Black, makes you a Moral Authority on such issues?
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.
But, you missed the overall point: being white does not entitle one to the privilege of controlling the banks, etc.

Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

The facts are that if your life is a failure, it's because of YOU. You make choices that are either beneficial to your life, or they are not. Are there assholes out there who take advantage of the system, and abuse the weak? You bet your ass there are, and they are of all races.

Your constant sniveling is a prime example of black fragility.

Face it dude, you're a whiney wimp.
No more than blacks are. Racism is a feeling that you are superior to another person because of their race.

Being AFRAID of a person because of their race doesn't seem racist at all. It is an acknowledgement that blacks commit crimes at a rate far greater than any other racial group.

That's just reality.
So then it's an admission that whites, in general, are AFRAID of blacks, yes?

Note how the subject uses the phrase "seem racist", emphasis on the word "SEEM."
Whites have been afraid of blacks ever since slavery days when they rightfully, in my opinion, lived in fear that their slaves would rise up and kill them while they slept in their beds at night.

When you spend your life violating the basic human rights of another human being and doing everything within your power to oppress them under a doctrine whose falsity can be proven simply by the fact that had any of the things that were done to the slaves had been done to a white person, the white community would have insisted upon swift and fatal justice, it makes sense that you would live in fear of retribution.

A point in case is when whites torched and burned to the ground a community of Tusla, Oklahoma known as the Black Wall Street for the alleged assault of a white girl. All accounts indicated that she had not been assaulted, that she was bumped into by a black teen.

Never in the history of this country have black people been allowed to demand justice in this manner without being charged and convicted of the appicable crimes yet none of the white rioters ever faced justice.

This is the history of the white race in the United States, these types of acts and more, sometimes far more heinous crimes. If you want to view black people through a lens that doesn't include this history and provides no understanding of it, that's a failing on your part and the part of every other racist white person who laments the alleged "racism" of blacks which in most cases is a reaction to the institutional racism that has been practiced in this country against those of us of African descent since it's inception.

In fact many of the members posting on this site crying about their fear of being replaced or of the white race becoming a minority sound as if they fear being treated the way the white race treated black people.

The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921[9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history."[15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and as many as 6,000 black residents were interned at large facilities, many for several days.[16][17] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 39 dead, 26 black and 13 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13[1]:23

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black.[18] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.[2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).
So just a question. How long will ewe hammer white people living today for the days of slavery. I was not alive then were you? Were you alive in 1921 Oklahoma? I was not. I never owned a slave, never even thought about it. Never thought about asking a black person to leave a room because whites were there. If you truly abhor racism you will not accept it in anyone.
I consider your questions fair and I will do my best to answer them. You are correct that racism of any type is abhorrent however let's go back to the premise of IM2's OP, that black "racism" is not a mirror image of white "racism".

What do you consider black racism and what do you consider white racism? Much of what white racists (please note the distinction) call black racism is merely a reaction to the hostility and racism that people of African descent, depending upon their environment and social standing have been subjected to throughout our entire lives to one extent or another.

The thing that no one seems to understand or acknowledge when these past events of horrific racism and violence are mentioned is the discrepency between the races when it comes to justice or in these cases, the lack thereof. If a white person were abducted and made a slave, beaten, raped, sold and worked to death, white people would not stand for that. They would demand justice for the victim and hunt down and lynch any and all black people they "thought" could possibly be involved in order to make an example so that no one else would ever think of doing the same thing. So why is it okay to treat members of one race this way but it's a heinous crime to treat a member of another race this way? Or for a white mob to burn down the most affluent black community in the United States with no repercussion in 1921 and then 64 years later a black Philadelphia neighborhood which housed a fugitive that the police were seeking was literally bombed and burned to the ground?

The primary difference is institutional racism. The white race created and control our laws, policies procedures, social mores, correctional facililties, etc. and they were designed to the benefit of whites at the expense of everyone else. This is documented history.

The reason these incidents keep getting recycled is because even though the laws have changed, the practices of white racists, and institutional racism have not. Even our government admits that many white supremacists enter the military to gain knowledge and training in weapons handling and to learn how to better achive their goals if a race war is truly what they're after.

As far as your last question as to how long do I intend on hammering white people for the sins of their racists ancestors (paraphrasing here), I don't believe I'm doing that. I accept people at face value, for the most part, and unless/until they demonstrate that I shouldn't, I have no qualms with anyone who doesn't intend or is not trying to cause me harm, because in the final analysis, it doesn't matter what a person thinks or believes or wants, it only matters what actions they take and if they are meaning to do harm to another for any reason other than self-defense or preservation, particularly due to their victim's protected class status then that's where the conflict arises, at least for me.

The Evening News is discussing right now the rise of white supremacist domestic terrorists due to the Corona Virus crisis. The more things change, the more they stay the same it seems at time.
Racism is about feeling superior. Feel free to show the class how fear is a feeling of superiority.
Feeling superior is one part of it. Fear of what could happen if you don't stack the deck to make it as formidable as possible for the race you believe is inferior to ever make any gains or catch up with you is why the laws were made "designating" the black race as inferior and the white race as "superior".

There is plenty of fear on display on this site. Fear of being replaced, fear of becoming the minority race, fear of having to compete on actual merit for jobs, education opportunities etc. etc. etc.

On the other hand there is a whole lot of arrogance and stupidity involved as well.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

Jews think of themselves as a minority, not part of the White Majority, and to not feel any kinship or bond that would encourage them to support any White Interests.

Who are you to tell them that the way they identify is not valid?

Do you believe that being Black, makes you a Moral Authority on such issues?

Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

Jews think of themselves as a minority, not part of the White Majority, and to not feel any kinship or bond that would encourage them to support any White Interests.

Who are you to tell them that the way they identify is not valid?

Do you believe that being Black, makes you a Moral Authority on such issues?

So the approximately 7.5 million Jews in America should not be counted as white in the census, even though many have white European ancestry?

I happen to know some who would be offended by that thought, and also offended at being told that they are not vested in "white interests"......whatever that entails.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
No more than blacks are. Racism is a feeling that you are superior to another person because of their race.

Being AFRAID of a person because of their race doesn't seem racist at all. It is an acknowledgement that blacks commit crimes at a rate far greater than any other racial group.

That's just reality.
So then it's an admission that whites, in general, are AFRAID of blacks, yes?

Note how the subject uses the phrase "seem racist", emphasis on the word "SEEM."
Whites have been afraid of blacks ever since slavery days when they rightfully, in my opinion, lived in fear that their slaves would rise up and kill them while they slept in their beds at night.

When you spend your life violating the basic human rights of another human being and doing everything within your power to oppress them under a doctrine whose falsity can be proven simply by the fact that had any of the things that were done to the slaves had been done to a white person, the white community would have insisted upon swift and fatal justice, it makes sense that you would live in fear of retribution.

A point in case is when whites torched and burned to the ground a community of Tusla, Oklahoma known as the Black Wall Street for the alleged assault of a white girl. All accounts indicated that she had not been assaulted, that she was bumped into by a black teen.

Never in the history of this country have black people been allowed to demand justice in this manner without being charged and convicted of the applicable crimes yet none of the white rioters ever faced justice.

This is the history of the white race in the United States, these types of acts and more, sometimes far more heinous crimes. If you want to view black people through a lens that doesn't include this history and provides no understanding of it, that's a failing on your part and the part of every other racist white person who laments the alleged "racism" of blacks which in most cases is a reaction to the institutional racism that has been practiced in this country against those of us of African descent since it's inception.

In fact many of the members posting on this site crying about their fear of being replaced or of the white race becoming a minority sound as if they fear being treated the way the white race treated black people.

The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921[9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history."[15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and as many as 6,000 black residents were interned at large facilities, many for several days.[16][17] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 39 dead, 26 black and 13 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13[1]:23

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black.[18] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.[2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).
Got anything more recent? You know like in the last half century? I can post up thousands of videos of blacks rioting over the last decade.
Were the black people who were rioting arrested & prosecuted? I would bet money that they were and probably contribute to those crime statistics you all like to quote all the time.

None of the white people were arrested with the exception of the sheriff and the general consensus is they arrested him for him refusing to hand over Dick Rowland to the white mob so that they could lynch him. Not a single one of the 2000 white rioters were even arrested let alone prosecuted.

You seriously can't see how these two events differ? And why black people may stil feel a sense of injustice for the pileup of injury upon insult that still continues to this day?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I consider your questions fair and I will do my best to answer them. You are correct that racism of any type is abhorrent however let's go back to the premise of IM2's OP, that black "racism" is not a mirror image of white "racism".

What do you consider black racism and what do you consider white racism? Much of what white racists (please note the distinction) call black racism is merely a reaction to the hostility and racism that people of African descent, depending upon their environment and social standing have been subjected to throughout our entire lives to one extent or another.

The thing that no one seems to understand or acknowledge when these past events of horrific racism and violence are mentioned is the discrepency between the races when it comes to justice or in these cases, the lack thereof. If a white person were abducted and made a slave, beaten, raped, sold and worked to death, white people would not stand for that. They would demand justice for the victim and hunt down and lynch any and all black people they "thought" could possibly be involved in order to make an example so that no one else would ever think of doing the same thing. So why is it okay to treat members of one race this way but it's a heinous crime to treat a member of another race this way? Or for a white mob to burn down the most affluent black community in the United States with no repercussion in 1921 and then 64 years later a black Philadelphia neighborhood which housed a fugitive that the police were seeking was literally bombed and burned to the ground?

The primary difference is institutional racism. The white race created and control our laws, policies procedures, social mores, correctional facililties, etc. and they were designed to the benefit of whites at the expense of everyone else. This is documented history.

The reason these incidents keep getting recycled is because even though the laws have changed, the practices of white racists, and institutional racism have not. Even our government admits that many white supremacists enter the military to gain knowledge and training in weapons handling and to learn how to better achive their goals if a race war is truly what they're after.

As far as your last question as to how long do I intend on hammering white people for the sins of their racists ancestors (paraphrasing here), I don't believe I'm doing that. I accept people at face value, for the most part, and unless/until they demonstrate that I shouldn't, I have no qualms with anyone who doesn't intend or is not trying to cause me harm, because in the final analysis, it doesn't matter what a person thinks or believes or wants, it only matters what actions they take and if they are meaning to do harm to another for any reason other than self-defense or preservation, particularly due to their victim's protected class status then that's where the conflict arises, at least for me.

The Evening News is discussing right now the rise of white supremacist domestic terrorists due to the Corona Virus crisis. The more things change, the more they stay the same it seems at time.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

Jews think of themselves as a minority, not part of the White Majority, and to not feel any kinship or bond that would encourage them to support any White Interests.

Who are you to tell them that the way they identify is not valid?

Do you believe that being Black, makes you a Moral Authority on such issues?

Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks
: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan.
Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
This all assumes that being white entitles one to the benefits of controlling

the banks, (wrong--it's the Jooooz)
the police,
the courts,
the schools, (it's the fucking commies)
the hospitals,
the newspapers, (commies)
the film industry, (wrong--the Jooooz)
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

That privilege is limited to a few (white or otherwise), of different origins (European or otherwise), brought on by too much government power.

The ideals, beliefs, and principles held by Thomas Jefferson are salvation for all. Trust me.

That has been how things have gone Bootney. It's time to stop denying it. Jews are white. Schools are not controlled by communists. Whites have controlled all of those things.

Jews think of themselves as a minority, not part of the White Majority, and to not feel any kinship or bond that would encourage them to support any White Interests.

Who are you to tell them that the way they identify is not valid?

Do you believe that being Black, makes you a Moral Authority on such issues?

So the approximately 7.5 million Jews in America should not be counted as white in the census, even though many have white European ancestry?

I happen to know some who would be offended by that thought, and also offended at being told that they are not vested in "white interests"......whatever that entails.
You know actual Jews?

That's amazing.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Racism is about feeling superior. Feel free to show the class how fear is a feeling of superiority.
Feeling superior is one part of it. Fear of what could happen if you don't stack the deck to make it as formidable as possible for the race you believe is inferior to ever make any gains or catch up with you is why the laws were made "designating" the black race as inferior and the white race as "superior".

There is plenty of fear on display on this site. Fear of being replaced, fear of becoming the minority race, fear of having to compete on actual merit for jobs, education opportunities etc. etc. etc.

On the other hand there is a whole lot of arrogance and stupidity involved as well.

Most of what you say I agree with, however, the decks are now stacked against everyone who is not a part of wealthy ruling elite, or the political class.

Race is no longer the determining factor. In fact the ruling elite use the race game to keep the peons fighting each other.

If the peons ever figure out just how bad they have been played, and screwed over, the fallout will be terrible.

Idiots like Im2, and asslips, follow along like the unthinking lemmings that they are.
No more than blacks are. Racism is a feeling that you are superior to another person because of their race.

Being AFRAID of a person because of their race doesn't seem racist at all. It is an acknowledgement that blacks commit crimes at a rate far greater than any other racial group.

That's just reality.
So then it's an admission that whites, in general, are AFRAID of blacks, yes?

Note how the subject uses the phrase "seem racist", emphasis on the word "SEEM."
Whites have been afraid of blacks ever since slavery days when they rightfully, in my opinion, lived in fear that their slaves would rise up and kill them while they slept in their beds at night.

When you spend your life violating the basic human rights of another human being and doing everything within your power to oppress them under a doctrine whose falsity can be proven simply by the fact that had any of the things that were done to the slaves had been done to a white person, the white community would have insisted upon swift and fatal justice, it makes sense that you would live in fear of retribution.

A point in case is when whites torched and burned to the ground a community of Tusla, Oklahoma known as the Black Wall Street for the alleged assault of a white girl. All accounts indicated that she had not been assaulted, that she was bumped into by a black teen.

Never in the history of this country have black people been allowed to demand justice in this manner without being charged and convicted of the applicable crimes yet none of the white rioters ever faced justice.

This is the history of the white race in the United States, these types of acts and more, sometimes far more heinous crimes. If you want to view black people through a lens that doesn't include this history and provides no understanding of it, that's a failing on your part and the part of every other racist white person who laments the alleged "racism" of blacks which in most cases is a reaction to the institutional racism that has been practiced in this country against those of us of African descent since it's inception.

In fact many of the members posting on this site crying about their fear of being replaced or of the white race becoming a minority sound as if they fear being treated the way the white race treated black people.

The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921[9][10][11][12][13][14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history."[15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and as many as 6,000 black residents were interned at large facilities, many for several days.[16][17] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events was able to confirm 39 dead, 26 black and 13 white, based on contemporary autopsy reports, death certificates and other records.[1]:114 The commission gave overall estimates from 75–100 to 150–300 dead.[1]:13[1]:23

The massacre began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black.[18] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded.[2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).
Got anything more recent? You know like in the last half century? I can post up thousands of videos of blacks rioting over the last decade.
Were the black people who were rioting arrested & prosecuted? I would bet money that they were and probably contribute to those crime statistics you all like to quote all the time.

None of the white people were arrested with the exception of the sheriff and the general consensus is they arrested him for him refusing to hand over Dick Rowland to the white mob so that they could lynch him. Not a single one of the 2000 white rioters were even arrested let alone prosecuted.

You seriously can't see how these two events differ? And why black people may stil feel a sense of injustice for the pileup of injury upon insult that still continues to this day?

Very, very few of them were. In fact, the mayor of Baltimore pretty much let them go berserk.

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